I did not check their site, I was just a walk-in - when I started moving around some and got tired minding a bundle of cash

I had my cedula and immigration card, but they did not even look at them, my passport was all they copied. They asked for a referral, I called my lawyer and on her permission listed her (She said something like - "it's nothing", and did not even bothered to charge me a peso for this).
Then I was told to come back in two weeks or when they call me, with the May holidays it was more like three weeks, but in there I came, they requested two more names to list in the form, I called my lawyer, she spelled two more names of her colleagues, and presto - in half an hour I had a booklet-like thingie.
They requested 300 euro as the initial to open the account, no other limitations, as far as I recall.