Fast track residency ??

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
The only person that posts here with 'fresh' information is Cdn_Gringo....IMO

as far as I know, he is the most recent 'inductee' into RD until we hear otherwise.

He did a lot of research before selecting RD as the country of choice.

Can he, or anybody else, (Licolette, Sr Fabio) tell us which is the most expedient route to choose if you wish to enter RD permanently as a legal resident.

The Profile:

Financially independent Cdn (or other) who wants to shirk the No American lifestyle for retirement.

No postulating, please
No unsupported opinions

Let's emulate our old friend -- Sgt Joe Friday

The facts m'am, just the facts.........please

Hopefully, we can clear away some of the smoke and superstition attached to residency applications.
I have done...Gringo has done it... and many others
It is NOT that arduous.

Again , the question:

What is the most expedient route of entry for a person who can qualify with the highest financial credentials ?

Peanut Gallery and chirpers-- step aside
serious responses only......................if that's possible here


RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006
The categories of residency should not be confused with the requirements to obtain a residency visa in the first place. They are not the same. In order to get a residency visa you need to be in one of the following categories:
1. You are a pensioner and have a minimum of US$1500 a month pension - more if you have dependent children.
2. You have an income from properties in the form of rental income.
3. You are going to/have invested a lot of money in a Dominican company here.
4. You are married to a Dominican
5. You have a contract of work here.

Those people who work from home for their income, do not have a pension, cannot get a Residency Visa. I have had much correspondence recently from those who are in exactly that situation and the various Dominican embassies stick to their guns and will not grant the visas.

The other category is your list is Rentista - those having income from property overseas.


william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Yup, I know they love 'rentistas'

and , yes that category I forgot to add.

investing in a Dominican company can ( IMO ) include setting up a company to own your property, as I do
unlike the US counterpart, I don't think it involves a stipulation to employ 'X' Dominicans

Thanks L.
Good advice you offer

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
work contract

my friend has such a thing

after his 1 yr temporary they handed him a 4 yr card.

he was surprised, so was I

It seems that does you to the 'front of the line'... as they say

credence to your post..........


May 29, 2013
The categories of residency should not be confused with the requirements to obtain a residency visa in the first place. They are not the same. In order to get a residency visa you need to be in one of the following categories:
1. You are a pensioner and have a minimum of US$1500 a month pension - more if you have dependent children.
2. You have an income from properties in the form of rental income.
3. You are going to/have invested a lot of money in a Dominican company here.
4. You are married to a Dominican
5. You have a contract of work here.

Those people who work from home for their income, do not have a pension, cannot get a Residency Visa. I have had much correspondence recently from those who are in exactly that situation and the various Dominican embassies stick to their guns and will not grant the visas.

The other category is your list is Rentista - those having income from property overseas.


"Residency visa?" I don't know of such a thing. There are various categories of visa. And, there are various categories of residency. Putting the two together I do not know. Disclosing my ignorance up front : )


RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006
"Residency visa?" I don't know of such a thing. There are various categories of visa. And, there are various categories of residency. Putting the two together I do not know. Disclosing my ignorance up front : )

Under the new laws you have to start the residency process in your home country via the Dominican consulate who, once you have provided a sheaf of paperwork, if you meet the requirements, will issue you with a residency visa stamp in your passport which then allows you to apply for a temporary residence within 60 days once you are in the DR. Don't worry about your ignorance as they change the rules all the time!



May 29, 2013
Thank you for the explanation. They changed the process to add the residency visa. More work. When I first did it, you could start and finish the process in the DR. WW's question is excellent - what is the quickest way?

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
work contract

my friend has such a thing

after his 1 yr temporary they handed him a 4 yr card.

he was surprised, so was I

It seems that does you to the 'front of the line'... as they say

credence to your post..........

It may be too early answer this question.

The situation is murky from all angles - the rules, the timing, you name it

My friend's situation intrigues me -
he had 1 year of temporary on a work contract situation and was expedited to a 4 yr permanent residency.

It may be that the Gringo gets the same treatment on his 1 year anniversary (or anybody else who came in a 'preferred' classification)
we'll have to wait/see.

I suppose to rephrase my original somewhat --
is there a way to avoid the hassle of the 4 yr temporary renewals ?

Hopefully, the 'rentista' or work contract or financial stability proof can assist in expediting Permanent residency

Is that a better way to ask the question?


Oct 13, 2013
I asked a lawyer about the fast track/ investor one, he knew nothing about it. He called 'someone' he knew in the know and they did, it cost more. Not a lot, but more.

I think the only way to fast track, and not go back to your home for a stamp, is to have a lawyer who has connections. This was a year ago when we asked, and he said we wouldn't have to go back. He wanted $2,600 for my wife and I and a $1,000 per kid after that.

But, my wife now has a work contract, and they will hopefully help with residency. I will post the process once it is under way.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
going back isn't an issue.... avoiding that 4yr temporary period is what I'm trying find.

I just think it will be valuable ot people.

re-reading Gringo's posts, he mentions the merging of the Retiree and Investor classifications during his application

anybody got feedback on that ?


Who empowered China's crime against humanity?
Jun 28, 2004
There is a thread on this subject - a big thread
your explanation is there


I have read all the threads, and there is none that say there is true equalization for men and woman, men seeking the marriage citizenship route appear to have extra steps. I thought yacht chef heard something different from Guzman.


Apr 29, 2014
Originally I was to renew at two year intervals. In Oct. 2014 the rules changed again and as of right now, all new residencies issued are renewable for the first time in one year. I have to wait and see how long before the 2nd renewal.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009


Who empowered China's crime against humanity?
Jun 28, 2004

did you read post #98 here ??

This does not apply to this thread.....

""My opinion is that the law can no longer discriminate against men on this issue. The equality clause in the 2010 Constitution (Article 39) is quite clear:

"All persons are born free and equal before the law and shall receive the same protection and treatment from institutions,
authorities and other persons, and shall enjoy the same rights, freedoms and opportunities, without discrimination due to gender,
skin color, age, disability, national origin, family ties, language, religion, political or philosophical opinions, social or personal conditions".

Any law in the books to the contrary should be declared unconstitutional.""

My point exactly. There are still two separate processes.


RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006
This is what was written by Fabio Guzman in this article here: Dominican Immigration Law - Guzm?n Ariza

EXPEDITED RESIDENCY Law 171-07, enacted July 13, 2007, acknowledges the benefit of foreign investments to the general and economic well-being of the Dominican people and nation.

Foreign nationals meeting certain criteria can acquire residency status within forty-five working days from the date an application is admitted for inspection at the Immigration Department (Decree No. 950-01). Eligibility Criteria Property owners with rental income, investors, and retirees are eligible to apply for residency on an expedited basis if certain income requirements and other specific criteria are met. The term used to describe this status is “Investment Residency,” and is not always easy to obtain. The foreign national must submit the same documents required for the normal residency process, and additional documents that evidence the foreign national’s eligibility for Investment Residency. Property Owner with Rental Income

a) Income may be derived from rental property anywhere in the world.

b) Income must be a minimum of US$2000 per month. An additional income of US$250 per month per minor in the immediate family and spouse accompanying the applicant must be added.

c) Proof of rental income evidenced by an official document such as a lease must be certified, authenticated, and translated into Spanish for submission to the Immigration Department. Investor Criteria

a) The investment must be US$200,000 or more.

b) The investment may be direct or indirect, for example, a real estate transaction, a deposit in a bank account, or an investment in a project in the Dominican Republic.

c) The investment must be registered in the Dominican Republic, evidenced by a Certificate of Investment. Regulation 214-04 on Foreign Investment Registration stipulates the criteria for registering investments with the Department of Export and Investments (CEI-RD). The CEI-RD issues a Certificate of Investment approximately one month from the date of application, and the Certificate must be regularly renewed. The holder of a valid Certificate of Investment can sponsor immediate family members, if an individual, or company employees, if a corporation, for expedited residency. Retiree Criteria

a) Income must come from a public or private plan providing retirement income.

b) Income must be at least US$1,500 per month. An additional income of US$250 per month per minor in the immediate family and spouse accompanying the applicant must be added.

c) Proof of retirement income must be certified by the plan provider, authenticated, and translated into Spanish for submission to the Immigration Department. Processing Time and Residency Validity Although the time for the expedited process for residency is set at forty-five days, the actual length of the time required to obtain the Investment Residency card will depend on the time needed to authenticate documents in the country of origin, take the medical exam, and prepare local documents for submission to the Immigration Department. Investment Residency is valid for one year. One benefit is that within six months of obtaining this status, the foreign national may apply for “Investment Citizenship.
