Female Sex Tourists

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Nov 7, 2013
See, this "real boyfriend experience" really ticks me off. Because they're not actually getting the "real boyfriend experience", are they? I've dated a lot of fellas in my day, but I didn't have to supply them with a paycheque to keep it going...the sanky dominican men are portrayed as these evil manipulators, while the women involved are naive saints who have been duped. THAT's what ticks me off.

Good little article, WW. I do see harm in it...because there are long term psychological effects bound to affect both parties. BUT, I don't believe it is my place to set up a check point in front of Jose O'Shays to warn people about it either. I just think that it's time to call it like it is. Why bother pretending anymore?


Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
Well,..... :rolleyes:



LMAO! Too funny!:D

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Thanks for the "Flashback" to when I was working the beach in "Negril"!!!
I can still remember "Barbara"!

I saw a TV show about women who marry guys in prison.
They showed "Visiting Hours" with the women and their incarcerated husbands.
Most of the women were fat to obese, and not attractive.
They were attracted to the guys because of their emails talking only about how much they loved the women.
I see a big similarity among the women looking for "Sankis" and those looking for husbands.
First guy who ever paid any attention to them, and they are smitten!
That's COOL!
Even we Fat People like to feel "special" to someone,...................ANYONE!!!!!


Jan 3, 2007
I have seen some of those woman, and the sankies are earning every peso.
Likewise when I see a hot chica walking down the street with a gringo suffering from morbid obesity, I think she should be getting paid overtime or by the pound.
Like kenthedentman said, we all pay one way or another.
There is nothing like sitting at a table upstairs at the "Jungle" in Negril, watching the Grannies shopping for their rent-a-dreads whom they will parade around the beach, walking behind them carrying their bags, stopping on the beach or at the cliffs to massage them, grease them down with SPF-95 (WD-40) and fetch. There's a lot of fetching going on.

The way these Women speak to these providers is not the way they'd speak to a Man who they respect and the "fantastic" sex is only "fantastic" for them. Those Guys have sold their self respect for pay. Make no mistake about it, these Women aren't being "tricked". They know what they want, they know what it will cost them and they know that they are in total control of the "relationship". If they were paying by the hour it would just be about sex. These omen are paying for the privilege of sexual domination in return for financial support for the period of their stay.

They don't like changing partners when they find a good one and they will send support and gifts between trips.


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
To each his own..if Barbara found her moment of happiness in Jamaica then good for her. Young ,old, fat or skinny I see nothing wrong in vacation sex/romance. Guys do it all the time...buy the girl drinks ,dinner, money for the salon, transportation to and from her home, etc.. The trick is to know the difference between vacation sex/romance and a relationship. On departure everything stays behind understanding that all it was and ever will be is a little vacation fun.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
There is nothing like sitting at a table upstairs at the "Jungle" in Negril, watching the Grannies shopping for their rent-a-dreads whom they will parade around the beach, walking behind them carrying their bags, stopping on the beach or at the cliffs to massage them, grease them down with SPF-95 (WD-40) and fetch. There's a lot of fetching going on.

The way these Women speak to these providers is not the way they'd speak to a Man who they respect and the "fantastic" sex is only "fantastic" for them. Those Guys have sold their self respect for pay. Make no mistake about it, these Women aren't being "tricked". They know what they want, they know what it will cost them and they know that they are in total control of the "relationship". If they were paying by the hour it would just be about sex. These omen are paying for the privilege of sexual domination in return for financial support for the period of their stay.

They don't like changing partners when they find a good one and they will send support and gifts between trips.

glad you shed this perspective on it, GD. if anyone comes out on the short end of the stick (or bamboo) it is the guys who sell out whatever little manhood they might have had to service these women.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
"The SEX is Fantastic Only For Them".
Who the hell do you think they want it to be "Fantastic" for?????
When I pay a woman to have sex with me, she is a contract employee.
Do I care if the guy who paints my house has a great time painting it???
These guys, and girls, provide a service, and the money is their reward, not the sex.
What do most of these black Jamaicans have, other than their "Cocks"??????
Selling "Meat Pies" so to speak!

"Grey Hair & Gorgonzola" don't forget to invite us to the wedding!!!!!


Jan 3, 2007
"The SEX is Fantastic Only For Them".
Who the hell do you think they want it to be "Fantastic" for?????
When I pay a woman to have sex with me, she is a contract employee.
Do I care if the guy who paints my house has a great time painting it???
These guys, and girls, provide a service, and the money is their reward, not the sex.
What do most of these black Jamaicans have, other than their "Cocks"??????
Selling "Meat Pies" so to speak!

"Grey Hair & Gorgonzola" don't forget to invite us to the wedding!!!!!

I'm not assigning right or wrong, I'm just putting it out there the way it is. I've seen a few too many opinions stating that somehow these Women were duped or "used" and thought that they were in real romances with some horrible gigolo when in fact they are simply tricks.

If you can relate having sex to painting your house, I mean other than starting from the top and working your way down then I understand why you may be paying a little extra.

You want a "wedding invite"? Go practice gumming meat pies....so to speak.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
"The SEX is Fantastic Only For Them".
Who the hell do you think they want it to be "Fantastic" for?????
When I pay a woman to have sex with me, she is a contract employee.
Do I care if the guy who paints my house has a great time painting it???
These guys, and girls, provide a service, and the money is their reward, not the sex.
What do most of these black Jamaicans have, other than their "Cocks"??????
Selling "Meat Pies" so to speak!

"Grey Hair & Gorgonzola" don't forget to invite us to the wedding!!!!!

they have the same thing white Jamaicans have. which, apparently you don't, which is why you are not on their shopping list.


Jan 3, 2007
they have the same thing white Jamaicans have. which, apparently you don't, which is why you are not on their shopping list.
Don't waste your time. He knows nothing of the Island's diversity, history, culture and doesn't care to.


Nov 17, 2004
What I find humorous are the sanctimonious musings of people who state the obvious as some sort of eye-opening revelation.

While the sexual exploits of Blanche, Ethel and Maude are duly covered as some sort of shockingly revelatory behavior pattern by middle-aged vacationers hitherto unknown by the general populace, this has been going on forever. Women have been flocking to the west coast of Africa, Jamaica, and until recently Haiti to get theirs for years.

Rolling Stone magazine had an article on this very same subject a while ago about white women travelling to Jamaica for some "Jamaican Steel", and the photos published of these couples were nothing special, neither particularly pleasing nor offending.

These women are by and large no more or less physically repulsive or emotionally stunted than their male counterparts. And just like some of these greasy lothario expats who believe in their heart of hearts that they "conquista las mujeres mas finas" because they are so charming, so too do some women delude themselves into thinking the relationships with their native companions are for real.

The stereotypes that arise from these dalliances are low-hanging fruit, but the truth is many young, fine white women are also going to places like the DR for their sexual fix. Cabarete is one place where I've seen this. These are women that can get laid ANYWHERE, whereas their make-it-rain male counterparts need that 40-plus exchange rate to turn their dollars into hypnotic pimp notes.
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william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Lends a new meaning to 'slut'......

Honestly, they are aware - they calculate- their femininity pushes them more towards a 'relationship' than a male would feel.

Live and learn


New member
Dec 17, 2012
I was feeling a bit spicy and hot until I saw that picture. On my way to Zumba for a good "back" view in case caught from "back."


Sep 6, 2011
Finally, a subject of which i know something about: Sex tourism. Is this in the Off Topic section? I hope so, because what i'm about to share with you right now will make any brothel seem like kindergarten. Turn the page now if you do not like graphic, honest discussions about sex.

Ok, first, as everyone knows who has ever worked on a cruise ship...cruise ships are chalk full of horny single, older women on a mission! They come onto the cruise ships looking for love and romance and they are not leaving without it. You understand? I've worked on a lot of ships, too many...but the Caribbean cruises are the most crazy, fun, kinky, and exhausting.

I was based out of Old San Juan, Puerto Rico for one year without a day off. We left port every Sunday evening at 7pm and returned the following Sunday at 6am. Single women came onto the ship like a herd of cattle going to the feed lots. The first two nights on the cruise ships is a lot like the first two rounds of a boxing match: everyone is trying to feel each other out.

The first two nights are when single women and officers, waiters, bartenders, staff, and entertainment crew all find themselves a partner. I've always been part of the Entertainment Staff on ships, so i've always had first pickings.

Every week i had a new girlfriend. Every Sunday morning they would get off the ship, and the same evening we left port with another 1500 passengers and new heard of cattle. It was impossible not to have sex if you breathed oxygen. It was impossible not to have crazy, kinky and wild sex if you could count to 10...which is how long it took for the clothes to come off once you were back in your cabin.

When people are away from the comfort zone of their home, workplace, and family, they let their hair down...way down...and they leave their inhibitions behind. I had so much upside down sex on ships that i almost became a vampire from standing on my head so much while having sex. Honestly, sometimes i would pass out from the blood rushing to my head. Try having sex during a hurricane or tropical storm in the middle of the Caribbean.

The women came in all shapes, colors, and sizes. Sometimes i had sex with someone and maybe the chemistry wasn't right, so another entertainer, waiter, or officer would move in and woo her and she would spend the rest of the cruise with him. There is no jealousy on cruise ships. None. Zero! You know why? Because everyone is gone by the end of the week and another 1500 passengers are loaded onto the ship like a new herd of cattle.

Single mothers are crazy, but the the divorcees between the ages of 35yrs and 45yrs are crazy dangerous!! Very dangerous. There is just no way to keep up with them. You cannot out screw a women. Ever. It's impossible. Physically it's impossible. They are made to take as much pounding as you can deliver. A woman will smile away as you make your best effort to out work them. A Beaver can take all the pounding and punishment you can deliver and still feel as if they've done the equivalent of one push-up.

You cannot out work a Beaver. You cannot out last a Beaver. They're like the Energizer Rabbit. You think you can pound them into submission? Wrong. They'll pound you into submission. A Beaver has got millions of years of Evolutionary mutations working to their advantage. They can take a horse for the love of god. How do you think you can compare?

Anyway, the women came onto the ships like a herd of cattle going to the feed lots. They can beat a man into submission and then laugh their way off the ship and back home. For many women, it's conquer and control. It's control and conquest. A woman has millions of years of Evolutionary Mutations that make their Beavers speak to them in a language which you and I will never understand. A beaver is voodoo to a man. You do not control the Beaver....the Beaver controls you.

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Sep 6, 2011

"Before I go any further, let me first describe myself and my friend and camping buddy, Jake," the reader told reporters. "We are both in our mid-20s, and are extremely muscular and athletic, with tanned, sculpted bodies, luscious locks of blonde hair, and tight, shapely buns."

The reader went on to state that both he and his friend Jake are extraordinarily well-endowed, with penis lengths of 10 and 12 inches, respectively, well above the national penis-length average of five and three-quarters inches."

"The reader, pausing at intervals to dab his forehead with a small cloth, then offered an in-depth account of the many sex acts performed by the five consenting adults, including details regarding: whose genitals were being sucked, probed and stimulated by whom at what times; which women were chesty and which were petite; the color and shaved-or-unshaved status of the genital hair of each female participant; and the relative positions and frequency of orgasm experienced by each of the two-, three-, four- and five-person coital combinations which occurred over course of the 48-hour period."

HAHA..that's some funny stuff right there!!

May 29, 2006
I like to think most of us have a couple "I never thought it would happen to me" stories. I do, though none recent. Frank skews the average just with the redhead..
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