the only thing that can turn the POP economy around is a robust injection of foreign exchange, and people like Americans are not going to be attending cockfights in droves. that is a society that loves its animals, and treats them well. you do time for mistreating animals in the USA. just ask Michael Vick. in the DR, kids throw rocks at dogs, and consider it fun. not so in North America.
Sometime back I made comment about " I hate cockfights" and Nals or Pichardo replied " Cock fighting is big in Puerto Rico are you sure you are part Puerto Rican" This is why I love so called educated Dominicans so much LOL. Cockfighting goes ALL THE WAY BACK to slavery days. African slaves were the "handlers" for the masters birds, but was never paid for all the money made during these so called "cockfights" if you look back at the movie "Roots" and the man "Chicken George" will explain how important cock fighting was in the south during slavery.
I am so glad my mother married a Puerto Rican instead of a Dominican because say what you want about Puerto Ricans they all have THEIR own mind. All Puerto Ricans don't listen to salsa, all Puerto Ricans don't play baseball, all Puerto Ricans don't like Daddy Yankee and all Puerto Ricans don't enjoy cockfights, but Dominicans "MONKEY SEE MONKEY DO"
I have witness men like Sugar Ray Leonard, Tommy "Hitman" Hearns, Marvin Hagler, the late great Hector "Macho" Camacho, Mike Tyson, Felix Trinidad, Oscar de la Hoya, saw tape of The Greatest of all time( his name is not needed we know who he is) Roy Jones Jr and so many more. How can I sit and watch these true artist in a battle of skills and excellence and then go somewhere and watch some DAMN birds with BEAKS and Feathers fight like I am watching the infamous " Leonard Hagler fight.
You know why Dominicans will NEVER be great boxers??? because fighting a woman and training birds to fight will only get their ass KNOCK OUT when they want to battle a real man in the ring.
I have gambled on dice, sporting events, lottery, and slot machines, but there is now way in hell I am going to bet on something with feathers and a beak.
Anybody that sits and watch to animals battle like Tyson in the 80's and part of the 90's and find enjoyment in it IMO they went wrong somewhere in life.