first trip-with hindsight-if you could do it again


New member
Jul 6, 2004
As per title - for those who have been to the DR once or many times, with all that you know now what do you recommend (assuming all options open) the first time traveller to DR do?

a- hire a car and travel to every major and minor spot on the island?
b- as above but using public transport?
c- go to a specific place bcos its the best and the rest is a waste of time?
d- spoil yourself at a particular all inclusive bcos its a great place to get away & indulge yourself?
e- take the longest most encompasing trip possible or take it in several bite size pieces (trips)?

btw Im not asking what I should do (my usual style is b) Im asking what YOU would do IN HINDSIGHT and Im very interested to know
May 31, 2005
I would take many not so small trips. There is just too much to see and when I visit someplace new I like to take my time exploring.


Mar 18, 2002
dancebaby said:
e- take the longest most encompasing trip possible or take it in several bite size pieces (trips)?
The answer partially depends on the distance one travel's to get the DR. In my case I am only a 3.5 hour direct flight from the DR, so I prefer to make multiple trips each year of short durations to different parts of the island. In your case, since you have a 30+ hour flight, this method probably is not feasible.
May 31, 2005
rellosk said:
The answer partially depends on the distance one travel's to get the DR. In my case I am only a 3.5 hour direct flight from the DR, so I prefer to make multiple trips each year of short durations to different parts of the island. In your case, since you have a 30+ hour flight, this method probably is not feasible.
That's true.


New member
Jul 6, 2004
the preferred way

that is true,

but you might for example take many short trips due to difficulty getting time off work or some other reason which places this limit on you, whereas KNOWING the place as you do you might say 'ideally if I didnt have those constraints I would take one long road trip aiming to see it all and never go back bcos Id be on to the next place - or you may do it like that bcos its the best way in your opinion and bcos you can

For example I, in the past took many trips to Fiji, (which is close to here and from where I knew many people). After travelling to the homes towns of many people across the island I came to 2 conclusions
1. its a great place for true back packing - you can travel via pick up truck hitch hiking and when you stop just ask about staying the night at someones home (the hard part is leaving)
2. i wouldnt bother travelling as there is one place I know that has it all and everywhere else is a waste of time

see what I mean?


Oct 18, 2004
Interesting question. In hindsight? Well, I've been traveling to the DR for six years, one trip each for the first four, four trips last year, and I'm making my second trip this year in less than two weeks. On each of my first four trips I stayed in the capitol and did day trips to the beach at Boca Chica. Last year I ventured North and visited with the whales at Samana in March and then stayed in Las Terrenas on my other three visits. If I have one regret, it is that I waited so long to travel North! In hindsight, I would do exactly what I do now, that is, I would stay in the capitol for several days to visit the Cathedral, Parques, and Castles, etc, which I never tire of, and also to party, and then travel by Caribe Tours bus to the North and stay either in Las Terrenas or Las Galeras.

I would not drive! First, because Dominican drivers are crazy and the roads are horrendous! Second, because you would miss the wonderful countryside trying to keep your vehicle on the road.

I admit that I have yet to visit the cities in the interior, particularly Santiago which is next on my list, and I have yet to do Puerto Plata, Sousua, and Cabarette [I know I botched the spellings]. I can't imagine any more beautiful beaches than Rincon or Playa Bonita on the Samana Peninsula, but I'm looking forward to find out what everyone loves about Puerto Plata and the beaches near there.


Oct 5, 2005
I agree

I agree that you should not drive - too dangerous and you miss the fabtastic scenery.

I headed right to the North - and recommend that, no regrets.

I have a shocking confession. I had heard horror stories about All Inclusives (AIs), so I avoided them and did the rough and tumble on my own thing (speak fluent Spanish).

Well, in hind-sight, it would've been nice, with a few more bucks in my wallet, to make a base out of an AI - and go out every day on my own.

I would recommend Casa Marina near Las Galeras for this kind of thing - there are plenty of small trips that you can take via guagua or you can charter a taxi for the day. PM me for the name and phone number of our trusted taxi guide who gets us at POP.

Oh, POP is closer to the northern coast BUT let me tell you that the drive from Samana/Las Galeras to Santo Domingo is beautiful!!!!!! And different from the coastal greenery. Well worth a 5 hour ride. (POP is 3-4 hours).

Let us know how it goes for you!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Jan 2, 2002
wow that was 14 years ago (and I was a youngster of 17 at the time) - do not think I would change a thing since it got me to stay.

One regret I wish I would have done more of when I had the time was spend more time doing gastronomical investiagations with street and side of the road vendors. Nothing like my 2 + week road trip putting 3000 miles on the 86 coralla and eating everything that was sold on the side of the highway. And stopping at caferterias/truck stops along the way.


New member
May 20, 2005
I would

stay for periods of two weeks at a time, as opposed to taking week long trips. I have two more one week stays, and then I'm going to try a 2 week stay to see how it goes.