MrMike said:
It's basically a request for Centennial to improve it's customer service, what I can't tell is whether the OP is just trying to drive traffic to his site for advertising income and build an email list for later spamming or if he really cares about Centennial's customer service.
I think chances overwhelmingly favor the former.
(edited later to add)
OK nm, in browsing the OP's other posts it looks like he's most likely for real - although the website he linked to may or may not be.
I am the owner of the website he linked to, and the only reason I found out the link was posted here was by looking at the referrer stats on my site. Whether the website is for real or not depends on your definition of real. It has been live for over a year, which you can easily see from this link:
The site exists because I am interested in the telecom's topic and I just wanted to provide a way for people to be informed, to compare plans and to help others choose their wireless provider.
Lately a couple of users started a forum thread about the things they would like Centennial to improve and started listing them. I saw this, and even though I am not a Centennial user, offered to develop the little petition application so they could accomplish what they wanted. I don't intend to use the information provided for any purpose other than the one clearly stated on the petition form, which is to let the two guys organizing this send it to Centennial. I didn't even have a registration option before and just added it to validate the submissions and prevent people from filling the form "just for fun".
Finally, of course I am interested in driving traffic to my site, otherwise I would not waste my time maintaining it. And to cover the costs, a little money from google does not hurt. However, I had nothing to do with this particular post appearing here. Additionally, I have had a dr1 link on my site for several months already, driving some traffic here, however small that traffic may be.