Funeral/Burial help please.

My Gardeners mom who we both love just passed away last night at 4am in our barrio. She is getting buried
today at 4pm and I was wondering if it was normal for the burial to happen so quickly after and is this the funeral?

Do you bring flowers like I would in N.A.?
Any help on what to bring would be great, ty.

We found out when it happened as we were just getting back from Carnival in La Vega and we went over to her house right away and it was very interesting to watch 60 people in and out of the house with her body at 4am. Everyone in our Village was there. (locals only, other than us)

She was a great woman RIP Mami!


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Yes, very normal to have a fast burial, embalming is very rare here.

I've seen elaborate floral sprays at Blandino Funeral Home in Santo Domingo, but they are NOT the norm elsewhere. There will probably be 9 nights of prayers/mourning, and on the 9th day they will have some sort of get-together for family and friends.


Sep 27, 2006
it's hot. decomposition is fast. hence the burial being done within 24 hours. do not bring flowers. if you are going to participate in the funeral wear white, black or dark clothing. it will be appreciate if you show up and tell the family how much you valued the lady.


Sep 27, 2006
no gifts or contributions are expected but they can be a nice gesture. coffee and sugar is a good idea and so is a liqueur or maybe a bottle of rum. usually not much drinking is involved but some will have a glass or two. another idea is to bring other refreshments: a large bottle of coca-cola and refresco rojo.


Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
Harley, coffee, sugar, refrescos and crackers(galletitas dulce). Just don't go overboard acting like Santa Claus. Keep it simple.:)
Ok so we followed everyone in cars to the graveyard and that was actually pretty emotional, then walked the coffin to the area
and put it in the ground where some people did lay flowers on her grave.
We then went back to the barrio and had some coffee and chit chat. Sunday there is some sort of thing happening when
everyone has the day off work.

As sad as it was, I find all of these new experiences here very interesting.

We did bring coffee sugar and pop which people seem very pleased with.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Ok so we followed everyone in cars to the graveyard and that was actually pretty emotional, then walked the coffin to the area
and put it in the ground where some people did lay flowers on her grave.
We then went back to the barrio and had some coffee and chit chat. Sunday there is some sort of thing happening when
everyone has the day off work.

As sad as it was, I find all of these new experiences here very interesting.

We did bring coffee sugar and pop which people seem very pleased with.

Even when I barely know the person that died the emotion of those grieving affects me. I seem to go to these things in bunches, probably around 10 since November.


Sep 27, 2006
i treat funeral as an interesting cultural event. i get somewhat emotional too if the deceased is close to my parents' age. i've also been to funerals of really old people that seemed more like a party where life was celebrated more that death was grieved, if you know what i mean.