"The Tourist Watcher"
Re: Ever been to the NYC Public Library?
NYC has more people than our entire island in the most developed country. Have you been the NYC Public Library at Fifth Ave. and 42nd.? Have you seen their selection of Spanish books? I have seen better English libraries here than their Spanish section there. If all you came to DR was to read English books, I suggest you do as I do, fly to Miami and go shopping for your selections or shop thru Amazon. Or are you that poor that you have to go to a public library? May I buy you a book? e-mail me and I will help you.
NYC has more people than our entire island in the most developed country. Have you been the NYC Public Library at Fifth Ave. and 42nd.? Have you seen their selection of Spanish books? I have seen better English libraries here than their Spanish section there. If all you came to DR was to read English books, I suggest you do as I do, fly to Miami and go shopping for your selections or shop thru Amazon. Or are you that poor that you have to go to a public library? May I buy you a book? e-mail me and I will help you.