God, its hot! And fireworks at Christmas???


"The Tourist Watcher"

Re: Ever been to the NYC Public Library?

NYC has more people than our entire island in the most developed country. Have you been the NYC Public Library at Fifth Ave. and 42nd.? Have you seen their selection of Spanish books? I have seen better English libraries here than their Spanish section there. If all you came to DR was to read English books, I suggest you do as I do, fly to Miami and go shopping for your selections or shop thru Amazon. Or are you that poor that you have to go to a public library? May I buy you a book? e-mail me and I will help you.



u changed the subject!!!

Jan, I agree with everything you say!!! But why do you mention money? I made no reference to money, did I ???

However, you changed the subject! I do agree with what you say about friends and all that, but what about books, theater, art., music (not merengue!)...

You talk about life! For me, life is culture, culture is life!

You are American, no? Well, in the USA I have had great experiences from visits to the Metrpolitan Opera in New York to a Broadway show to jazz in the Village. I have seen Vaudeville in Durango, Colorado and local theater in Princeton, NJ. And so on... You don't miss this?

I guess we are different...


what's all this about NYC?

Well, TW... first of all, I have indeed been to the NYC Public Library! However, I did not check for books in Spanish...

Secondly, I dont know why you mention NYC and that particular library of all the libraires on this planet?

In my home town of Gothenburg, SWEDEN, there is an excellent selection of literature in Spanish in the city library. I know that, since I checked it myself and also heard about it from friends from Chile now living in Sweden. I might add that Gothenburg has less than HALF the population than Santo Domingo!

Thirdly, I did not come here to read books... but the "output" of literature and other forms of culture says something about the diversity and "soul" of a country, doesn't it???

Or am I totally wrong???

Finally, you dont have to patronize me by offering books!!! I think I can manage...


Just my 2 ?

If you like plays and things, go to the Casa del Teatro. It is very close to being the Cultural heart of the city of Santo Domingo. From there you can learn about other cultural events happening in other parts of the city and the country.



Re: u changed the subject!!!

Hi JohnS

Are you in Santo Domingo now? If you are you can find many cultural events going on there. There are many small theater groups that put on some quality plays. Pick up a newspaper and check for locations. I have not been to SD since November so I do not know exactly what is available this week. Another option is to ask at the service desk of your hotel. SD holds a fantastic book fair and sale in October ( I think it is October) every year. THe Dominican Fiesta Hotel hosts many of these events. Perhaps someone from your hotel would call there for you and check for upcoming events. You can also find art galleries in the city. Happy hunting JohnS, I wish I was there to be of more help.


I have done that

I was never in NY..but I have done and seen some cultural events..but my friend here is an opera singer in NY and he sings here also..
I don't miss that..This is a different part of my life and I love it. Life is change and accepting it.I think I am learning alot living here and I think there are things like that here...I don't know where..but I can't say for sure.
Tonight I went to Villa Consuelo to visit some of my friends there and I loved it. There was a band in the streets playing old traditional merengue.Now to me that is learning the culture here.It was a dirty street,dogs laying around,people on plastic chairs drinking Presidente out of plastic glasses.And I loved it. That is Dominican culture.
I'm sorry if I changed the subject but this is what I love about this country..the real people..not the plastic ones...


PO Box International

Yopu can get PO box International..it is a Miami address..have your things mailed there and then they send it to you here.It seems pretty reliable so far.If you want a referal its a little cheeper..I think its RD$300 without and RD$200 with a referal for 1 year for their services.I'll give you a referal if you need it.



Were you refering to Jan? She was the one who dropped the word marvel. Not that I disagree with her.

Well, I am obviously not DR1's "cultural expert". And maybe you will not enjoy the same things I do. But here a few suggestions.

Buy a newspaper once in a while. Preferably Listin Diario. They list the cultural activities going on in the city.

Get an EPS membership. Then when you buy on Amazon or B&N and have them ship your books to your own mail box in the US and then delivered to DR by express courier.

Buy used books: 1st. Sat of every month at Hellen Kellogg. RD$5.00 apiece. Book fair once a year, probably RD$10.00/RD$15.00 apiece. Conde right next to McDonalds, RD$10.00/RD$15.00 apiece. Of course nothing beats going to a real book shop and selecting your books, but I've found jewels this way, and the price cannot get any better.

Go to Casa de Teatro as HB suggested. Coincidentally I was there last night. Patricia Pereyra and Tizana, her Jazz band, on concert. It was... like... "?cortame las venas!". Anyways, they have activities and expositions every night.

If I think of something else I'll let you know.



one of the friends that accompanied me to Casa de Teatro last night is an old classmate that is living in Gothemburg Sweden. She was joking that she found a Spanish book in a public library in Gothemburg that was bought in Libreria Velasco in Santo Domingo. Talk about a small world.

She is happy to be here now anyways... the alternative is, let's put it this way, b..t-freezing cold.


To Brenda Re: u changed the subject!!!

Yep, I am here now, in Santo Domingo, since one week! Thanks for the valuable advice, Brenda! I will check it up, for sure! I did not know about that bookfair, sounds interesting!


Re: Criss Colon(AKA)Miriam Webster

Hmmm. I dont like any communist ho's Even if they might be distantly related. SOME people I know readily admit he is a master crook. Others I happen to know admire him for the perks it brings them. His own family is split on him, but due more to ideology and point of view than any personal relationships with him.

Miriam Webster

Re: Criss Colon(AKA)Miriam WebsterTW

TW there is no "shame" in not understanding English.You didn,t know that "sibling" means brother or sister,not son or daughter.OK, I don,t know a million words in Spanish! The differance is,I admit my weaknesses,you lie to cover yours! You should spend more time studying English,and less time searching the Net,for your responses to DR1 Posters! "Shalom" Miriam

"The Tourist Watcher"

Re: Criss Colon(AKA)Miriam WebsterTW

The day you can keep up with me in English I shall retire from posting.
Just reading your run on sentence carnival makes me cringe.


las vegas lurker

Re: Criss Colon(AKA)Miriam WebsterTW

Thank God! TW and Chriss, sorry, Miriam back togetrher again.