4 members of the same family were found dead in a house, ages ranging from 20 to 60. One was left injured. They had several gun shots each. The Haitian gang consisted of 3 men heavily armed. People are saying this rural comunity near Partido in Dajabón province has been very safe until not too long ago when acts of crimes and murder began to appear. The fwmily was dedicated to cattle ranching in the area.
Here you can see the wooden home with one of the killed covered in a blanket.
The motive isn't known. Another cattle rancher saw the Haitian gang leaving after comitting the crime and threatened him.

Identifican cuatro miembros de una familia asesinados a tiros en Dajabón
Las autoridades identificaron los nombres de las cuatro persona asesinadas la madrugada de este lunes en la provincia Dajabón.

Here you can see the wooden home with one of the killed covered in a blanket.

Matan a cuatro personas dentro de una vivienda en Dajabón
Al menos cuatro personas fueron ultimadas este lunes en la localidad Aminilla, en La Barrera, en el municipio de Partido, provincia Dajabón.