Has any government agency ever tested Dominican medicine for purity and potency?

Apr 7, 2014
I saw a report on labs in India and China that make generic copies of patented and unpatented drugs. They mentioned some of the manufacturing processes and sterility is compromised at some labs.

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Oct 6, 2018
Counterfeit drugs - warning to the public

Dominican Republic. The Secretariat of State for Public Health and Social Assistance (SESPAS) has published an announcement in the national press warning the public about counterfeit medicines.

The Secretariat received a report that counterfeit and unapproved medicines were being sold to the population. It was informed by the Department of investigations of counterfeiting of the National Police that some medicines had been seized. Laboratory analysis showed that they contained the correct active ingredient but these products were believed to be counterfeit because the labelling did not correspond to the genuine product.

The general public are therefore recommended to check that the packaging of medicines contains the following information:

• name of laboratory
• number of registration
• lot number
• expiry date.

Pharmacists and Health Centres are urged to ensure that they acquire medicines only from authorized warehouses and distributors.

In 2018, the Office of the Special Prosecutor for Crimes and Crimes against Health (Pedecsa) seized more than RD $ 258 million in counterfeit drugs, an amount that exceeded the seized during the period 2003-2007.

In the Dominican Republic, illicit drugs (counterfeit, expired and re-labeled, stolen and smuggled, such as donations to Haiti that enter illegally through the border) represent about 10% of the private pharmaceutical market (approximately RD $ 3,000 million ), says the executive vice president of the Association of Pharmaceutical Representatives, Agents and Producers (ARAPF).
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Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
I know they popped some Venezuelans
running a counterfit drugs factory here
a few years ago but I believe the drugs
were being exported as Customs was
involved however I wouldn't be surprised
if some ended up in local pharmacies.
Counterfit drugs are openly sold by
Haitians in the street here in Santiago.

Buyer beware.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
I remember Matilda having a problem with blood pressure meds not working, turned out they were fakes
Apr 7, 2014
I remember Matilda having a problem with blood pressure meds not working, turned out they were fakes
Thats why I asked. I bought a 3 month supply from the pharmacy in Santiago and yesterday the clinic says my numbers were 150/103. When I take the American filled meds(from Walmart or Rite Aid) after 4 days Im 110/70.
In Santiago I got the same dosage, the same brand name, just produced by a national lab in SD. Who is testing this stuff?

Sent from the Federation Intergalactic space vessel: DromOlax 3B55-90R


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Thats why I asked. I bought a 3 month supply from the pharmacy in Santiago and yesterday the clinic says my numbers were 150/103. When I take the American filled meds(from Walmart or Rite Aid) after 4 days Im 110/70.
In Santiago I got the same dosage, the same brand name, just produced by a national lab in SD. Who is testing this stuff?

Sent from the Federation Intergalactic space vessel: DromOlax 3B55-90R

That 103 is worrying. No FDA in DR. We bring our meds or have them mailed in.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Sometimes the price is what dictates what a person buys. I normally get a six month supply in Canada but this year I only got a 100 days worth so I need to buy some more cholesterol medication - 3,385 PESOS FOR A 30 DAY supply of Crestor 10 mg, or 630 pesos for a local brand( Mamey) which is considered one of the better local brands.
Apr 7, 2014
That 103 is worrying. No FDA in DR. We bring our meds or have them mailed in.
Yea. Thata why I think Dominican pills.are suspect. Because I go for my DOT physical in August on the American stash and it was 120/70 on the first take. Again on Veterans day it was 110/70. Then I switch to the Dominican stash and the numbers become deadly. Im.coming down in 3 weeks and I was thinking on getting a other 3-6mo supply there but if they dont have the same potency, who cares? I got a 2 week supply of American pills from Walmart to see me thru.my next DOT physical next week. It disheartens me to think Dominicans with hypertension(which many have) are getting short changed on the quality of their prescription medicine.

The woman I am seeing said her brother died the day after Christmas. Heart attack. He was only 39 I think. Whats the point of putting him on hypertensive medication if the dosages are incorrect or substandard?

Sent from the Federation Intergalactic space vessel: DromOlax 3B55-90R
Apr 7, 2014
Sometimes the price is what dictates what a person buys. I normally get a six month supply in Canada but this year I only got a 100 days worth so I need to buy some more cholesterol medication - 3,385 PESOS FOR A 30 DAY supply of Crestor 10 mg, or 630 pesos for a local brand( Mamey) which is considered one of the better local brands.
In my case there are 3 meds. I went to Farmacia Corominas in Santiago. I get Amlodipine, Losartin for BP and Prevastatin for cholesterol. I get the same dosage as the US prescription. I get the domestic laboratory build not sure if its Glaxo or Pfizer or Bayer whomever. My issue is the same pill, the same dosage isnt giving me the same preventation protection from a DR lab compared with a US lab.

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