Hassle outside of complex - advice please


Rest in peace Amigo!
Aug 21, 2002
ze pequeno said:
A tan? Interesting.......... I would appreciate if you or any other poster here would answer a quick question: Are black american tourists in DR less likely to be hassled by vendors or other service providers than their white counterparts? Not to mention easily singled out as tourists! I'm keen to explore the DR outside of tourist traps............

Thanks in advance!
Actually I thought there might be at least an opportunity for this to be the case.

Being "white" I can only speculate and will therefore defer to any poster who is by any definition more qualified than I, but I have observed that Dominicans come in every shade from slightly darker than me to the darkest Hatian around (there's an earth shattering observation - LOL). The point I am trying to make is that a black American tourist has the opportunity to blend in more than the untanned white equivalent and must be separated out by manerisms, dress, language, etc. - not just by skin colour.

Just one man's speculation.



Apr 4, 2002
ze pequeno said:
A tan? Interesting.......... I would appreciate if you or any other poster here would answer a quick question: Are black american tourists in DR less likely to be hassled by vendors or other service providers than their white counterparts? Not to mention easily singled out as tourists! I'm keen to explore the DR outside of tourist traps............

Thanks in advance!
If they look Dominican and are not wearing wristbands, then as long as they don't speak, they can glide through the rifraf with greater ease than us whities.


Oct 21, 2002
Rocky said:
If they look Dominican and are not wearing wristbands, then as long as they don't speak, they can glide through the rifraf with greater ease than us whities.

I don't agree with you or Gregg... ;) I can pick out the African American folks and families from a mile away.. (And I'm not even a street vendor)... It has something to do with clothing.. usually nikes or sneakers, or a specific type of shorts. Americans wear sneakers like no-one else. That's the way you distinguish American tour groups from European tour groups.. by the footwear... The Canadians look like Americans and wear the same kind of footwear, excepting they're a little paler. The European footwear usually is a little more stylish... Just look at the feet and you'll know! ;)


Apr 4, 2002
You may have a sharper eye for footwear than most.
I was just going by what they told me.
What do I know?
My arse is so white it glows.


Oct 21, 2002
Rocky said:
My arse is so white it glows.

Good heavens, just imagine, if you flash that in the streets, you'll never have peace from the street vendors... My brain is doing backflips.. :laugh:

Don't worry about fashion Gregg, next time wear your old shoes.. and try a look a little uhm, unpolished, you know - For you, it should be easy. ;)

We know a beach vendor fellow that we met on our first trip here. It took him about three years to stop showing us his wares, and now we just chat awhile, and catch up on families on so on. He has been on Cabarete beach for years... Sometimes he does a little skit for us, whereby he classifies the tourists on the beach in terms of who is going to buy, and who not, and why. These fellows have such sharp eyes for detail, they know when the planes come in, know exactly who is booked into which hotel and just simply understand their environment and their prospective customers. I've never seen this fellow 'hassle' the tourists, he simply offers his wares and if there is an interest, he'll continue the selling process. I think this is why he is lasting so long as a beach vendor and is consistently the top seller for that particular organization. Many of the others will hassle.. especially the folks that sell Haitian paintings.. I've seen them grab a tourist by the arm and pull the person into their store... to have a very angry, red-faced and perhaps scared tourist to deal with..

I think the vendors lend color to the streets in Cabarete and Sosua - don't know so much about Puerto Plata. I just wish they could learn a little customer care. Many of them simply do not know how to go about selling and try and coerce (sp?). The wagging finger, and a firm no in most any language will do. They do understand yes and no in many languages...


New member
Apr 27, 2005
I'm a redhead from Fla. Was in POP for the frist time in July w/ a girlfriend. My best advice is do not, repeat DO NOT, let your wife get those Island Braids!!! They scream Tourist. My friend did, and honestly, she even said she felt like she stuck out. Just smile, relax, and enjoy the people and the country. They are the best!!! Going back in October. Love It!!!! P.S. I wore flip- flops the entire time. Travel light!!!


New member
Mar 14, 2003
Just wave them off an tell them

We're drunk, we're drunk Leave us alone we're drunk, See you manana,
it always works for my sister and I. They think
they will see us the next day maybe, maybe not. Works for us.


New member
Jan 15, 2004
getting rid of street vendors?

I guess that would be another thread. I've had kids try to shine my shoes while I kept on walking !! :eek: In the cpital, especially around the hotels in the malecon, these guys will follow you for blocks. No matter if I tell them I know where I'm going and I know what I'm looking for. I'm going to use a new tactic next time around. A big smile, a very loud NO! and show them the butt of my gun sticking out of my waistband, ja,ja. Just kidding ... or maybe not ;) E.


Jan 28, 2004
desmarco said:
I'm a redhead from Fla. Was in POP for the frist time in July w/ a girlfriend. My best advice is do not, repeat DO NOT, let your wife get those Island Braids!!! They scream Tourist. My friend did, and honestly, she even said she felt like she stuck out. Just smile, relax, and enjoy the people and the country. They are the best!!! Going back in October. Love It!!!! P.S. I wore flip- flops the entire time. Travel light!!!
I believe your red hair and flip flops were more of a tell than your girlfriend's braids.


New member
Sep 18, 2005
Just One Thing

Please excuse me if this seems petty. I am planning, hoping and dreaming of moving to the DR within a few years and this "what to say" caught my attention. Back in Colombia, many years ago, I used to say "No hay" to the various forms of solicitors if I wanted to be left alone. I picked it up from an, ahem, girlfriend, and it always worked wonderfully. Will someone tell me if this phrase would be found offense on the streets of the DR? Thank you.