Hello again and Enough of Puerto Rico!


Oct 15, 2016
Hey DR1 people! I guess I am not new here as I have been on the forum occasionally browsing for 10 years or so. However, it is time to start posting. Having lived here in Puerto Rico for over 15 years, I just can't anymore. It is a beautiful Island but my last straw was they came frightengly close to voting for independance. An Island where 70% live on welfare and beyond that, the chaos that would ensue. Granted it was mostly liberal college kids following Bad Bunny, but they have powers in numbers and coirdinating via social media. I expect in four years or 8 they could get the vote through. That is just one of the reasons I want to leave but probably the biggest is the past 5 years or so they have moved towards the Gringo go Home attitude. Yes they are all American citizens by birth but it is just to backwards to explain. Basically, a handful of Americans bought some expensive properties here and now they think real estate prices are up because of the "dirty gringos". I actually do not know how to explain it but it's extremely uncomfortable living here at this point. If they could round up the Americans here and throw them in a camp they would 100%. NOT all, but way more than one would be comfortable with. They are all jealous of each other as well, you live on the beach? They protest your house with the other hippy friends out of jealousy that they can't afford it. I think todays protest under the guise of protecting the beaches and envirnmonet is some politican has a house on the water that is to close to their beach however house has been there for 50 years. IT's ridiculuous, so much so it is hard to clearly convey just how ridicyulous their thinking has become here. So, let me stop and ask my queistion, the D.R. from when i was there long time ago was opening and friendly, is it still the same way or is there Gringo resentment/Xeonophobia like there is here? Little bit, no biggie but I can't for the life of me get stares and feel like it's 1939 Germany happening again which is how it seems to be progressing here. Thanks for any replies and BE HONEST! I know how it is when a bunch of outsiders see somewhere on social media and quickly move somewhere and try to bring their culture and are not willing to adjust to local culture, so I give people points for that, the locals. Has that somewhat happened in the D.R. as well?


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Oct 15, 2016
LOL But how is do they treat foreigners currently in the D.R.? Is it more they respect we bring outside money in, common sense type shit? The ex-pats and locals get along no issues? I know the world has changed so that is why I am asking. Currently Colombia has the gringo go home attitude also since some idiot american killed a popular women there recently. So white man bad now.


Oct 15, 2016
I have never seen any resentment towards gringos. I could be naive, but the only resentment I see is towards Haitians. Most Domicanos/as have been very helpful to me and very considerate.
So you don't get the black masked/clothed protestors banging on drums demanding gringos go home at the capital city every weekend?
  • Wow
Reactions: CristoRey

Northern Coast Diver

Private Scuba Guide
Feb 23, 2020
I've been living on the North Coast for 15 years, and visiting the DR for more than 30 years. While I can not say I have never heard someone voice a bit of anti foreigner resentment, It is not a common thing, and I've only heard it 3 times, and not recently.


Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
So you don't get the black masked/clothed protestors banging on drums demanding gringos go home at the capital city every weekend?
No, but I have seen a few organized protests that are pro-Dominicano/a which is a mask for anti-Haitian. I've also seen unmasked protests against the Haitians.

I think most Domicanos/as recognize that gringos bring mucho dinero into their country and they're happy for it.


Happy on the North Coast
Sep 8, 2018
I too have had no real issues with this personally. Do some "gringos" experience it? Sure. But, do some bring it on themselves through their attitudes and actions? Also true.


Oct 15, 2016
Wow I have been living on the wrong island for way to long. Thanks all. I will vacation and see how Cabarete is and all since last time I was there. Heard a bunch changed but I was to young to remember .

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
Wow I have been living on the wrong island for way to long. Thanks all. I will vacation and see how Cabarete is and all since last time I was there. Heard a bunch changed but I was to young to remember .
You'll be pleasantly surprised.


Jun 16, 2014
I've lived in Cabarete for 18 years and have never experienced any anti-gringo sentiment here or any other place I've been in the DR. In general, most Dominicans are very friendly. Anti-gringo sentiment has sprung up in Colombia as you mentioned(I've even seen signs saying no gringos or gringos go home) and also in places like Portugal and I'm sure some others.