Hello, new to the group.


Jun 28, 2003
"I speak for myself"

Batish--yes it is true that "you speak for yourself" and that's a wonderful freedom that we enjoy both here in the US and there in the DR. Perhaps a part of your life was spent in a country where you were not afforded this freedom. In this vein let me explain some of the dangers of free speach.

It shows a profile of a man that seems to be very shallow. His only interests seem to lie in the area of of being able to get a woman cheaply. Available.
His only culture, is the culture in some organic goat milk or yogurt you were looking for some time back. Oh, speaking of some time back-on april 18 (post #19 you said "Florida is the most expensive place to live) but here you give "good advise" to someone to GO to Fla" Hmmm.

Free speech is really not "free". There must be an investment in substance and facts before you dole it out. Many of your facts here are corect BUT taken in the way you present them is very offensive.Parsing. I would assume you can see that you put all people in one handbasket that live in the DR?
Perhaps, it's a language problem with you or a bigger problem and your interests are so very shallow so as not to allow you to see beyond cheap putas or Calle Durante.

And since schkeils (sp) are not used here or there--these are my 2 cents and 2 centavos.
john e.


Jun 28, 2003
Any advise?

Hello, I recently visited the DR for a long weekend and enjoyed the country. I'm considering moving there upon retirement in about 2 years. Any advice for a newbie?

Do exactly what you are doing. Investigate thru forums such as Dr1. Google. Talk to people. Revisit and stay for a m onth away from the big resorts. Look at expat towns as well as non ex-pat depending on your Spanish language skills.

Think about how you want to spend retirement time. With whom? Your health issues. Life style. It all comes down to soul searching and research.
Good luck



Batish--yes it is true that "you speak for yourself" and that's a wonderful freedom that we enjoy both here in the US and there in the DR. Perhaps a part of your life was spent in a country where you were not afforded this freedom. In this vein let me explain some of the dangers of free speach.

It shows a profile of a man that seems to be very shallow. His only interests seem to lie in the area of of being able to get a woman cheaply. Available.
His only culture, is the culture in some organic goat milk or yogurt you were looking for some time back. Oh, speaking of some time back-on april 18 (post #19 you said "Florida is the most expensive place to live) but here you give "good advise" to someone to GO to Fla" Hmmm.

Free speech is really not "free". There must be an investment in substance and facts before you dole it out. Many of your facts here are corect BUT taken in the way you present them is very offensive.Parsing. I would assume you can see that you put all people in one handbasket that live in the DR?
Perhaps, it's a language problem with you or a bigger problem and your interests are so very shallow so as not to allow you to see beyond cheap putas or Calle Durante.

And since schkeils (sp) are not used here or there--these are my 2 cents and 2 centavos.
john e.

I feel for you, deep man John.

I have privilege to see hundreds like you around.

Poor creatures.

No prob.
Good luck.



Mar 2, 2004
Well from what I read, Luperon seems like the place to check out. Thanks to the members who recommended that I search it out. I have never heard of it before but now that I have I'll be keeping a close ear on the events there. Any body on this thread care to comment about that area?
just my observation...have lived here for many years,have a small house in el limon,Samana,and an apt here in La Capital....I live on my retirement of about $2000. a month comfortably,could not survive in Florida...

If you want to talk to a friend of mine who has a house in Cabarette for sale,nice 2 bed with a small pool and beautiful grounds,very reasonable,email me...


Apr 7, 2004
I DID read your post with attention. Did you? In it (the post I quoted from last time) you did not mention a single town. You mentioned the DR. Had you said Sosua was happy hookerville then yes I would have agreed. Now you say Sosua & Boca Chica and yes I will agree more putas per capita or any other part of the anatomy in those places than in any other. But in your enthusiasm to convey your message to the OP you did not mention a single town but only the country. And that is what I objected to.

Unlike you, I do not know where the OP will be living because I don't believe he has told us because I don't believe he is anywhere near the stage of knowing himsef.

Yes of course I agree about all the scams, the RE hard sells, the gringo crooks who live here, the RE prices being inflated by stupid foreigners willing to pay silly prices. Where did I ever say I didn't? I'm a STAUNCH believer in telling it like it is. But that does mean like it is. It doesn't mean generalising through failure to be specific. Generalisations particularly over dramatic ones, whilst eye catching, can easily be dismissed. So yes mountainfrog, they can shake the dreamdancer momentarily & then they can be filed away under wallflowers. I don't want them filed away. I think all wannabee expats ought to know how some gringos prey on newcomers and others.

They could go to Puerto Plata Court on Tuesday morning for one such example........;)

Hello, I'm a "lurker" for quite some time now, and I thank you for having a level head and portraying the DR with some honesty and a clear mind. If I relied on the sensationlist dramatics of some of the posters, I would never visit the country. My mother is moving back in a couple months, so I will be visiting the DR for the first time later this year and on a regular basis.

Al Hernandez

New member
May 20, 2007
Lambada, Thanks for directing me to Noonsite. I didn't know that site. I had already checked out the other one and now both are in my favorites list.


Mar 4, 2004
Hello, I'm a "lurker" for quite some time now, and I thank you for having a level head and portraying the DR with some honesty and a clear mind. If I relied on the sensationlist dramatics of some of the posters, I would never visit the country. My mother is moving back in a couple months, so I will be visiting the DR for the first time later this year and on a regular basis.

Thanks for you kind words. Your mother is moving 'back' so she is Dominican? She'll be fine. Some of the advice you read here is for 'idiot' gringos who haven't got the first clue (& yes we do get 'em :ermm:). For returning Dominicans it's a totally different ballgame. And could you be part Puerto Rican (from your name)? Again, it's very different if you have the language, understand how things are done etc etc. Advice for gullible non-Hispanics has got to be totally different than for non-gullible Hispanics, if you get what I mean. Hope your mum's move goes well and that you enjoy your first visit. :)

Al Hernandez, my pleasure. If I come across any others I'll post them here.
May 31, 2005
Speak for yourself batich, you obviously are. There are many of us who live normal family lives here, either retired folk or young couples with children. Grahame & I have lived a normal (for us :) ) couple life here for nearly 15 years. He has been propositioned by hookers a handful of times (I choose my words advisedly) but only ever in Sosua. Not in Puerto Plata where he is known. Or perhaps more significantly where I am known............. The whole of the DR is NOT a huge disordered anarchist puta house and I would imagine many Dominicans reading your post would find it exceptionally offensive. I do and I'm not Dominican but this is my adopted motherland. I'm sure, batich, you're exaggerating to make a point but go easy eh? It doesn't do a service to new people.

Thank you for that. It is offensive. I will not say much but thank you. Hopefully Batich will get the picture.


Apr 7, 2004
Thanks for you kind words. Your mother is moving 'back' so she is Dominican? She'll be fine. Some of the advice you read here is for 'idiot' gringos who haven't got the first clue (& yes we do get 'em :ermm:). For returning Dominicans it's a totally different ballgame. And could you be part Puerto Rican (from your name)? Again, it's very different if you have the language, understand how things are done etc etc. Advice for gullible non-Hispanics has got to be totally different than for non-gullible Hispanics, if you get what I mean. Hope your mum's move goes well and that you enjoy your first visit. :)

Al Hernandez, my pleasure. If I come across any others I'll post them here.

Yep, my mother is Dominican and my father is Puerto Rican. I guess I'll have my mother to show me the ropes and protect me from potential con artists. I better work on my spanish though, it's very weak. Have a great week. I'm back to lurkin.