help with bronchitis


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
But, more scary If OP is wrong on what he feels/thinks is bronchitis. Clock is ticking on getting an opinion from a "real doctor".
Most everyone has posted "to take care, be careful, see a doctor". People come to DR1 for advice, etc... but in the end it is their decision. I have total faith that Nan knows what he is doing. You are 100% correct, it is scary.


Aug 25, 2005
My husband has had two flus recently that turned into strep throat that needs to be diagnosed with a throat culture. Then the doctor can prescribe the right kind of antibiotics.


Aug 23, 2023
Austin, Texas
I'm not a doctor, and support going to a doctor... But... Although neither my wife nor I suffer from colds/flu much, when we have here are a few of homeopathic treatments that have helped us...

1... Get a big lime and trim off the green skin leaving the white inner skin part (I forget what it's called). Cut it up into small chunks and boil it until you get a thick, syrup-like liquid. Use it to make tea, sweetened (not very sweet though) with GOOD pure honey (not the crap that is often mixed with who knows what). Drink as often as you feel works for you. Maybe add some boiled ginger water to it. Note that it's citrus, so there may be some interaction with medications... Check to see if there will be.

2... You can take the above with ibuprofen, but you need to be careful not to overdo the ibuprofen as it can cause gastro and other problems. I play squash (a racquet sport) and as I've gotten older the aches have increased. I would take ibuprofen but found that I was taking a lot and read up on it. Now I take Aleve, which has longer staying power and is not so harsh on my stomach.

3... Slice an onion and put the slices in your socks and put them on... Yep, I laughed when my wife first told me this... But guess what... It's a remedy that's been around for a long, long time.

4... The good ol' white rum mixed with a tablespoon or so of the lime mixture in #1, along with the honey... Kind of like a hot toddy... May help with your sleeping, which is always important, as the body works on itself when we sleep.

5... Gargle with salt water, and do it frequently. Use Irish sea salt.

As with all health issues, our gut needs to be cared for as a priority... Inflammation needs to be reduced... Try eating some kimchi and maybe drinking some kombucha drinks. Tumeric/curcumin, red pepper, ginger, and garlic... All great for you.

Maybe once a week I make a mixture of two tablespoons of good (single country) olive oil, half a squeezed lemon, half a teaspoon of turmeric, a strong dash of cayenne pepper, a strong dash of black pepper (supposed to help with turmeric absorption), and a tablespoon of good honey... Mixed up and drink it in one quick gulp. You will make a squinty face for sure... But it's all good.

And finally... If you have a Ninja or similar blender... Get a lemon, wash the skin... Cut up into little chunks — seeds and skin included – throw it in the blender with some berries (strawberries, blackberries, whatever you like) and some good honey and some water and ice. Blend it all up into a drink and swig it back... Great for the liver.

There's a reason why health problems become chronic... The body has other problems that are hindering it from dealing with the chronic problem... Which means we need to not only take care of the chronic problem (put a band-aid over it), but also help the entire body get back into fighting fit form.

And walking a mile or two each day helps with this.

Hope you feel better soon.
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Aug 23, 2023
Austin, Texas
In my case I got ill sitting next to someone who was coughing and sneezing for 9 hours on a long-haul flight. Started as a cold, got worse, ended up being diagnosed with pneumonia. The scary thing was that the doctor said he may have to admit me to hospital, and also that I was unable to fly until 6 weeks after being completely cured. I wasn't able to walk up stairs hardly, it was scary how ill I felt. Took two course of antibiotics and eventually got back on the mend, but it took a long time.

Lung problems are very serious. Pneumonia needs to be treated really quickly, if it takes hold you can die within hours. And we live in a country where it's reasonably easy to access to good doctors, and very affordable, so there are no excuses guys.

When my wife and I first moved to Austin we were confronted with something new... Cedar pollen.

Thankfully neither of us suffered from it to begin with but found as the years passed it does affect us more. I have a friend, from India, who was suffering from Cedar allergy but had gone through it every year since coming to Austin and just thought he'd treat it in the way he had been... Except that this particular year was really bad for him and he ended up in the hospital with a very serious pneumonia problem.

I never knew that you could get pneumonia from an allergy problem... His experience woke me up for sure.

I remember as a young teenager getting croup, and the first time I had a spasm I was alone and thought I was going to die as I couldn't breathe. Thankfully it only lasted a few seconds, but it scared me... Until I learned to just wait it out... Tears actually indicate the spasm has passed.

As you said, lung problems are not things to take lightly.


Jun 28, 2003
I'm not a doctor, and support going to a doctor... But... Although neither my wife nor I suffer from colds/flu much, when we have here are a few of homeopathic treatments that have helped us...

1... Get a big lime and trim off the green skin leaving the white inner skin part (I forget what it's called). Cut it up into small chunks and boil it until you get a thick, syrup-like liquid. Use it to make tea, sweetened (not very sweet though) with GOOD pure honey (not the crap that is often mixed with who knows what). Drink as often as you feel works for you. Maybe add some boiled ginger water to it. Note that it's citrus, so there may be some interaction with medications... Check to see if there will be.

2... You can take the above with ibuprofen, but you need to be careful not to overdo the ibuprofen as it can cause gastro and other problems. I play squash (a racquet sport) and as I've gotten older the aches have increased. I would take ibuprofen but found that I was taking a lot and read up on it. Now I take Aleve, which has longer staying power and is not so harsh on my stomach.

3... Slice an onion and put the slices in your socks and put them on... Yep, I laughed when my wife first told me this... But guess what... It's a remedy that's been around for a long, long time.

4... The good ol' white rum mixed with a tablespoon or so of the lime mixture in #1, along with the honey... Kind of like a hot toddy... May help with your sleeping, which is always important, as the body works on itself when we sleep.

5... Gargle with salt water, and do it frequently. Use Irish sea salt.

As with all health issues, our gut needs to be cared for as a priority... Inflammation needs to be reduced... Try eating some kimchi and maybe drinking some kombucha drinks. Tumeric/curcumin, red pepper, ginger, and garlic... All great for you.

Maybe once a week I make a mixture of two tablespoons of good (single country) olive oil, half a squeezed lemon, half a teaspoon of turmeric, a strong dash of cayenne pepper, a strong dash of black pepper (supposed to help with turmeric absorption), and a tablespoon of good honey... Mixed up and drink it in one quick gulp. You will make a squinty face for sure... But it's all good.

And finally... If you have a Ninja or similar blender... Get a lemon, wash the skin... Cut up into little chunks — seeds and skin included – throw it in the blender with some berries (strawberries, blackberries, whatever you like) and some good honey and some water and ice. Blend it all up into a drink and swig it back... Great for the liver.

There's a reason why health problems become chronic... The body has other problems that are hindering it from dealing with the chronic problem... Which means we need to not only take care of the chronic problem (put a band-aid over it), but also help the entire body get back into fighting fit form.

And walking a mile or two each day helps with this.

Hope you feel better soon.
You could have stopped at "But" the 11th word of your 6 paragraph homey advise. Remember your tag line about keeping it...bla bla bla??

El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
Yes, DR1 is here for advise. Free advise. In the case of someone that really thinks he has a case of bronchitis the free advise is worth less than the dirt off the bottom of my shoes.

IMO of course.
Few occasions where we agree. Anyone going to this audience for medical/health advice is really just one Dominican "pharmacy" purchase away from some adverse reaction. Can you imagine someone up a ways recommended an asthma cocktail of Prednisone and narcotics! Others ibuprofen which does murder on the valves of the heart (NSAID)! Then, to top it all off, it was said that folks come to DR1 for advice! I thought to myself, yes, for DR cultural, etc questions, where to stay, what to eat. I am consistently shocked to see how many folks come here with basic life fundamental questions. Don't even get me started on the Everything groups audience. Ugh
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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2019
Yes, DR1 is here for advise. Free advise. In the case of someone that really thinks he has a case of bronchitis the free advise is worth less than the dirt off the bottom of my shoes.

IMO of course.

Advice with a c when it's a noun (DR1 is here for AdviCe). Advise with the s is when it's a verb (to advise someone). No charge for this post.

Also I did post the name of a good doctor who could help with bronchitis, I'm sure that piece of information is worth far more than the dirt off the bottom of your shoes to someone who has bronchitis.


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
Few occasions where we agree. Anyone going to this audience for medical/health advice is really just one Dominican "pharmacy" purchase away from some adverse reaction. Can you imagine someone up a ways recommended an asthma cocktail of Prednisone and narcotics! Others ibuprofen which does murder on the valves of the heart (NSAID)! Then, to top it all off, it was said that folks come to DR1 for advice! I thought to myself, yes, for DR cultural, etc questions, where to stay, what to eat. I am consistently shocked to see how many folks come here with basic life fundamental questions. Don't even get me started on the Everything groups audience. Ugh
Hijo, if you do not agree you can also ignore the thread. Again, posters can give their advice, experience, etc... It is up to the OP what he chooses to do.


Jun 28, 2003
Advice with a c when it's a noun (DR1 is here for AdviCe). Advise with the s is when it's a verb (to advise someone). No charge for this post.

Also I did post the name of a good doctor who could help with bronchitis, I'm sure that piece of information is worth far more than the dirt off the bottom of your shoes to someone who has bronchitis.
Thanks for the correction of my grammar. English was not my first language so it goes into compartment #2. of my brain. FWIW I acknowledged a like" in your post #39 yesterday.


Jun 10, 2008
Thanks for the correction of my grammar. English was not my first language so it goes into compartment #2. of my brain. FWIW I acknowledged a like" in your post #39 yesterday.
I thought English was your first language. Its better than mine. Then again English isn’t my first language either. I suspect actually that’s the case for quite a few on dr1. We don’t get enough recognition.
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Aug 23, 2023
Austin, Texas
I thought English was your first language. Its better than mine. Then again English isn’t my first language either. I suspect actually that’s the case for quite a few on dr1. We don’t get enough recognition.
For not being your first language I think you do quite well... I've found your comments easy to read and understand.


Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
I hope you have been able to visit the doctor today and feeling better. I'm commenting as you said that you felt better after ibuprofen and bcornchochem. I'm not entirely sure what the latter is, but if it's just decongestant as the label says, it may not help with the bug itself. Same with ibuprofen, that's essentially exactly to make you feel better, although it has anti-inflammatory components, it's not necessarily there to cure you. For that you may need antibiotics (which I'm sure your doctor has prescribed today?).

I'm no doctor but I live with 3 persons who have had serious tonsillitis (the kids inherited serious throat infections from my wife, runs in her family unfortunately) and respiratory issues We've been to a number of doctors who deal with respiratory infections in Europe, POP, Santiago and Santo Domingo.... We're loyal customers in many pharmacies in particular in POP... They usually give something for the pain/fever (ibuprofen or equivalent for the kids), then anti-congestant to make you breath again and then the most important, the antibiotics to actually cure you...

Ibuprofen is great for the common flu and backpains, but I would not mess with that more than 3 days with respiratory issues... I had a severe bronchtitis two decades ago, at the end I could not speak anymore... Mistake was to just kill the pain for too long... Antibiotics - fit in less than a week...

I'm kind of surprised Nan hasn't come back to tell us how he's doing.
That's because I feel good and then shitty 12 seconds later.

Right now, we hare shitty the last 24 hour