How many foreigners in the DR?


New member
Feb 17, 2006

Out of curiousity, I was just wondering if anyone knew a website that states how many expats/foreigners are living in the DR (approx)?

ie. Haitians, Americans, Colombians, Cubans, Brits, Canes, etc.



Apr 4, 2002

Out of curiousity, I was just wondering if anyone knew a website that states how many expats/foreigners are living in the DR (approx)?

ie. Haitians, Americans, Colombians, Cubans, Brits, Canes, etc.

I don't think there's an actual website, and it would be difficult to get accurate stats anyhow.
Certainly there are more than 100K, but less than a million.


New member
Feb 17, 2006
Canes=Canadians...sorry...I remember when I dormed with a Canadian and lived w/ some...they would often call themselves this.

Anyway, I'm sure there are more than a million with Haitians alone. If i'm not mistaken, there are about 1 million haitians, 30,000 asians (foreigners and directly of asian descent); I remember I read somewhere about 12,000 Colombians...

I'm not expecting everyone to know all the numbers, but if anyone knows a specific group and their numbers...the source would help a lot too.



Apr 4, 2002
Canes=Canadians...sorry...I remember when I dormed with a Canadian and lived w/ some...they would often call themselves this.

Anyway, I'm sure there are more than a million with Haitians alone. If i'm not mistaken, there are about 1 million haitians, 30,000 asians (foreigners and directly of asian descent); I remember I read somewhere about 12,000 Colombians...

I'm not expecting everyone to know all the numbers, but if anyone knows a specific group and their numbers...the source would help a lot too.

No way are there 1 million Haitians here.
That would be more than 10% of the population !!!


On Vacation!
Oct 13, 2005
Canes=Canadians...sorry...I remember when I dormed with a Canadian and lived w/ some...they would often call themselves this.

Anyway, I'm sure there are more than a million with Haitians alone. If i'm not mistaken, there are about 1 million haitians, 30,000 asians (foreigners and directly of asian descent); I remember I read somewhere about 12,000 Colombians...

I'm not expecting everyone to know all the numbers, but if anyone knows a specific group and their numbers...the source would help a lot too.


There are around 500 Koreans living in the Dominican Republic. :chinese:

There is a Korean church in Santo Domingo. I saw another Korean church while I was driving with my friends from Santiago to Sosua.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
The Migration Department issues statistics every now and then. It's been quoted in the DR1 news.


New member
Feb 17, 2006
Well I remember reading a couple of sources on the DR having about 1 million legal and illegal haitians. Here's one I found with a quick google search:

"There are no reliable figures on the number of Haitians and Dominico-Haitians currently living in the Dominican Republic, and the question is a controversial one.5 The Inter-American Commission, citing Dominican migration authorities, reported in 1999 that approximately 500,000 to 700,000 ethnic Haitians were living in the Dominican Republic.6 Other figures range even higher: "a million or so," was the Dominican Army chief's best guess."

Source: "Illegal People":

This was in 99'...and if that 5 to 7 figure was accurate, i'd say that might be about right. With that said, this is what we have so far (according to ppl on this board):

Haitians: 500,000 to 1M
Koreans: 500 (any source?)
Chinese: 30,000 (I need to confirm this, I think I got that from the following site: Barrio Chino Santo Domingo ); it may be less since I think that includes Taiwanese (whether this is a sep catagory is a political issue) and Koreans.


On Vacation!
Oct 13, 2005
Well I remember reading a couple of sources on the DR having about 1 million legal and illegal haitians. Here's one I found with a quick google search:

"There are no reliable figures on the number of Haitians and Dominico-Haitians currently living in the Dominican Republic, and the question is a controversial one.5 The Inter-American Commission, citing Dominican migration authorities, reported in 1999 that approximately 500,000 to 700,000 ethnic Haitians were living in the Dominican Republic.6 Other figures range even higher: "a million or so," was the Dominican Army chief's best guess."

Source: "Illegal People":

This was in 99'...and if that 5 to 7 figure was accurate, i'd say that might be about right. With that said, this is what we have so far (according to ppl on this board):

Haitians: 500,000 to 1M
Koreans: 500 (any source?)
Chinese: 30,000 (I need to confirm this, I think I got that from the following site: Barrio Chino Santo Domingo ); it may be less since I think that includes Taiwanese (whether this is a sep catagory is a political issue) and Koreans.

Mr. Williams (Dr. Won) who has lived in Santo Domingo for over 30 years, told me that there are around 500 Koreans living in the DR.

And these are South Koreans and not North Koreans. North Korea does not have diplomatic relations with the DR. You will find North Koreans in Cuba (since those two countries have diplomatic relations).

As for Chinese and Taiwanese, this is a political (and sensitive) issue. I think Taiwan is the one that has diplomatic ties with the DR.


New member
Feb 17, 2006
Thanks Potato_Salad. By the way, here is a better source as far as the # of Haitians:

"In recent decades, re-immigration from Haiti has increased once again. Most Haitian immigrants arrive in the Dominican Republic illegally, and work at low-paying, unskilled labor jobs, including construction work, household cleaning, and on sugar plantations.[37] Current estimates put the Haitian-born population in the Dominican Republic as high as 1 million[38]. "

Source: Dominican Republic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As far as Chinese:

"Santo Domingo's Chinatown will not be, according to its organizers, a simple caricature of traditional Chinese cultural values. The community is working on opening a museum, a library and a school that will teach Cantonese. According to local estimates, there are some 15,000 Chinese-born nationals and approximately 30,000 second generation Dominican-Chinese citizens currently living in the country."

Source: Aquí Santo Domingo - La cara oriental de Santo Domingo / The Oriental Side of Santo Domingo

As per Japanese: Joshua Project - Japanese of Dominican Republic Ethnic People Profile

So far:

Haitians: 1M
South Koreans: 500
Chinese: 45K (15K Chinese nationals)
Japanese: 1,800

This is a website I found whilst writing this thread but I'm not sure how accurate it may be (or how old)'s some kind of religious website so their focus is not on stats of foreigners; I think it only takes into acct people born outside of the DR but living in it:

Joshua Project - Afghani Tajik of Afghanistan Ethnic People Profile

Arab/lebanese: 3,100
American: 73,000 (this likely includes dominicans born in the US)
British: 1,100
French: 1,800
German: 700
Chinese (two groups): 11,400
Jamaicans: 27,000 (really?)
German Jew: 100
Korean: 400
Haitian: 366,000 (this is part of why the site throws me off)
Spaniard: 81,000 (this looks like it includes all other hispanic non-dominicans; if you see the site, you'll see what I mean)


New member
Feb 17, 2006
It just occured to me that if that last website is somewhat accurate, the 366,000 Haitians and 11,400 Chinese discrepency (comparing the other estimates I got from other sites) may be simply stating foreign born people legally living in the DR...just a thought.


Apr 4, 2002
Anybody who lives in the DR can tell you that there's no way in the world, that more than 10% of the population is Haitian.
Not a chance.
The government might enjoy inflating those numbers, to justify kicking them all out of here, as if they were a plague, as they so blatantly hate them, but no way do they make up more than 10% of the population.
No way, Jose !


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Anybody who lives in the DR can tell you that there's no way in the world, that more than 10% of the population is Haitian.
Not a chance.
The government might enjoy inflating those numbers, to justify kicking them all out of here, as if they were a plague, as they so blatantly hate them, but no way do they make up more than 10% of the population.
No way, Jose !
Rocky, 1 out of every 10 people in the DR may well be Haitians, as is estimated. What is not clear is the distribution of Haitian immigrants on Dominican soil, albeit it should not be too surprising if it turns out that the eastern, southern, and Santo Domingo region is where they are mostly concentrated and that assumption is due to the high presence of sugar plantations, tourism, and the construction boom in SDQ; which are the industries where Haitian labor is heavily used. Then include many of the street vendors, many of whom are Haitians; coffee pickers, etc. It could very well be true, but it is an estimate.

By the way, almost all pro-Haitian organizations use the 1 million figure as an estimate.

Besides, it can't be denied that absolutely everywhere in the DR more than a few Haitians are present. From Monte Cristi to Saman?, from Jiman? to Punta Cana, from Puerto Plata to Santo Domingo.

Every town of any size has a neighborhood where "more than a few" Haitians live. In the countryside you are bound to pass by a house with Haitians or see them walking along the side of a road or passing by in the back of pick-ups, etc. They are everywhere.

Add to that the fact that many learn Spanish with a Dominican accent and hispanicize their names from French to Spanish one's, so it very well be that they form 10% of the population, but are not evenly distributed nationwide.

Look at the U.S.; minorities form roughly 40% of the population (considering that non-Hispanic whites only make up around 66%); and yet minorities are not evenly distributed. Plenty of places where they are obviously present and plenty of places where they are few and far between, but that doesn't changes the fact that 40% of U.S. population is composed of minorities.

Same thing in the DR, but at smaller scales.

A Future for both Haiti and DR

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Apr 4, 2002
I've been just about everywhere in this country, to places that only donkeys go, around the entire shoreline and most of what's in between, and there's no way there's an 11,12,13% Haitian population here.
It just ain't true.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Pretty soon they will be saying there's 2 million.
I mean, think about it...
If there were realy 1.2 million in a country with a 9 million population, they would represent over 13% of the population.
Where are they hiding them all?
Do they pack'em into containers at night?
Let's look at the other side of the coin, at least over 80% of all peoples in the DR are NOT Haitians.