How much does a Dominican Doctor make?


New member
Jul 9, 2008
This is what I was looking for, what I think I'll do is, do my first year at UTESA, and then transfer to PUCMM, now If someone could help me to find how much does PUCMM cost per semester, I'd be set.

Well, I somehow pay as a Dominican and pay 7,770 pesos a month taking 18 credits. Rounding up it's about 500 pesos a credit. Dirt cheap.

If you can't manage to pay as a Dominican then the cost sky rockets as everyone likes a goose that lays golden eggs.
Why go to UTESA first then transfer?? Why even go to UTESA? You might as well just get started at PUCMM your first year and avoid a lot of the hassle you'll get other wise. So far I have found PUCMM fine as such but they definitively do not bend over backwards if it doesn't make them any money and you might find yourself having to do plenty of courses that are prerequisites. I remember reading somebody say that due to law PUCMM has to accept credit transfers but... It's best to: Keep it simple.


New member
Nov 29, 2009
I was thinking it'd be like 11g's a month, so that's a good price, and a price I can pay, the reason for my going to UTESA was, to get my GPA up, as in High School, I didn't care much, but I'll have to check the prereq's for PUCMM.