How much does a marriage cost?


New member
Oct 16, 2005
OK, guys...I know a few of you foreigners must have married Dominicans in the Dominican much can it cost (just a the bare bones, not an extravagant ceremony or anything) and how long can it take to get everything done and tie up the paperwork and stuff?


Retired Ussername
Jan 9, 2002
It's relatively cheap! The bride can rent a wedding dress for about RD$2000 - $3000. Flowers - another $3000. The judge, another $2000. A professional photographer would run about RD$4000 and up for some wedding photos. A few cases of Presidentes for another RD$8000 or $10,000 once everyone hears you're getting hitched.

The length of time depends on how busy the judge is, and if you do it at the judge's office or at someone's home. There is a courtromm in Santo Domingo where they do Sun Young Moon-style mass weddings too, hehehe.

I had to get a letter from the US Consulate that stated I was single, and the bastards just took my US$50 and stamped a piece of paper and gave it to me (Who is really corrupt in the DR??) . I don't know if they have stopped this requirement or not, but this piece was my biggest pain in the a**.

And now for the next question - How much can it cost to get a divorce from a dominicana? Spend the few thousand pesos and talk to a good attorney BEFORE you get married. It may be the cheapest investment you ever made.


Jan 28, 2004
How much does a marrriage cost?

Wedding costs see above.
The marriage costs ??????

Don Juan

Living Brain Donor
Dec 5, 2003
How much? ha ha ha! you have no idea!

Wedding ceremony with all the trimmings?....maybe RD$5.000

Divorce & alimony?.....priceless!!


Apr 4, 2002
Alright !
I was resisting getting involved in this one, but the devil's got a hold of me.
There was a survey once (I don't know how accurate it was) that said that the average man who gets married, pays from $500 to 1,000 per boink (can't find a polite word) with his wife.
Personally, I thought it would be higher, but they must also survey people on Welfare.


Jan 2, 2002
If you want the wedding to take place in a resort they take care of everything except the clothing for about $1000 US and up.

Here's a list of hotels from Debbie's Travel with prices


New member
Jun 27, 2004
My wedding costs.....

ranges2004 said:
OK, guys...I know a few of you foreigners must have married Dominicans in the Dominican much can it cost (just a the bare bones, not an extravagant ceremony or anything) and how long can it take to get everything done and tie up the paperwork and stuff?

I am getting married in Feb 2006 and my husband to be is taking care (and paying) for everything. We got flowers 8000 RD (I wanted a colorful wedding!), the location 3000 RD, the judge 3000 RD and photographer 4000RD which included 40 pictures. The food was about 20,000 RD for about 100 people (a pig, 10 chickens, rice and beans and salad) his brother in law and my brother are both chefs and are preparing the food.
The drinks about 15,000 RD and he rented clothes for his Mom and Dad and brother who was standing for him, not sure the cost of that. He had his suit bought by a friend as a wedding present, and I got my dress already.

This is a big wedding, and he wanted to do it right b/c he said he's only getting married once to the love of his life, and he wants to have a good wedding. So al together not including how much the clothing rental for his family is, the wedding cost 53,000 RD.

Oh, the only hting I didn't include was musica, his friend is a DJ and is helping us with that....

As far as the wedding certificate and all that, I needed to have my single document delcaration (saying I am single and not married before) translated into SPanish, and as well my Brith Certifacte and Paspport. I did that myself. And he had to ahve the same (except his was already in Spanish) it only cost him a few hundred pesos to get copies. With the cost of the judge, that included a copy of our marraige certificate, and I am hoping that we will get it in a few days after, a week at the most, and I'll be at that office every day if need to be to get a copy!



New member
Oct 16, 2005
So I have to try to find a judge or a civil registry who can do this. Cost is about RD$3,000. But beforehand I need to get a lawyer to write up a statement into Spanish saying that I am single, and another one for her (Dominicana) stating that she is single as well. There would be another fee as a copy of my birth certificate and passport would be translated into Spanish. Am I on the right track here?


New member
Jun 27, 2004
ranges2004 said:
So I have to try to find a judge or a civil registry who can do this. Cost is about RD$3,000. But beforehand I need to get a lawyer to write up a statement into Spanish saying that I am single, and another one for her (Dominicana) stating that she is single as well. There would be another fee as a copy of my birth certificate and passport would be translated into Spanish. Am I on the right track here?

Yes. Where are you from? I'm from Cda and I have a copy from the DR Consulate in Cda, if you want me to email it to you. Then you photocopy your passport and birth certificate, and you can send it to the DR Consulate in Cda, and pay 75$ USD for each document to get translated or you can get it done in the DR for a few hundred pesos. I did it myself, but am still getting it looked over when I get there to make sure it is o.k, and legal.
And your fiancee will get copies of her birthcertificate and single document completed by a lawyer.
LEt me know if you have any other questions.