I miss Hipolito already!!!


Dec 24, 2002
Come down children things has gotten alittle expensive i dont know about $7 pesos platanos or what ever if you don't want to pay high prices stay away from super pola supermercado nacional or la cadena if you like to shop at those stablishments due to the (A/C) they run on their planta all day (PLEASE DO NOT COMPLAINT) we live in Santo Domingo not Miami.

i've been force to sell in pesos in order to lower my expenses.


Texas Bill

Feb 11, 2003
Just a simple question????

How many of you now bemoaning the Lionel administration have given thought to what would have happened if Hippo had won re-election???

Set me assure you that things would be a helluva lot worse than they are.

What we're seeing is a gradual return to normalcy; a leveling off, if you will of the stupidity so well over exercised by Hippo and his crowd. The prices aren't coming dow as rapidly as we would wish, but they are coming down.

Now, I'm one of those that has seen an erosion of disposible income of in the neighborhood of 20-30% over the past 60 days and i'm beginning to worry a little bit about the future. however, when I look at things clearly, what i see are simply market adjustments between supply and demand. prices haven't gone down on imported items as fast simp;y because the inventories of those items haven't reached a replacement level as yet. They've been too expensive for the Dominicans to buy and therefore didn't move as rapidly as local products. other items (chickens, eggs, etc.) have been driven up in price by the feed needed to produce them and until that comes down we can expect the high prices to remain. High prices on many (about 60% overall)imported products are remaining high due to the new taxes imposed. Remember the ITBIS has gone up some 4% alone, not to mention other taxes, fees, etc. that were imposed by Hippo and continued under Lionel.
Tie all these new taxes and other reasons together and you have the answer to the continued high proces. AND they're going to remain in effect for a considerable period of time until the economy recovers, which it ain't done yet by a long shot!

So quitchurbellyakin and face reality. We're still a long way from a 'free lunch'!

Just my US$2.00 worth.

Texas Bill


New member
Oct 30, 2004
It's good what they are doing with the gun ownership. Make sure guns are in the right hands, while making some money.
They should raise the price of beer and cigs while they're at it. We all know someone who can't feed their kids but, somehow finds money for these things. Make it into a profit for the economy but, not too hard on the business owners especially small businesses.


May 12, 2002
Escott said:
I am not a meteorologist but I can tell you this. The economy is in the crapper yet the peso doubles in value is nothing more than VOODOO economics that can't take the light of day for fear of being shown to be the scam that it is.

If you don't think that what they are doing will harm the economy enough to go down in the history books I believe you are mistaken. They need to quadruple tourism and revitalize exports to make this place survive and keep up with the infrastructure and they wont be able to do this in the manner that they are trying to do it.

Things are more expensive whether you have a stable US Dollar income or a Peso income. Dollar incomes are getting a double whammy but Peso people are NOT faring better than before.

I don't know what you guys are crying about,
If Hippo was still in office by now the country would be in a war. Hippo did not even know how to spell the word "govierno" the only thing that he knew how to do was to borough money so that he and his cabinet members could afford to drive those jeepetas, their mansions, eat well and travel the world.

I have read some of Golo's posts trying to flex his political knowledge but now i have to say that he does not impresses me for expecting this president to take over office and as if he had a magic wand pretend that nothing happend in the last 4 years. I think he has done very good calculating that he has only been in office for 4 months.

If your boy Hippo was so good, why is he running scared? He knows that nothing can stop him from going to jail.


New member
Oct 24, 2004

if i was a new presedent with a huge dept, i would do what i had to to get cheep $us to repay it. follow the money.
Apr 26, 2002
Yesterday I asked why Leonel would want a 28:1 peso when, as everyone here has noted, it hurts everyone.

Well, today's DR1 news may give the answer. Apparently, I misstated when I wrote that the IMF and DR government had agreed on a 35:1 exchange rate for loan renegotiation purposes. It now appears that this rate is negotiable and, according to the DR1 story, that the sustained 28:1 exchange rate is putting the Fernandez administration in a better negotiating positions to shave points off the national debt.

Now the question is: Will the cure kill the patient?


Jan 5, 2002
Some people just don't see beyond what they read

I don't know how many people in DR1 actually live in DR and know Santo Domingo and the rest of DR well. But The whole country is in chaos. Leonel has not set order. Law and order does not exist. The armed forces are in disarray. Likewise the police, a useless force. AMET is history, except for collecting their checks. By God, they are even setting up vendors on crossway bridges!!! The town of Moca has 200 illegal drug stores and the town rebelled against the authority trying to close them down. Hospitals would be better closed. What are they teaching in schools? Gangs have taken over. Tourists are no longer safe. Drivers are now even turning regularly left on red. They run red lights at all hours. I saw three buses run a red light in front of a police car. Government offices produce more problmes than solutions. We are going to be taxed more and more. Already, just as I predicted, Leonel just announced a 10% surcharge on gasoline, increases in electric bills(up to 7%), and exchange rate taxes. Airport fees will not only be the $5 dollar on tickets. Expect an additional airport exit surcharge, highway tolls increased to $25 and extended to local highway exits. There will be a beach and resort parking lot fee. New passport and document fees will come by April 2005. OMSA will increase its rate to $10 and $20(is $5 and $10 now). As car prices go down slightly about March 2005, higher license fees will be increased to $3000 and an added luxury tax for vehicles over US$20,000. I can go on and on, since I know a few government officials who are involved in the planning for the next 4 years. They feel they must hit us quickly before the next elections, when they will try another four years with Danilo Medina. Hippo was terrible, but don't expect anything better with Leonel and his crew of fumblers.

As for the one who commented on the gun permit situation, let me tell you that people like me who have owned legal guns for years will be replaced by illegal ownership by almost 10 to 1 with the new regulations. There will be, and is already happening, a flood of illegal guns from Haiti falling in the hands of "Naciones" groups in all cities and towns to control youth in barrios and schools. No one will pay $10,000 to legalize a gun. That's what it takes to do it now. These people are just mad. They just don't get it. We voted for sanity, now we have a mental house at Dr. Delgado Avenue.


New member
Aug 26, 2004
And all of this is due to Hippo and his crowd!

Golo100 said:
I don't know how many people in DR1 actually live in DR and know Santo Domingo and the rest of DR well. But The whole country is in chaos. Leonel has not set order. Law and order does not exist. The armed forces are in disarray. Likewise the police, a useless force. AMET is history, except for collecting their checks. By God, they are even setting up vendors on crossway bridges!!! The town of Moca has 200 illegal drug stores and the town rebelled against the authority trying to close them down. Hospitals would be better closed. What are they teaching in schools? Gangs have taken over. Tourists are no longer safe. Drivers are now even turning regularly left on red. They run red lights at all hours. I saw three buses run a red light in front of a police car. Government offices produce more problmes than solutions. We are going to be taxed more and more. Already, just as I predicted, Leonel just announced a 10% surcharge on gasoline, increases in electric bills(up to 7%), and exchange rate taxes. Airport fees will not only be the $5 dollar on tickets. Expect an additional airport exit surcharge, highway tolls increased to $25 and extended to local highway exits. There will be a beach and resort parking lot fee. New passport and document fees will come by April 2005. OMSA will increase its rate to $10 and $20(is $5 and $10 now). As car prices go down slightly about March 2005, higher license fees will be increased to $3000 and an added luxury tax for vehicles over US$20,000. I can go on and on, since I know a few government officials who are involved in the planning for the next 4 years. They feel they must hit us quickly before the next elections, when they will try another four years with Danilo Medina. Hippo was terrible, but don't expect anything better with Leonel and his crew of fumblers.

As for the one who commented on the gun permit situation, let me tell you that people like me who have owned legal guns for years will be replaced by illegal ownership by almost 10 to 1 with the new regulations. There will be, and is already happening, a flood of illegal guns from Haiti falling in the hands of "Naciones" groups in all cities and towns to control youth in barrios and schools. No one will pay $10,000 to legalize a gun. That's what it takes to do it now. These people are just mad. They just don't get it. We voted for sanity, now we have a mental house at Dr. Delgado Avenue.

OK, OK but, remember, all of this is a RESULT of the horrific government we had the last 4 years; AND THERE WILL BE MORE BAD RESULTS. None of it is a result of the first 100 days of Leonel!