Is Dominican Republic safe for LGBT people?

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Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
There are lots of gay/crossdressers/trannies in Jarabacoa. They don't seem to be bothered or go into hiding here. Interestingly a guy from another part of the DR said they would kill them or beat them where he's from.

stop HANGING AROUND WITH "HOMOPHOBES"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He was just playing his "Macho Man Card".
And NOT the "Village People" one!!!!!!
Dominican men don't show ANY sensitivity to "GLBT" issues, as they think others will think they are "ONE".



bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
stop HANGING AROUND WITH "HOMOPHOBES"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He was just playing his "Macho Man Card".
And NOT the "Village People" one!!!!!!
Dominican men don't show ANY sensitivity to "GLBT" issues, as they think others will think they are "ONE".



Play the village idiot again CC. I didn't say it bothered him; he lives right door to a troop of male prostitutes and is kind of bemused by it all now that the shock has worn off. People are allowed to be homophobes as well, if they choose to be so. Who are we to say what they should think.
I just told you nobody from Jarabacoa cares.
Sep 4, 2012
The fact that the US Ambassador is gay is news to me.

Very clear to this guy:

"El arzobispo de Santo Domingo se refiere al pr?ximo embajador de Estados Unidos -abiertamente gay- como ?maric?n?
por Flick 4/07/2013 | 1:00 8 Publicado en Am?rica Latina, Caribe, Derechos, Discriminaci?n, General, LGTBIfobia, Noticias, Pol?tica, Religi?n

El cardenal Nicol?s de Jes?s L?pez Rodr?guez, arzobispo de Santo Domingo, se ha referido como ?maric?n? al pr?ximo embajador de Estados Unidos en la Rep?blica Dominicana, James ?Wally? Brewster.

L?pez Rodr?guez era preguntado sobre el tema por periodistas. Inicialmente se limit? a criticar a Estados Unidos y afirmar que detr?s de la designaci?n lo que se busca es promover el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo. ?De Estados Unidos se puede esperar cualquier cosa? Nadie desconoce en este pa?s cual es mi forma de pensar en relaci?n a ese tema? yo no comparto en absoluto ese tipo de opiniones y preferencias?, afirm?. Posteriormente argument?, para reforzar su postura, que la oposici?n a la homosexualidad no era exclusiva de los cristianos: ?ellos les interesa llevar adelante su prop?sito, pero que sepan que en el mundo hay mucha gente en contra de eso, entre gobiernos cristianos y no cristianos. Que le pregunten al mundo musulm?n, a ver que piensan ellos, aparte de los cristianos, y aparte de los evang?licos tambi?n?.

Pero fue justo despu?s, al ser preguntado por otro tema (el veto de la vecina Hait? a la importaci?n de pollos y huevos desde la Rep?blica Dominicana) cuando L?pez Rodr?guez deja ver su faceta m?s hom?foba. ?Saltamos de los maricones y lesbianas a los pollos?, afirm? entre risas:
Sep 4, 2012
Are you into sweeping generalizations and stereotyping?

Have you considered the possibility that Dominicans are not factory-made, and hence SOME Dominicans hold certain views on this matter that are different to the views of other Dominicans? Is that at all possible in your estimation?

Isn't that the situation in the vast majority of the countries on earth, including where you now live? Or does each and every one have identical views on this matter, wherever you live?

You are really on the edge, although "stereotype" exist, there are also general consensus on everything. The OP explicitly asked for the general consensus.

For instance, is a general consensus to agree that "Dominicans are good at and enjoy Baseball." Would it translate to you as of "all Dominicans are good at and enjoy Baseball?" It wouldn't and should not. Stop being so drastic."
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Jul 27, 2011
I have a question. How do Dominicans feel about LGBT people? Do they accept them or condemn them? I don't
think about tourism, but about life in this country. I dont't think only about gays and lesbians, but also about
transsexuals. Is it problem for Dominicans or they are totally ok with this? I don't know what to think about it,
because I know that many LGBT people go to DR, but I've heard very much about homophobia among
Dominicans and they are fanatic Catholics. What is true? I think about life in DR, not only holidays.

Yes, LGBT people are safe in the DR;however, you can't generalize for your other questions. Many will accept them, many will condemn then.
Something to keep in mind is that those who have negative thoughts about gay people don't have to be pc, they can voice them openly.

Just this week I heard a political spot on the radio for some candidate whose strong points included standing against same sex marriage.


Jan 22, 2016
Notice how there is no comments from the OP. Tell me this is not a bogus question , its just to stir things up.
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