Is President Fernandez a little paranoid!


Feb 27, 2004
I was reading the comments posted by DR1 about President Fernandez view on the failed state agenda, and his statements were pretty blatten and paranoid to say the least...does the President really believe that other nations such as the U.S., Spain, Haiti or any other country want to invade the D.R.?

I had the belief that the report was done during the Hippo's reign, but I guess not..anyway the president sounds at times like the PLD will be in power for the next 20 yrs or so..the other parties do not share his views, nor do they support his ideas or programs...and like I said before D.R. is one election away from POTENTIAL disaster.

What say you folks about the president's bold statements, and war talk... was he just in a bad mood, or is he receiving bad information from his cabinet or military advisors, where is he getting this paranoid invasion information from?

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Considering the USA record for invading the DR(twice) he isn't far off the mark. I think mainly he's trying to show that he can be macho.


On Permanent Vacation!
Apr 15, 2004
daddy1 said:
What say you folks about the president's bold statements, and war talk... was he just in a bad mood, or is he receiving bad information from his cabinet or military advisors, where is he getting this paranoid invasion information from?

Rhetoric, rhetoric, rhetoric.... contrasting with the fact that only a few days ago President Fernandez has allowed the U.S. military to patrol and control the border with Haiti, and also signed a decree given U.S. military and civilian U.S. government personnel immunity while in the DR from prosecution in the UN International Criminal Court of Justice.


Jul 3, 2002
Its just politics, 100% politics to say stuff to make people clap. As transparant as saran wrap.

He said he 'would not allow' the intervention of the US, WITH WHAT???? the helicopters that are grounded because their are no parts?
Sep 20, 2003
I can't imagine the United States wanted to invade the DR either. Too many of our troops are bogged down in Iraq.

I've have just returned from France.(2 1/2 months) and I can't imagine they have any plans to invade the DR either. Interestingly enough the DR was a heavily advertized tourist destination in France. On the flight over from America, the Air France magazine had an article of the Dominican Republic. From memory(I left the magazine behind at a friend's house) it talked about Domincan amber jewelry and and the cigar industry. I can't imagine French President Chirac spending too much of his time plotting against the DR with all of the political problems he has to deal with himself.

The website carried daily ads online for discount package tours to the DR as well.

I don't think much of the outside world has started to view the DR as a failed state.


Jan 1, 2002
Mirador said:
Rhetoric, rhetoric, rhetoric.... contrasting with the fact that only a few days ago President Fernandez has allowed the U.S. military to patrol and control the border with Haiti, and also signed a decree given U.S. military and civilian U.S. government personnel immunity while in the DR from prosecution in the UN International Criminal Court of Justice.

I think you will find that those US troops that went to the DR/Haiti border were senior members of the US forces (& the US Ambassador, Hans Hertell) & that they were there on a fact finding mission to investigate (& advise on) more effective ways of patrolling the border. I don't think there are any US troops patrolling the DR/Haiti border just yet & my understanding is that they will be used (when they get here) in a TRAINING capacity rather than 'Patrolling' capacity!

The 'Decree' you spoke of has (since your posting) been slated as having been signed by Hipolito Mejia back in May of 2004 & was passed through Congress in August of the same year (3/4 weeks before Leonel took over I gather)!! It has only JUST come to light as having been 'Decreed'. Further, My reading of it seems to indicate that there are a wide range of agreements within it that effect BOTH countries - not just those given up by the DR!! Would be pleased to hear if my understandng is wrong!! ~ Grahame.


Feb 27, 2004
joel pacheco said:
I can't imagine the United States wanted to invade the DR either. Too many of our troops are bogged down in Iraq.

I've have just returned from France.(2 1/2 months) and I can't imagine they have any plans to invade the DR either. Interestingly enough the DR was a heavily advertized tourist destination in France. On the flight over from America, the Air France magazine had an article of the Dominican Republic. From memory(I left the magazine behind at a friend's house) it talked about Domincan amber jewelry and and the cigar industry. I can't imagine French President Chirac spending too much of his time plotting against the DR with all of the political problems he has to deal with himself.

The website carried daily ads online for discount package tours to the DR as well.

I don't think much of the outside world has started to view the DR as a failed state.

I agree the U.S. is to busy, trying to stop these terrorist from creating world extinction, to mingle or invade in third world issues right now makes no sense. there are to many other, and bigger problems facing the world today...the only threat to D.R. right now are Dominican's themselves..the country potentially fits the failed state criteria..(POTENTIALLY) but far from it with this revived party, but the President should have taken that statistic with a grain of salt, and not have pounded his chest to the international community..instead he should have used it for motivating his party to do more for the people...D.R. is vulnerible on all fronts and in 2005 there structural development is still not on solid see this is what happens when you have so called friendly gatherings with Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez!


Feb 3, 2002
While I agree that The US probably has no interest in invading The DR per se, I think The US, France, Canada and others do have an interest in getting out of Haiti and passing that hot potato on to The DR to deal with. I believe this is where the president's comments stem from...and you all should understand that WE know nothing of what's really going on...the president on the other hand is (I hope) very well informed. Unlike Hippo, Leonel does not seem like a person proned to outburts for no I suspect that something is definitely going on to make him make such comments.


May 12, 2002
suarezn said:
While I agree that The US probably has no interest in invading The DR per se, I think The US, France, Canada and others do have an interest in getting out of Haiti and passing that hot potato on to The DR to deal with. I believe this is where the president's comments stem from...and you all should understand that WE know nothing of what's really going on...the president on the other hand is (I hope) very well informed. Unlike Hippo, Leonel does not seem like a person proned to outburts for no I suspect that something is definitely going on to make him make such comments.
That is very true suarezn.......They want to pull another Rwanda again.....


Jan 14, 2002
bob saunders said:
Considering the USA record for invading the DR(twice) he isn't far off the mark. I think mainly he's trying to show that he can be macho.
If the US said they were planning on invading the DR I would bet on it. That being said, Fernandez is responding to a thinktank as if he was responding to DIRECT US INTERVENTION which he isn't.

I think he has been hanging with Castro and Chevez for too long already! He is turning loco in my opinion.



Doctor of Diplomacy
Sep 23, 2002
Escott said:
If the US said they were planning on invading the DR I would bet on it. That being said, Fernandez is responding to a thinktank as if he was responding to DIRECT US INTERVENTION which he isn't.

I think he has been hanging with Castro and Chevez for too long already! He is turning loco in my opinion.


He is pandering to the xenophobes. He's also too smart to actually believe what he is saying. Why the hell would any of the world powers want to pccupy/invade the DR? There are about 50 other places that would come first.

He's taking a book out of the Latin American Leader's handbook. Appeal to patriotism and nationalism in the face of a made up external enemy(prediction: Mirador will comment on this...I had a similar discussion with him and his son a few weeks ago...interesting discussion). Bush does it too but at least he has a real enemy to talk about. Leonel only mentions "international forces". The DR has nothing to worry about. It's all rhetoric.

Dominicans get really pissed at the slightest comparison with Haiti and I don't blame them for that. The majority of the world is ignorant on the differences between the two countries. Leonel is just pounding his chest. It'll be good for his popularity rating. I don't blame him.



New member
Apr 17, 2004
Or maybe he is justifying in advance the need of a new big loan to get ammo to deffend the DR of the evil powers of international invaders... fresh money coming in... :cross-eye


Doctor of Diplomacy
Sep 23, 2002
Readytogo said:
DEFEND the DR? You have to be kidding

ONE Marine landing ship parked off the shore of the DR and they could do whatever is asked and the DR could do nothing (I just has the opportunity to explore USS Iwo Jima and have explained it's capabilities)

Maybe it is thinking and the realization of just how impotent the DR military is causes these concerns and outrages?

I've always thought that they should just ditch the military and have a kick-*** National Police Force with special capabilities. The military here is an undisciplined gaggle of chopos (with very few exceptions). The AMET are the closest thing we have to a professional/disciplined force. They have higher admission standards that the NP and the Military and it shows.

Just my two pesos...



New member
Apr 17, 2004
Readytogo said:
DEFEND the DR? You have to be kidding

ONE Marine landing ship parked off the shore of the DR and they could do whatever is asked and the DR could do nothing (I just has the opportunity to explore USS Iwo Jima and have explained it's capabilities)

Maybe it is thinking and the realization of just how impotent the DR military is causes these concerns and outrages?

My point was, any reason, and I mean ANY reason, is good to ask for loans in this country. No matter what was the original reason, if there is fresh money around, it will end up 25% doing something about the reason it was asked for (like getting a 50 yo rusty tank or getting a 75 yo WWI type biplane) and 75% in the top politicians/military pockets.

It was a joke... I hope...



New member
Aug 29, 2003
Maybe it is just a smoke screen
(he still is a lawyer and had training for that - just read the clowns-bin)

If i read headlines that 1500 jobs are created, and how good that is for the economy


a few pages behind that a small article that states that last month 20.000 people lost their job

...than i just start thinking .....

J D Sauser

Nov 20, 2004
I don't know and I might be fantasizing:

I don't think that the President actually believes that the DR might be a target for some invasion effort form some "liberation" minded force. As many have stated the US are too busy with Irak and the planing of future adventures like North Korea and Iran.

So, with the little information (actually none) I believe it could be either of three things:

  1. What y'all seem to say: Just... talk, talk, talk (but then, why and what for?).
  2. They might have some inteligence that there may be some tensions building up in Haiti again and they might fear a military or what ever coup that might threaten the DR's boder (if the 5hit hits the fan... well, you know). And he wants to make it clear and heard to whom ever wants to throw the match at the explosive situation in Haiti, that the DR will not accept any swapping over of the whole mess.
  3. And this is an enhanced version of "2)": International forces might have indicated at higher levels that they would move in(-to Haiti), should "2)" occur and he wants he's people to be reasured beforehand that this is not something the DR would have to fear.

Anyway, a lot of may's and might's

... J-D.