Is prostitution legal in DR?


Apr 1, 2013
San Pedro de Macoris
The other day was a on news a guy that the police catched him because was receiving services for a sex worker, they are asociated and they call themself Sex Workers. So yes and not, you can find then every where, so there is not a clear sing about if is legal or ilegal.


*** I love DR1 ***
Jan 29, 2012
We all pay for it, one way or another. Nothing is free. Some pay with houses, cars, diamonds. Some with pesos.

Reasonable Man

New member
Dec 23, 2011
We all pay for it, one way or another. Nothing is free. Some pay with houses, cars, diamonds. Some with pesos.

I once tried to explain to a friend of mine the system of "regalo" in DR between a man, and a women. I told him a lot of times when you have an "amiga con derecho" or a regular booty call, no matter if she isn't a hooker, she does expect something afterwards as a "regalo". I tried to explain to him, it's always an arbitrary reason why you're giving her money, for salon, milk for the baby, to help out at home, to pay the help with school, whatever the case may be. So he just looked at me, and then asked if all Dominican women are prostitutes then, I couldn't really say no.


Feb 15, 2013
Aug 6, 2006
I think it is safe to say that the relationship of sex and favors is vastly different between the US and the DR. Religious sexual morality is less, and the idea of sex as recreation is greater. Women are less concerned with being considered sluts, and the society does not condemn them for it as does the society in the US. US middle class sexual attitudes might be more like those of the wealthier Dominicans.


New member
Jun 30, 2011
Not your Ted Koppel's newsroom

I got the sense that this reporter had a well-disguised holier-than-though 'tude. Maybe a report on Sankies would've amused her more. Nothing against Boca Chica, but please. The report is uneven and unfair.

For decades, The US populous has been increasingly trained to take a particularly naive and immature view of
sexual, political and other cultural angles in their news...and the
American press, far more conservative than most western countries, strives to satisfy.

Ok lets put the prostitution ethics aside for a moment. Because honestly this story effectively equated the beach selling of drugs, and sex with the selling of paintings, foot manicures, jewelry, coconut water, and shrimp, by
folks who are trying to put bread on the table .

(And listen you snot nosed ABC manahttanite, YOU PAID UNDER $150 A NITE FOR AN AI...WTF!
I paid $120 for 2... Guess what, the place, the same place, was still pretty mediocre to poor, no arguments,
whose the moron?).

Me? I love BC and all its gritty wonder...and guess what!??? the food at the Don Juan now we pay $35 bucks a night for a room very near by...VERY NEAR BY, and eat on Duarte and watch the pros and their
miserable euro trash papi chulos, and laugh the nite away.

You could call me the American trash version...only I married my dominican yes I am no brighter
than the average and will arguably pay more in pesos and sweat in the years to come...all love costs something.

And now to the" every thing is for sale and isn't that gross" point of this editorial masterpiece;
I for one after spending time in the DR now get really annoyed at "beggars"... In the US...
all I can think is, "man Will you please find something to sell? Ice pops, cell phone chargers, windshield wipers,
paintings, anything ... creative like our neighbors to the south." You say your it biatch.

Perhaps a bit of an over simplification, but the difference between beggars on US streets and the poor on the
Streets and beaches of the third world?

In the US they hold a sign that says.."will work for food".
In the DR these same able bodied folks actually work, and sell whatever they can get their hands on to sell as if eating that night depended on it.

It's still a messy conversation...the poor, panhandling, begging, exploitation, and those missed by social
programs is difficult to grapple regardless of the country.
But it is insulting, for a country like the US to look down on folks who are at least trying to make a living
while their own country's social welfare programs fall far short of the ideals promised in the American dream.
Me? I love BC and all its gritty wonder...and guess what!??? the food at the Don Juan now we pay $35 bucks a night for a room very near by...VERY NEAR BY, and eat on Duarte and watch the pros and their
miserable euro trash papi chulos, and laugh the nite away.

You could call me the American trash version...only I married my dominican yes I am no brighter
than the average and will arguably pay more in pesos and sweat in the years to come...all love costs something.

Trash are trash no matter where they come from on this shrinking globe. In the end you and 99% of the other happy customers still have to go back to your jobs in your boring homecountries when the two weeks are over.

While 1% live here and we dont waste our lifes running after a smelly wellused peeholes.

So be careful, she is so sweet- but 5000 happy clients feel the same thing. Next time you kiss a pro, imagine how many sticks she had in her mouth just the last 24hours.

Enjoy your exotic rash.