Israeli negotiations... for azb

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Mar 21, 2002
Ariel Sharon is a war criminal

wanted by war crimes tribunals in Brussels for indiscriminate bombing of inncent civilians in Lebanon. As a young soldier he murdered innocent Palestinian children. Just go to Amnesty Intl and Human Rights Watch to see the atrocities being committed by the IDF. Israel is a mafia run rogue state. It shouldn't be included in any list of modern or developed nations.

How the hell can any lunatic on DR1 justify a full assembled army against children throwing stones. Don't worry AZB the world is waking up to this Jewish conspiracy to alter the truth.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Lack of intelligence

O&C, I thought you were intelligent, but you sound like a Nazi.
Do you believe everything you read? Homicide Bombings must be OK with you. I certainly don't agree with Sharon's Policies., as many Israelis also don't agree with his policies. The root of the problem, of course is too complicated to cover in a e-mail, but two main problems as I see it. Israel building settlements in Gaza and the West Bank and other Arab countries inciting Palistinians to use any means possible to kill Israelis, ALONG with refusing to admit that they are doing anything wrong.At least the israelis press is not afraid to critisize their own government. Try doing that in an Arab country, if you can find a Democratic one.
Under your definition of War crimes almost every American president, and most middle EAST LEADERS ARE GUILTY OF WAR CRIMES. Do more research before you flap your gums. And ABZ, I'm not a Jewish ass kisser because I'm not that flexible. Palistinians and Jews are from the same ancesters,merely cousins that disagree. Same noses...etc. Only difference-Religion.
You don't see any Israelis hiding in a Mosque or Church, because they respect other peoples religions.
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