Lack of attention to details...


Jun 3, 2004
Someone posted a link on another thread in support of Ramfis Dominguez Trujillo for president of the DR in 2020 where a number of invitations for fund raisers were listed. At $100US per person, one would think that the printed literature that the PED (Partido Esperanza Democratica) distributes would be looked at with a critical eye. This is what stood out when I read the official invitation: Partido Esperanza Democratica.....moralidad-equidad-moralidad...LE DA LA BIENVENIDAD...Perhaps I'm being picky, but, there should have been at least one person assigned to proof read anything and everything that goes out to represent a presidential candidate; even if it is for the DR, where quality of education is not a major priority. I have no political affiliations so this is not about politics.


Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003

Can you please post the link in this thread or state in which forum and thread you saw the original link.

Seeing the source of the printed literature can make a difference. There are so many reasons why errors such as those are not caught.



Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003
Thanks to poster habi for posting the link.


You are actually being generous with your comment. I looked at the ad once so far and it has many errors of a grammatical nature not only the one you pointed out. There are subtle and obvious errors. 

Thanks for starting this thread and it will be great to discuss your and other observations. 

However, I will be back later on. Today is a big World Cup day and one of my teams, Argentina, Albiceleste is about to play and then Perú plays after that. It will be their first World Cup appearance in thirty-six years. Así que hablamos luego y pon tus comentarios para que la gente comente.



Sep 27, 2017
Thanks to poster habi for posting the link.


You are actually being generous with your comment. I looked at the ad once so far and it has many errors of a grammatical nature not only the one you pointed out. There are subtle and obvious errors. 

Thanks for starting this thread and it will be great to discuss your and other observations. 

However, I will be back later on. Today is a big World Cup day and one of my teams, Argentina, Albiceleste is about to play and then Perú plays after that. It will be their first World Cup appearance in thirty-six years. Así que hablamos luego y pon tus comentarios para que la gente comente.


Happy to see your enthusiasm for the World Cup. Please contribute to the thread dedicated to it if you wish. Your input would be appreciated.


Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003
Happy to see your enthusiasm for the World Cup. Please contribute to the thread dedicated to it if you wish. Your input would be appreciated.

Thanks! I saw your thread and I am sure you had the best intentions when you started it but I noticed it seems to attract all the wrong comments and as a result it is not really a fun read for soccer enthusiasts, World Cup especially like me. Therefore, if I do post about the World Cup it will be in this thread I already posted some comments from post #24 onwards. The only catch is posts must be in Spanish.

Anyway, I won't comment further here in this thread as it cannot be hijacked.

Keep enjoying the World Cup!



Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003
To make it easier for everyone here is the ad in question. Have a look. It has quite a few grammatical corrections that need to be made. Remember the definition of grammar covers a broad range of topics and issues relating to language. I also added the verbiage below the ad.

Anyone who has been educated in Spanish fully or partially should be able to notice the incorrect aspects of this ad. Who wants to bite first?


La comunidad Dominicana en NJ, recibirá al próximo presidente de la República
El evento se llevará a cabo el Sábado 31 de Marzo desde las 7:00 pm hasta las 9:00 pm, en "La frontera", 3310 westfield avenue, Camden, NJ, 08105.

Here is the comment below the video that was posted:

Polar el reloj del corazón, le presenta la importante entrevista al nieto del hombre que gobierno la República Dominicana, por más de 30 años, el ex-presidente y dictador Rafael Leonidas Trujillo... El sr. L Ramfis Domínguez Trujillo, quien en una de las tantas pregunta que nos contesto fue esta, "Cual fue el peor error de su abuelo, y nos contestó "Que fue demasiado ser humano"



Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Yes. Lack of knowledge of basic rules.

La comunidad Dominicana en NJ, recibirá al próximo presidente de la República
El evento se llevará a cabo el Sábado 31 de Marzo desde las 7:00 pm hasta las 9:00 pm, en "La frontera", 3310 westfield avenue, Camden, NJ, 08105.

Dominicana s/b dominicana
Redundant comma after 'NJ'
Missing full stop after República
Sábado 31 de Marzo s/b sábado 31 de marzo
3310 westfield avenue s/b 3310 Westfield Avenue

Polar el reloj del corazón, le presenta la importante entrevista al nieto del hombre que gobierno la República Dominicana, por más de 30 años, el ex-presidente y dictador Rafael Leonidas Trujillo... El sr. L Ramfis Domínguez Trujillo, quien en una de las tantas pregunta que nos contesto fue esta, "Cual fue el peor error de su abuelo, y nos contestó "Que fue demasiado ser humano"

Missing comma after Polar
Redundant comma after corazón
gobierno s/b gobernó
Redundant comma after Dominicana
Leonidas s/b Leónidas
... after Trujillo s/b .
sr. s/b Sr.
una de las tantas pregunta s/b una de las tantas preguntas
contesto s/b contestó
Opening and closing interrogation marks and closing quote mark missing in "Cual fue el peor error de su abuelo,
Cual s/b cuál
Que s/b que
Final full stop (period) missing

Ambiguity in the first sentence - sounds like the dead guy is the interviewee.
The last sentence is garbled and convoluted but I won't attempt to rewrite it.


Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003
Great Chiri. I was hoping someone would post the corrections.

Just one more observation that I wanted to point out.

Accents and the rules of usage. This really puzzles some Spanish speakers who have good education and foreigners alike. The ad clearly reveals this is still a problem. It is full of capital letters with no accents. I have read in some references that when using capital letters accents can be omitted. This may account for some of inconsistencies but in general accents need to be added even when using capital letters until that is a rule across the board.

In the quote:

Polar el reloj del corazón, le presenta la importante entrevista al nieto del hombre que gobierno la República Dominicana, por más de 30 años, el ex-presidente y dictador Rafael Leonidas Trujillo... El sr. L Ramfis Domínguez Trujillo, quien en una de las tantas pregunta que nos contesto fue esta, "Cual fue el peor error de su abuelo, y nos contestó "Que fue demasiado ser humano"

esta should have an accent in that phrase. It should be ésta.

Many people don't understand the grammar rule behind it. However, when referring to a noun that precedes the demonstrative adjective you must include the accent.

In my opinion, it is an ad with a very poor reflection of Spanish. Not necessarily from a verbal perspective but from a grammar and writing perspective. It perpetuates the stigma of the diaspora and how they do not know the language. It could be true or it just may be that individual or group of individuals.



Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Thanks for pointing out ésta. I didn't know the explanation for that rule.ésta

Many of the comments in Spanish from expat Dominicans on the cooking blog and associated social media contain errors but we give them a pass for being second or third-generation speakers who were not educated in Spanish.

This is different. Something written for publication representing someone with presidential aspirations for a Spanish-speaking country should have higher standards. If they themselves don't have sufficient command of the language to write their own promotion materials, FFS find someone who does. The problem is they think they do and much of their audience can't tell the difference or don't care anyway.


Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003
Understanding how accents work in Spanish is not difficult. I am convinced that chapter is skipped and/ or spelling the word with the accent is not reinforced. Anyone can miss one or two accents but when you read a document from start to finish with little or no accentuation then you know there is a problem.  In my experience some university professors give you back your paper if they notice the first paragraph has words that are missing accents. They say you have one day to resubmit the paper. You become aware fast.

I don’t think too many remember or are even aware of the rule that I pointed out but it was staring me in the face. It is hard to miss especially if you read out loud. 

I think your point is correct. Those folks think they know how to write in Spanish combined with an audience that does not know better and does not care. That ad is not high level Spanish and if they can’t write that properly imagine if they had to write an article. 

Regarding the typo, let’s hope it’s a typo. Who knows given all the other grammar issues found in the ad. For all we know the person who wrote the ad might have thought words like hermandad, caridad and felicidad exist so why not bienvenidad.

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