Latest Developments In Sosua


Jan 1, 2002

im not trying to tear down sosua in order to make cabarete seem better. i knew sosua when it was much, much nicer, and didnt have all the crap and jail cells over-loaded and filled every evening. sosua was a fantastic place. it's just an empty shell of what it once was. this is not me trying to build up one town over th next in order to look better against the next. i told you, las terreneas has infinitey better beaches. period. i give credit where credit is due. sosua is just an adult playground. nothing more. i'ts not family oriented in any way, shape, or form. i wish i knew a solution for sosua, but sadly, i dont. i can only remember sosua how it used to be in the past. and that's long gone.


Personally, I don't think Sosua needs somebody in Cabarete to continually call attention to problems and perceived problems. The people who live here, as well as the present officials, are not unmindful that Sosua can be a better place to live.

And things are getting better. i have seen a lot of changes in the 12 years i have lived in Sosua. And I fully expect more positive changes in the future. People who know what is going on in Sosua and what is planned for the future have written about them.

I believe the people who live here, work here, and govern here are capable of working them out. These positive changes may not occur as rapidly as some would like, but they are occuring.

So what if Las Terranas has better beaches, in the minds of some, so what if Cabarete has better beaches in the minds of some. I know both those beaches and consider them sterile compared to the vibrancy of Sosua beach.

This thread started off as a discussion of changes in Sosua, then, as has happened before, was hijacked to make it a discussion of how Sosua doesn't measure up to someplace(s) elsewhere.


Dec 19, 2009
I used to love Sosua, but now I dislike it because of what it has evolved into. It's really gone to crap in the last 3 years. Went to Sosua and Cabarete for a total of 14 trips. Started going in '07. Used to go to Sosua at least 2 times a year. But it's been over a year now since I've benn there, because I've found a better scene, at least for me: the Philippines.

In 2 trips there, no major drama with any of the Filipino girls....wish I could say that about the Sosua chicas......Filipino girls are more trustworthy and treat you with more respect than the Dominican girls.

I especially don't miss my "mejores amigos," those cling-ons on PC, that everytime they see you want a free handout in the way of cigarettes, drinks and pesos. There were about 4 or 5 of these parasites that would follow me around like a shadow. I used to peek around the corner before I'd walk down Pedro, just to see if any of these "amigos" were there. Very, very, very annoying.

I don't like the new demographic of tourists that visit Sosua these days either.

So I've taken my money somewhere else. For me, the Phils is a better fit.
Last edited:
Oct 11, 2010
Good evening Frank, thanks for the kind words and appreciation of my writing style, just as I appreciate yours. Hopefully this week I'll get over to Caberete and we can argue about who pays for the beers, I'm definitely looking forward to it. It would be a pleasure to meet you in person. I would also love to see big Frank, it's been a while since I've been there.

Thanks for taking the time to comment on the posts and now I'll give you the same courtesy.

OK, gloves back on.

Pedro Clisante is not "over dramatized." Unfortunately, Pedro Clisante is the heart of Sosua. it always has been. It's what the tourists see when they walk through Sosua. Pedro Clisante is not Disney Land, brother; this is not Hannah and Barbara amusement park for children. It's an adult playground catering to adults. Period. And anyone thinking otherwise should get their eye-glass prescription refilled. Pedro Clisante is a Girls Gone Wild episode; it's Twilight--only the girls have bigger fangs, and unlike in the movies, they really do bite, and they bite hard...and that's no joke. This is not me trying to be funny here.

Try allowing the girls hanging out on Pedro Clisante to sit next to you and hang out with you or your friends. See what happens? Get back to me about that. They want money for their time. time is money to them. Try wasting their time and see what happens when you try to get up and leave. They're not their for your amusement. They're out working; they have children to feed, and this is their business hours.

You are proving my point. Pedro Clisante is Sos?a's main street. And this one 250 meter section of Pedro Clisante contains the infamous Classicos, D'Latin Drink, Rhumba, El Toro, El Flow, and further down CMP and Passions. And realistically the real strip that gets the most attention is from Classicos to just past the corner where the Rhumba bar is, maybe 50 meters. And from about 5:00PM until 2:00AM this strip certainly is not "Disney Land", brother. It is absolutely an "adult playground catering to adults". Period. NO ONE THINKS OTHERWISE.

That's the problem, the majority of "adult entertainment" is compressed into this small area from 5 until 2 and then moves from there to the Starlight Disco (formerly After One). Everything that happens there is amplified due to the close concentration of the bars and their patrons. More patrons, more prostitutes, more "deliquentes" all jammed together. It feeds on itself and disproportionately magnifies the problems.

Literally hundreds of people compressed in the streets and in the bars of this 50 meter strip. So now everything that goes on is seen by hundreds if not thousands of eyes. One incident happens and it get's witnessed by a disproportionately larger amount of people because of this concentration, and it almost immediately gets posted on websites like DR1 as well as others by a disproportionate amount of people. Not representing the 40,000 inhabitants of Sos?a, but the hundreds of patrons within that 250 meters of Pedro Clisante.

Let's be honest here, take DR1, it is a very disproportionate representation of the average person who works and lives in Sos?a. And many of the posters are the very same patrons who visit or have visited that spot on Pedro Clisante, thus the over dramatization.

Not only that but the same applies to how the witnessing of an incident gets disseminated locally whether through "legitimate" local news reporting or through general gossip. Detras del Rumor, TV Costa Norte Ole TV, All reporting the same incident with the inherent embellishments. Five motoconchos see the same incident and now there are five versions one more sensational than the other. Or a group of prostitutes, who regularly travel here to the north coast, are working on this 250 meter strip of Pedro Clisante. Five from Santiago, three from Moca, eight from Santo Domingo, seven from La Vega, six from Jarabacoa. You now have 29 versions, again one more outlandish than the other, spreading throughout the country in a matter of a couple of days.

And what is mentioned first in everybody's account? So and so got arrested in Sos?a or I saw fulana in jail in Sos?a. Not the 250 meter notorious section of Sosua but just Sosua, And so begins or continues the insidious process of Sosua's bad reputation, the typical "chismeria". And now it all becomes over dramatized whether on the internet, on the news, in town, in the citys and campos where most of the prostitutes who come to the north coast to work come from. On and on.

Believe me, NOBODY is trying to say that spot is "Disney Land", brother. Sure there are prostitutes, hustlers, robberies, etc. in that area, but it is disproportionate to Sosua as a whole and just the nature of the beast that it is over dramatized.

And YOU fall right into this with your following reply right here on DR1 . . .

Sosua jail cell is packed every evening with people getting out of control and doing crazy things. A New York State attorney who lives in Blue Fish--inside Perla Marina--had another New York State Attorney friend visiting him and his family. when he and his friend went out to have a beer, a girl introduced herself and invited herself with them back to the restaurant. he hadn't been on this island for one day. she wanted to have sex. he said no. she wanted to be paid for wasting two hours with him. he said no. she grabbed his Iphone and ran down Pedro Clisante with it. When he caught up with her, she started screaming bloody murder. the police came running and asked what was going on? He didn't speak a word of spanish...he didn't even understand the question. The girl was holding onto the IPhone and wouldn't let go of it. She told the police he had sex with her and refused to pay. The police hauled him off to jail and locked him up inside a 6 x 6 foot cell packed full of people. The friend--who is a New York State attorney--pleaded with the police. The police refused to let him out until he paid the girl, and paid the police for assaulting the girl on the street--which involved holding her arm so that she wouldn't try to smash his Iphone on the sidewalk. she kept biting him on the hand while he was holding her hand which held his Iphone. She was trying to smash the Iphone against a concrete wall--breaking the screen. This is not an isolated incident. this is a nightly occurrence and an easy way for the police and girls to make money. I think its called blackmail in other parts of the world. He had to go to an ATM machine and withdraw money in order to pay her and pay the police. Yeah, Sosua is a great place.

Your own hyperbole makes my case, "Sosua jail cell is PACKED EVERY EVENING with people out of control and doing crazy things" and "this is not an isolated incident, THIS IS A NIGHTLY OCCURRANCE".
Sos?a jail is NOT PACKED EVERY EVENING with anybody, sure on most weekends the activity increases and when the police do an "operativo", then yes it is packed, but every eveining. No. And your attorney story a NIGHTLY OCCURANCE? No to that one also.
Sure it happens, I'm not ignoring the fact that "people have been robbed, scammed or pickpocketed over the years" But it is disproportionately more than the rest of Sos?a. Nightly? Come on Frank, you're making it too easy for me to prove my point. Sad story about the attorney though.

Now contrast this with sitting at Lax, Onnos, Kahunas, O'shay's, Mohitos, or whatever bar on Cabarete beach other than Bambu. You think the Norwegians want money for talking to them? You think the Canadians or Europeans want to be paid for indulging them?

Ok, I'm game.
Now contrast this with sitting at Bologna, Marua Mai, The Waterfront, Josephs, Baileys, Parque Mirador or whatever place other than around the Pedro Clisante strip. You think the Norwegians want money for talking to them? You think the Canadians or Europeans want to be paid for indulging them? You think the Italians want money to have a cup of coffee with them? (I had to add that or I'd be in trouble with Claudio and Eduardo from Bologna.) I think you get the point.
By the way, you notice I'm not touching Bambu, but I could, and VERY EASILY use the same hyperbole to bring to light incidents that have happened at Bambu as well as other places on the beach in Cabarete, but I'll just leave it there.

But most likely I've been living here 90% longer than you have...unless you been here since 1964.

Once again, congratulations. But I wasn't comparing the amount of time I lived here with you, I was stating, that just as you have posted that you . . . "have lived in both towns for longer than most people have been members here on DR1.". . . So have I. We both win the prize, but you definitely get first place, I'll humbly accept second, my first time in Sos?a was 1984. So congratulations, again.

Except that Perla Marina is no closer to Sosua than it is Cabarete, and you have to drive to Sosua from La Mulata, El Choco, Ocean Village, Sea Horse Ranch. You certainly aren't going to take to the highway and start walking down Highway 5 all the way to Sosua. Now contrast this with Cabarete--the whole length of the town can be traversed by the beach...and you can continue on for another 15km if you want to sea horse ranch
Cabarate, as i've already mentioned numerous times, has 15km of beaches that stretch from La Boca river all the way to Sea Horse Ranch--inlcuding Encuentro, Rincon, and numerous others.

What is actually Cabarete has nothing near 15km of beaches, and ALL the places you mention in those paragraphs above are IN Sosua. However, I will address this in my next post about the general logistcs of Sosua and Cabarete. Except for this . . .
CMC is not within walking distance of any neighborhood in Sosua...except for the ones directly behind it--coming from the back--.
Those are the neighborhoods I was referring to when saying they were within walking distance, but once again, none more than 2 minutes away by car or moto from just about ANY spot in Sos?a. But quite far away from Jose O'Shays. And please don't take my constant mentioning of Jose O'Shays as an indictment of any of your posts. But in the same manner you like to use Pedro Clisante as the "heart of Sos?a", I use Jose O'Shays as the heart of Cabarete. It's just a reference point, but if you like I'll use Bambu.;)

As far as individual restaurants, bars, clubs, beaches, etc. I won't go into them point for point. Like I said before both places are BEAUTIFUL and have there outstanding points. Again I like both. And just as I concluded my post I said as you quoted . . .

And this is Sos?a's fort?. This is what makes Sos?a different.

Different? Yes. Better, no. it's a subjective taste.

Maybe you didn't comprehend my posts, I NEVER said better, DIFFERENT, yes, better, everybody can decide that on their own.

But just for the record, I will admit, to ME personally, I like Sosua better, that's why I live here.

Again, looking forward to the beer.
Oct 11, 2010
Now about what is in Sos?a and what is not, and the boundaries and names CMC, Sos?a Ocean Village, Sea Horse Ranch, Cabarete, etc..

The very simple answer is THEY ARE ALL IN SOSUA, PERIOD. Guess what, Jose O'Shays is in Sos?a, Cabarete is PART OF SOSUA. It is a municipal district of Sos?a.

The actual municipality of Sos?a starts in the west at the border of Sabaneta de Congrejo (better know just as Congrejo) and extends all the way east to the border of Sabaneta de Yasica and Veragua. To the north, obviously to the Atlantic Ocean and to the south to Los Zancones and ultimately Arroyo Llano which alone is 12 kilometers south of Madre Vieja which is pretty far from the coast.

A total population of almost 70,000 and land size of approximately 107 square miles (277 sq. km.)

The deliniation between Sos?a and Cabarete are actually the borders of the Municipal District of Sos?a and the borders of the Municipal District of Cabarete, BOTH of which are much smaller than the entire municipality of Sos?a.

The municipal district of Sos?a (or what is commonly known as Sos?a) starts about two kilometers west of Los Charamicos in the west and runs east to about one half a kilometer east of Pearla Marina. To the north up to the Atlantic Ocean and to the South more or less about 6- 8 km in a broken line parallel to the coast.

The municipal district of Cabarete (and this is ALL that is ACTUALLY Caberete, no matter what anybody wants to call themselves, e.g. CMC-Cabarete Medical Center, sorry but it's in Sos?a, Sea Horse Ranch also in Sos?a) starts in the west about one and one half kilometers west of the Coconut Palms Resort to approximately one kilometer east of the Cabarete police station, and north to the Atlantic Ocean and South in a broken line which runs approximately two kilometers south parallel to the coast line.

That's it. Not really a big mystery. Even Cabarete East Condos (Martini's Bar) is technically NOT in Caberete.

As to why some places put Cabarete in their names I have heard several stories. A few years ago when Cabarete had a sudden surge in building and development, everybody wanted to jump on the bandwagon, so thus, some "license" was taken with names, e.g. CMC, Sea Horse Ranch, Cabarete.

The renaissance didn't last too long, as can be attested to by the stopped, never started and incomplete projects, e.g. Amber Dune, Gran Cabana, The Fountains, to just name a few. And the closing of the Sands Casino, Disco, the almost immediate failure of Nikki Beach, etc.

Even Casa Linda for example went from Sos?a to Cabarete and back to Sos?a along with the tide. Although you can still see both depending where you read.

If anyone wants to see for themselves the EXACT deliniation, it is availabe in the ayuntamiento office in Sos?a on the second floor. Very clear and easy to see. Also go to GOOGLE MAPS and enter Sosua or Cabarete and it has the EXACT deliniation of the municipal distrcts, although I have not found the exact borders of the complete municipality there, but they are in the ayuntamiento office.

Hopefully this makes it clear what is in Sos?a and what is in Cabarete. It really doesn't make a difference what anyone wants to call themselves the borders are clearly defined and easy to reference at the ayuntamiento office in Sos?a or google maps, both VERY CLEAR.


Sep 6, 2011
NY/DR Commuter,

Fantastic information...and again, beautifully written, articulate, sound logic, objective, and excellent pieces of history and good research! Really enjoyed it. Good job!

The beer is on me!

Love Frank


Dec 16, 2011
This is great news for Sosua. NOW all the families, young couples and professionals will vacation in Sosua."Honey grab the kids and drop your Gucci hand bag, were going to Sosua"
When will this happen? A facelift along with decent jobs and overall improvement in the standard of living for average Dominicans in the area would probably be welcomed.


Jul 10, 2004
Excellent explanation NY-DR. Reminds me of the following Maine/New Hampshire joke:

Some engineers from the U.S.G.S. surveyed some property and found that in a area, the New Hampshire and Maine border must be changed. They stopped to inform a farmer that he was no longer in Maine, but in New Hampshire.

After a long pause, he grunted and said, "That's good. I couldn't take another one of these Maine winters."

Now if only they didn't have the same name for the municipality as they do for the municipal district.


Dec 22, 2010
thanks for the clarity NY

Just two little is Sabaneta de Cangrejos (not Congrejos)
and i suspect that the municipal district of Sosua is slightly larger than 107 sq miles!


Oct 21, 2008
I used to love Sosua, but now I dislike it because of what it has evolved into. It's really gone to crap in the last 3 years. Went to Sosua and Cabarete for a total of 14 trips. Started going in '07. Used to go to Sosua at least 2 times a year. But it's been over a year now since I've benn there, because I've found a better scene, at least for me: the Philippines.

In 2 trips there, no major drama with any of the Filipino girls....wish I could say that about the Sosua chicas......Filipino girls are more trustworthy and treat you with more respect than the Dominican girls.

I especially don't miss my "mejores amigos," those cling-ons on PC, that everytime they see you want a free handout in the way of cigarettes, drinks and pesos. There were about 4 or 5 of these parasites that would follow me around like a shadow. I used to peek around the corner before I'd walk down Pedro, just to see if any of these "amigos" were there. Very, very, very annoying.

I don't like the new demographic of tourists that visit Sosua these days either.

So I've taken my money somewhere else. For me, the Phils is a better fit.

Yea just what we need,Insults about Sosua based on the opinion and experiences of a monger:confused:And about the so called new demographic, lets not go there as i don't feel like a vacation from DR1.


Dec 19, 2009
Yea just what we need,Insults about Sosua based on the opinion and experiences of a monger:confused:And about the so called new demographic, lets not go there as i don't feel like a vacation from DR1.

A monger who would spend an extended vacation, 4 weeks or more, on every trip. So I am very familiar with everyday life in the town, moreso than the average tourist......

And as far as being a monger, I am still fairly young and single, so when the opportunity presents itself........

El Tigre

El Tigre de DR1 - Moderator
Jan 23, 2003
It's amazing how people get worked up over territory. You guys are hilarious!

I personally prefer Sosua for the beach and Cabarete for the night life :)


Apr 29, 2005
I used to love Sosua, but now I dislike it because of what it has evolved into. It's really gone to crap in the last 3 years. Went to Sosua and Cabarete for a total of 14 trips. Started going in '07. Used to go to Sosua at least 2 times a year. But it's been over a year now since I've benn there, because I've found a better scene, at least for me: the Philippines.

In 2 trips there, no major drama with any of the Filipino girls....wish I could say that about the Sosua chicas......Filipino girls are more trustworthy and treat you with more respect than the Dominican girls.

I especially don't miss my "mejores amigos," those cling-ons on PC, that everytime they see you want a free handout in the way of cigarettes, drinks and pesos. There were about 4 or 5 of these parasites that would follow me around like a shadow. I used to peek around the corner before I'd walk down Pedro, just to see if any of these "amigos" were there. Very, very, very annoying.

I don't like the new demographic of tourists that visit Sosua these days either.

So I've taken my money somewhere else. For me, the Phils is a better fit.

And maybe take your computer with you too and leave DR1 for philipino1 or whatever they have.......oh but ya can't.....LOL


On Vacation!
Mar 6, 2003
In the past, FritoBandito WAS a big supporter of Sosua and the Pedro Clisante lifestyle.

I find it interesting that he has moved on and he has stated his reasons. A couple of other "hard cores" have also told me the same.

Enough is enough.


On Vacation!
Mar 6, 2003
One more TRUTH. We had a man come to our gate today.

We have a couple of apts.

He ownes a small hotel in Sosua.

He can NOT stand staying in his own hotel anymore and needs to get away.

The apt. he is looking at has our horse stalls below and he is fine.

WAKE UP KEN. Wake up Sousa.

I DON'T make this stuff up. How could anyone make this up?


Jun 2, 2006
does this mean i can't bring my family to sosua ? sosua is a family town right ? :ermm: