Latest trick from sankies to get money


New member
Jul 13, 2006
The trick that sankies use in this moment to get money from their tourist girls.

After the tourist girl went home they keep in contact by email and phone. After a few week they avoid all contact for about 1 week to 10 days. Then they write an email to the girls and tell them that they had a traffic accident and got hurt, and sometimes had to stay in hospital. They make up different stories, from a little hurt, to stays in hospital, not able to work for a few days to a couple of weeks and so on. Then they ask for money because they can not pay their medical bills and have to go to jail when they will not pay, or can not have any medical treatment or medicaments because they do not have money.
An other version of this same story is that they where involved in an accident, are not hurt themselve but he is the one to blame for the accident and he have to pay for the medical treatment for the other person that got hurt by his fault and if he will not pay he has to go to jail.

Some of those sankies I know very well and they are telling me about their tricks and even showed it to me. They took me to the internet cafe, went on chat, told their story and sometimes the same day/or the next one, the girl sent money to western union. They are great actors. I even can not blame the girls because you really believe them, they are great in this acting part.
And I can not blame those guys eithers, it is totally not right what they do, they are liars and take advantage of the goodness of other people, but for them it is such an easy way of making money, that they will not stop and keep doing this as long as they will get money that easy. It is their way of living and they make much more money then when they would work very hard.


Jan 10, 2002
Is this really new?

It?s probably new to the girl overseas, and to you too, as this post shows.

So you hang about with sankies ChicaBianca?
Let me guess: Social studies?
Ok, just friends.
Be prepared for more "new" techniques.


On Vacation!
Dec 8, 2003
Not really new

The trick that sankies use in this moment to get money from their tourist girls....

... is one of their standard repertoire tools as can be seen on my 'rent-a-sankie'-website. :lick:


Original- Quote:
"Sankies haben ein Repertoire an mehr oder weniger glaubhaften Geldbedarfgeschichten, die Gringas herzerweicht zu Geldueberweisungen veranlasst ("Western-Union-Phase").
Gaengige Bittgruende sind:
- Handy- und Telefonkartenkaeufe;
- Krankheitsfaelle oder lebensrettende Operationen in der Familie;
- Arztkosten nach Unfaellen;
- Kautionszahlungen fuer Entlassung aus dem Gefaengnis;
- Ausloesung von verpfaendeten Sachen;
- Fahrgeld fuer Heimfahrten, Schulgeldnoete;
- Beschaffung von Dokumenten und hierfuer noetige 'Beschleunigungsgebuehren';
- usw., usf."


New member
Jul 13, 2006
It?s probably new to the girl overseas, and to you too, as this post shows.

So you hang about with sankies ChicaBianca?
Let me guess: Social studies?
Ok, just friends.
Be prepared for more "new" techniques.

Hi gerd
I did not say it is a new trick, I only mentioned that this one is very populair in this moment.
And yes I hang out with sankies, I lived there for a while and I worked in animation, so I saw a lot of their tricks and ways of life from very close. I will never would have a love relation with sankies and I will not call them my very best friends, but I hang out with them and in one way enjoy their stories. They are very honest about it, and tell very open how they fool the the tourists and I keep wondering that tourists fall in those tricks, but that topic is discussed many times.


Jan 2, 2002
You enjoy?????

but I hang out with them and in one way enjoy their stories.

you should be disgusted with them and their stories.:ermm:

They are very honest about it,

oh yes we need more honesty like this. :rolleyes:

and tell very open how they fool the tourists

that alone should make you want to throw up and not hang out with people like that.

I'm sure you meant well by posting this and I'm sure you are only trying to open other people's eyes but to say you enjoy their stories upsets me very much. I'm sure if you see the results at the other end you wouldn't be so impressed.

It's all in our articles and threads especially in sankies for dummies


New member
Jul 13, 2006
She said "in one way she enjoys".... at least she's honest about this.

I have to ask myself why I keep reading these sankie threads.

Don't scare her off, she might have some stories we've never heard before.

to anna
I said "in one way" and I also say that it is not correct what they do.
Do you never laugh whe you see somebody falling down in a fun way. You have to laugh, but still the other person hurts himself.
And what about all the people reading these stories for sankies, do they never laugh about it?
Again it is totally not correct what they do, but for some of them it is a way of living and some of them just need this money to support their family as they can not make enought money by only hard work in a decent job.


Mar 22, 2002
And I can not blame those guys eithers, it is totally not right what they do, they are liars and take advantage of the goodness of other people, but for them it is such an easy way of making money, that they will not stop and keep doing this as long as they will get money that easy.

Keep hanging around these guys and see how far it gets you.

You turn your back and give one of these guys an opportunity and he will stick the knife in real good. That's his nature.

Not to mention the reputation hanging around with them gives you.

Some people dont get it.




New member
Sep 5, 2006
Chica did you ever stop to think that by listenting to their stories and being amused by them that you are further encouraging their behavior? Ever heard of the phrase guilty by association???


New member
Jul 13, 2006
Keep hanging around these guys and see how far it gets you.

it don't have to bring me anywhere

Then they keep their nature very good hidden as i know those sankies already for more then 7 years, two of them even where only 14 years old when I met them (as they are little brothers from an other sankie and the other is a brother from a decent girl I know very well)

They know me and they know that I would never ever give them any money or other things and will never ask me either as they know how i would react. The non sankie people I know are inviting me in their houses to have dinner and parties without expecting money.

One girl I borrowed her 250 box to start a little shop. I know her for about 10 years now and I did not really expect that I would get back the money, but I did not care as this was an investment in her future and the future of her 4 little kids. Within one year she paid me back every penny

So I got it, and I choose to hang out with all kind of people.


Jan 2, 2002
... is one of their standard repertoire tools as can be seen on my 'rent-a-sankie'-website. :lick:


Original- Quote:
"Sankies haben ein Repertoire an mehr oder weniger glaubhaften Geldbedarfgeschichten, die Gringas herzerweicht zu Geldueberweisungen veranlasst ("Western-Union-Phase").
Gaengige Bittgruende sind:
- Handy- und Telefonkartenkaeufe;
- Krankheitsfaelle oder lebensrettende Operationen in der Familie;
- Arztkosten nach Unfaellen;
- Kautionszahlungen fuer Entlassung aus dem Gefaengnis;
- Ausloesung von verpfaendeten Sachen;
- Fahrgeld fuer Heimfahrten, Schulgeldnoete;
- Beschaffung von Dokumenten und hierfuer noetige 'Beschleunigungsgebuehren';
- usw., usf."

Before I drive myself crazy, is this German or sankie language ? ;)


On Vacation....
Nov 16, 2003
Marketing 101 ....

I lived there for a while and I worked in animation, so I saw a lot of their tricks and ways of life from very close. I will never would have a love relation with sankies and I will not call them my very best friends, but I hang out with them and in one way enjoy their stories. They are very honest about it, and tell very open how they fool the the tourists and I keep wondering that tourists fall in those tricks, but that topic is discussed many times.
Part of their mo to convince you of their superior sales technique ... honest sankie = oxymoron :cross-eye


On Vacation!
Jun 12, 2004
With you on that notion

Keep hanging around these guys and see how far it gets you.

You turn your back and give one of these guys an opportunity and he will stick the knife in real good. That's his nature.

Not to mention the reputation hanging around with them gives you.

Some people dont get it.



Or beat the heck out of them like that sankie did to the Canadian girl a couple of years back. Remember that one? The poor girl got her face bashed in and smothered with a pillow. Only by shear will did she live. The sankie then took her money, credit cars and car and took off. She was legally married to this scum ball so the credit cards, money and car was rightfully his. The battery case was left up to her to return to the DR to prosecute and I am not sure if she ever returned.

Monsters like this, whether they are North American, Chinese, Indian or from Mars are predators. It cannot be compared to watching something silly and then laugh. I understand your point however this sankie business is not a joking business, at least not in my eyes it isn't.

Watching these sankies and sankiettes rip naive people off is the same as watching a bunch of rats going in and out of a garbage bin. We don't find their tricks to be very funny and we try our best to warn people about it.

As Larry posted, it's a matter of time and you will get sick of their garbage. We are hoping that they do not stick a knife in your back or stick some dope in your pocket then reporting you to their sankie cop friend.