Latino Immigrants Attachment To Motherland

La Mariposa

Jun 4, 2004

Dear Malik

Kindly do not change my words, then quote me. It is offensive and immoral.

I did not post the words you quoted as mine originally. What I actually posted was:

Now I understand, there is good garbage (like the USA) and bad garbage(like...)

Feel free to post whatever you like under your own name, but not under mine


New member
Aug 7, 2005
Eazy, DR is paradise. Women, Beaches, Weather, Liquor, Music, Swagger. Only reason to leave is if you dirt poor or you actually beleive the crap these dudes say on how U.S.A is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Stop catching feelings you uncle tom's. Ya'll the same people saying you love DR, but only go for vaca and will look at a dude sideways when they suggest you stay to live smellme? Being rich in DR > being rich in USA. Im going to stay next year and never come back till i need my passport renewed smellme? :)

When and why did you begin referring to America as garbage?

I am curious to hear what your experience has been growing up in the USA as a Dominican. Where were you born/raised? Are you first generation American? Brothers/sisters? Also, what's with the uncle tom reference?



On Vacation
Oct 25, 2007
When and why did you begin referring to America as garbage?

I am curious to hear what your experience has been growing up in the USA as a Dominican. Where were you born/raised? Are you first generation American? Brothers/sisters? Also, what's with the uncle tom reference?

Get more specific with the questions and I'll answer them.

Uncle Tom = It is commonly used to describe black people whose political views or allegiances are considered by their critics as detrimental to blacks as a group.

I was Born in NY and lived in Raleigh, NC since I was 8. Lived in DR for a 6th and half of 7th grade. I am a First generation american. I got 1 sister who lives me, 2 brothers in Ny, 1 in Florida, and a brother and sister in DR.


Apr 28, 2006
I posted it because I was hoping for some thoughtful, analytical and erudite responses..............instead of which we seem to have attracted someone with a waste disposal fixation.

Oh well....................:)

Seems that some are goaded too ignore in this case is bliss.
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Aug 9, 2006
Well I'm not erudite but I'm interested in the identity and I have some thoughts on national identity in immigration.

I was wondering about the functions served by transnationalism other than the obvious. For example, the report says that among Latinos in the US for 30 years or more, 36% send remittances and 19% call at least weekly. That is a high connectivity level. I wondered how many expats in DR for 30 years or more telephone their country of origin weekly? I would doubt that the percentage is as high. And I wondered also, given that most expats in DR aren't involved in sending remittances to US or Europe whether other forms of behaviour replace this, either physically or psychologically?

Age of arrival and years in the country have a big influence on the degree to which immigrants identify with their motherland. Older immigrants have less confidence in their ability to learn English and this makes them socially distant from the culture of the new country and their need for belonging and community maintains their national identity. I've witnessed this in ESL classes. They're less likely to make social contacts where they could learn the language and they this makes it difficult to communicate and have social relations with people outside their own linguistic and/or national group. This impedes incorporation and identification with the new homeland. Of course there are also barriers of discrimination as well, social class and race that inhibit incorporation.

The movement of people from North to South is a little different in my opinion. If I came to the DR I wouldn't have to send remittances because my family are all better off than I am. I don't even think I would miss the annual Christmas gathering with those brothers who never did anything for their mother when she was alive. They demonstrated how little they value family. In addition to my savings, I would collect "remittances" from my government and company pension plans and I would complain about the income tax I have to pay. I would try to learn the language and participate as much as possible but I'm sure I would face resistance. I would be perceived as a gringa. But being stopped by the police "guilty of driving while blonde" would be different from "guilty of driving while black." And at the end of the day, I would always be able to return home unlike some of my friends from Cuba or Colombia or my girlfriends from el Salvador who are still better off here working and supporting their families back home. Increasingly I'm meeting very well-educated Latinos who faced with enormous obstacles to find employment in their fields are thinking of returning home because the promise of the mythical good life in "America" is empty. They feel scammed by Immigration. malik should hang in there, with a pension and a passport he'd be a major chick magnet and get a bigger bang for the buck.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
If You Came Upon a "Lunatic" Like "Malik" On The Streets Of New York,...

Spouting his lunacy,you would walk to the other side of the street to avoid him!
So why is it that you see fit to legitimize him on DR1?

He is just "Yelling FIRE in a crowded theater" to see who responds.
Besides,I think I know who he is!

I am screwing his sister in the DR!

Cris Colon


New member
Oct 4, 2007
how many dominicans do you know named malik?this is just some stupid angry black man.and uncle tom refers to other black folks malik,not whitey or gringos or whatever you want to call them,because frankly,WE DO NOT CARE.


Apr 4, 2002
how many dominicans do you know named malik?this is just some stupid angry black man.and uncle tom refers to other black folks malik,not whitey or gringos or whatever you want to call them,because frankly,WE DO NOT CARE.
Easy does it with the racial stuff.
Whether intended or not, some folks could take offense, and we have a DR1 brotherhood here, that sees no colour.


Apr 4, 2002
Sorry,i Didnt Mean To Be Offensive....
I'm sure you didn't.
But you know how some very innocently written things can sometimes come off all wrong to other readers, and one of the beauties of DR1, is the level of friendship between all the races and nationalities.
I guess we have Robert and the mods to thank for that, as they just won't allow any racial battles.
Anyhow, I wasn't berating you by any means and I hope you know that.
Regards, Marco.


New member
Oct 4, 2007
I REALIZE YOU WERENT MARCO,i guess i'm just tired of reading this,,i know,,"then dont read it",,lol,,,Mark

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
The Day That DR1 Becomes "Politically Correct" Is The Day It Looses It's Credibility!

No One Is "Colour Blind"!
Except if the can't pass the "Ishihara" Test!

I believe that you CAN,and Should, find fault where fault is due! Regardless of a person's race/creed/color/national origin/ or any other personal caracteristic!

When you can't find fault with a person,or at least comment upon a percieved fault,because that person is "Black",or a "Woman",or in a "Wheelchair",or a "Muslem",you start down a very dark road!

We stay away from the "Race" issue as much as possible on DR1 for a VERY Good reason,it always degenerates into "Namecalling"! I can,and do,have conversations about "Race" with Black people! It is the ONLY way we can find communication based on true feelings of eachother and not our mutual stereothpical misconceptions!
For Example,I met two really cool black guys from Atlanta in Puerto Plata. Neither one could "Dance"! They really don't have "Rythem"!!
They found out that I, a "W.A.S.P." really likes girls with a lot of "Junk-In-The-Trunk"!!!

Jessie Jackson is an IDIOT!

Not because he is Black,but because he tells young black kids one thing,and does just the opposite himself! He is NEVER critisized by the "PC" crowd,because it is not PC to ever critisize a Black! BULL$HIT!!

Cris Colon


New member
Oct 16, 2007

It's funny how everyone is so nice, that is until someone criticizes the US. Then everyone becomes a minuteman. I wonder whose worse the idiot or the hypocrite.


Mar 4, 2004
Maybe we could just ignore the US completely as it isn't really germane to the question posed in original post? :cheeky:

Thank you Margaret for your interesting response to the topic.

So is it patriotism or family which accounts for Dominican transnationalism? Or both? Or is the Dominican sense of family more towards the extended family than the European expat in DR, say, whose notion of family might be more nuclear?