I have a friend just this week where a judge made a ruling with respect to a land dispute. It was in reference to a "gate" that opened on the adjacent property. There is a road where the gate opens and that road happens to have been on the owners property for decades. The property owner brought suit to my friend approximately one month ago in POP. After three delays and cancellations, the judge ruled yesterday and threw out the suit. So....total time was about one month. Your millage may vary!!!
The land dispute at Encuentro seems to have taken about a month, more or less, as well from the time the surf association took the land thieves to court.
It depends on (a) the type of procedure (a [I referimiento[/I] proceeding, which by its nature only applies to urgent matters, could be decided in days or even --although this occurs rarely-- the same day of the final hearing) and (b) the experience and backlog of the court (in Puerto Plata, for example, an experienced judge was recently promoted to the Superior Land Court in Santiago and a novice judge came in; long delays are now common).