Legal rights for physically abused tourists by a dominican


New member
May 27, 2008
Can anyone help my friend who was physically abused by a dominican sankie? What is the process to file a case against this person to be removed from his employer.

Does she need to file a complaint with politur or amet?

Help so i can direct her to the proper authority


Jan 1, 2002
Of course. With all of the proof possible, Photos, doctor's reports etc...



The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
of course with Politur,
including all above mentioned by HB.
AMET is the traffic police on the Isle,
unless not hit by a pasola they will not be in charge of that one.
but why should such aim to get a sankie removed by his employer??
i would guess such complain should be filed to get a physical abuser punished/locked away??


Jan 1, 2002
Can anyone help my friend who was physically abused by a dominican sankie? What is the process to file a case against this person to be removed from his employer.

Does she need to file a complaint with politur or amet?

Help so i can direct her to the proper authority
If your friend lives here or has friends with good connections, she should file a complaint with the local Fiscal. If not, "sorry" not much she can do. (If the abuse is what I think it is, I would cut off his balls)


Dec 14, 2008
Whose Fault?

Can anyone help my friend who was physically abused by a dominican sankie? What is the process to file a case against this person to be removed from his employer.
How does she or you know that he is a sankie? :cheeky:
(If one knows beforehand, one should not play with those people.)

The intention to have him removed from his job sounds like revenge of some kind. You need to be very careful with that.

BTW, are there any witness(es) and/or a hospital/police report?



New member
May 27, 2008
Thank you everyone, I told my friend, but she was afraid and she did not know what her legal rights where. she does not live there. She was deceived by this person so much that she now wants to open up because she found out that he was just after her bringing him gifts and favors. In addition, he manipulated her.

the aim to get him fired from his employer is not for revenge but just to make his employer aware what kind of a person he is.

but she is going to the politur and have him arrested at his job as soon as possible.

is there a time limit in the dr to file a complaint against this person and get him locked up and have him served with a summons of some sort?

what are her legal rights, she told me she has photos, prescription from the clinic where he took her.



The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
if she has a clinic report and even fotos of the abuse she should go there right now, she should've gone there right away. and such has nothing to do with a sankie who is after getting after gifts, b/c such is not braking any law, people who are stu enough to believe that evey hotel employee is falling in love with 'em on first look should file a report about themselves.
but physical abuse with a clinic report is something different and brakes every law, just like at home.


Dec 14, 2008
Samaritan Sankie

She was deceived by this person so much that she now wants to open up because she found out that he was just after her bringing him gifts and favors. In addition, he manipulated her.
Not against the law; has to be chalked up as experience.

the aim to get him fired from his employer is not for revenge but just to make his employer aware what kind of a person he is.
The employer was not directly involved and may not see any wrongdoing either.
In fact, your friend's accusations could be seen as libeling and used against her.
Some lawyer could get interested in that...

but she is going to the politur and have him arrested at his job as soon as possible.
Won't happen.
And it would be better this way.

she has photos
Now, what kind of photos would that be, huh? :bunny:
Him, kissing her?

prescription from the clinic where he took her.
Good, this proves that he's a good Samaritan after all.

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Jan 2, 2002
I was going to point you to a helpful forum but I see you've been there already.

Why didn't your friend go to the police right way? Is she taking a special trip just to report him now? It's the end of the season and he might not even be at the same place. What's the prescription for?


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2004
If she doesn't live there then she needs to just let it go. Remove herself from the situation and end all contact with this person. I doubt she will be able to get him arrested or fired and will only end up spending money to stay emotionally invested in this person.

J D Sauser

Nov 20, 2004
I think there are no excuses for bodily harm, like saying "she should have known", "she should not have involved herself with...", or "she was looking for it because this and that". It's like saying "oh, well she got raped, but look at that short skirt she had on!".

That being said, the deceiving part (gifts, financial help, cell phones, calling card, posting bail, replacing "lost" & "stolen" vehicles etc)... well, men get taken, apparently, so do women. Your friend lost some money on a fantasy love affair, welcome to the club. She should learn from it, and if that was all, move on as a more experienced person.

But again, this is in no way to say she should put up with brutality and even bodily harm.

On the other hand, hotels know that many of their employees do something "on the side". Many of these poolside "workers", male and female are know to constantly have several "victims" of love patronizing them. Hotels want this to happen quite and officially would not approve, but on the other hand they know that's the only way they can keep good looking young and attractive entertainment workers working 25hrs/8days a week on minimal wage. Even all the friendly restaurant staff and room service, makes it's living on tips.

If there really was directly inflicted bodily harm, I don't know what your legal rights are, I am not a lawyer. But I would try to have a friendly yet serious chat with the hotel director. As some posted above, you will not want to threaten the hotel, but you may make it clear to them that you expect them to assist YOU and do the right thing. They don't really want victims of abuse posting on internet rating sites about their experiences and the lack of help from the hotel.
Your ease to sue, so I understand is limited for non-nationals and non-residents. However, you are, so I understand, entitled to file a report with the police and also may want to consult with your consulate for further advice and pressure.

... J-D