Living in the DR is cheap

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
"Yeah!", every "Gringo" I have visited in the DR since 1986 makes "Moonshine"!
Most have the "still" in their front yard.
Same for all the Dominicans!
Can't believe that only Y-PI$$-Key" and I are the only ones who ever noticed?????
Dec 26, 2011
I had Jamaican ginger beer.It's real good!:)

And a key component to one of the most refreshing libations ever- the Moscow Mule.

Vodka(I recommend Ketel One), fresh lime juice and a little of Rose's too, for good measure. Then a generous pour of ginger beer, over ice, in a copper mug, garnished with a lime wedge.


Aug 26, 2012
........ah yes, very refreshing.
And there is also the Shandygaff. Into one large pitcher pour
2 beers
1 ginger beer
Fill to brim with ice cubes
Add a dash of Angustora bitters
Stir gently.
Serve in iced/frosted/ceniza glassware.
...........sigh with contentment.
Dec 26, 2011
........ah yes, very refreshing.
And there is also the Shandygaff. Into one large pitcher pour
2 beers
1 ginger beer
Fill to brim with ice cubes
Add a dash of Angustora bitters
Stir gently.
Serve in iced/frosted/ceniza glassware.
...........sigh with contentment.

I want that when I check out.


Aug 26, 2012
In Canada where I live, rent for a two bedroom one bathroom apartment is around $800. Canadian a month, on top of that is electrics of about $225 a month on equal billing. Cable and internet and two cell phones run you $250. a month. Food is expensive here. 15 lbs potatoes is $9.00 whole Chicken is on sale right now at $5.25 a pound, boneless skinless breasts are $7.25 a lb on sale. Green Peppers $1.99 a pound and the red and yellow are $4.99 a pound. Rice is $7.50 for 4 pound box, milk is $6.30 a gallon soda pop is $2,50 for 2 liters. 750ml of water is $1.19 plus 10 cents deposit or no name water is $1.10 a gallon. Bread is $4.00 a loaf for good quality and $3.25 for cheap. bananas are 89 cents a lb oranges are small and tough and $8.00 a dozen, grapes are $3.99 a pound beef is $3.99 a pound for regular ground beef (fatty) can of tomato soup $1.19 chicken noodle is $129. i liter of peanut butter is on sale now for $4.80 this is in Canadian dollars which are running 40 RD to 1 Canadian dollar. Gas is $1.21 a liter so that works out to $4.60 for an american gallon! Then there is car insurance car payment home owners insurance or tenants insurance etc etc. I have a small mortgage on my home I own my Harley and have a new Subaru (financed) so all in it costs me $3,500 Canadian a month to live her or about $140,000 Dominican a month. I live good and I save a lot each month so I can travel to the DR for winter! iI my wife was not so attached to our son (29 yrs old) I would move there permanently. Oh well winters in heaven are better than our hellish winters.

Holy cow, Redserge,
That is one heck of an electric bill for a two bedroom, one bathroom apartment.
You better unplug some of those appliances....:cheeky:

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
In Canada where I live, rent for a two bedroom one bathroom apartment is around $800. Canadian a month, on top of that is electrics of about $225 a month on equal billing. Cable and internet and two cell phones run you $250. a month. Food is expensive here. 15 lbs potatoes is $9.00 whole Chicken is on sale right now at $5.25 a pound, boneless skinless breasts are $7.25 a lb on sale. Green Peppers $1.99 a pound and the red and yellow are $4.99 a pound. Rice is $7.50 for 4 pound box, milk is $6.30 a gallon soda pop is $2,50 for 2 liters. 750ml of water is $1.19 plus 10 cents deposit or no name water is $1.10 a gallon. Bread is $4.00 a loaf for good quality and $3.25 for cheap. bananas are 89 cents a lb oranges are small and tough and $8.00 a dozen, grapes are $3.99 a pound beef is $3.99 a pound for regular ground beef (fatty) can of tomato soup $1.19 chicken noodle is $129. i liter of peanut butter is on sale now for $4.80 this is in Canadian dollars which are running 40 RD to 1 Canadian dollar. Gas is $1.21 a liter so that works out to $4.60 for an american gallon! Then there is car insurance car payment home owners insurance or tenants insurance etc etc. I have a small mortgage on my home I own my Harley and have a new Subaru (financed) so all in it costs me $3,500 Canadian a month to live her or about $140,000 Dominican a month. I live good and I save a lot each month so I can travel to the DR for winter! iI my wife was not so attached to our son (29 yrs old) I would move there permanently. Oh well winters in heaven are better than our hellish winters.

Where the hell in Canada do you live. I was living in Belleville Ontario until this June and my highest Electrical Bill was $140 for a month. That was for a 2500 sq foot house with Central Air and hot humid days and nights. 67 cents per/lb for Bannas, and your potatoes price sounds way off. I remember buying 10 lbs for $3. We were spending $160 per week for food for 4 people. The rest of your prices seem to be pretty accurate for BC or the north. This is why us Canucks don't find the DR too expnsive.
May 29, 2006
In Canada where I live, rent for a two bedroom one bathroom apartment is around $800. Canadian a month, on top of that is electrics of about $225 a month on equal billing. Cable and internet and two cell phones run you $250. a month. Food is expensive here. 15 lbs potatoes is $9.00 whole Chicken is on sale right now at $5.25 a pound, boneless skinless breasts are $7.25 a lb on sale. Green Peppers $1.99 a pound and the red and yellow are $4.99 a pound. Rice is $7.50 for 4 pound box, milk is $6.30 a gallon soda pop is $2,50 for 2 liters. 750ml of water is $1.19 plus 10 cents deposit or no name water is $1.10 a gallon. Bread is $4.00 a loaf for good quality and $3.25 for cheap. bananas are 89 cents a lb oranges are small and tough and $8.00 a dozen, grapes are $3.99 a pound beef is $3.99 a pound for regular ground beef (fatty) can of tomato soup $1.19 chicken noodle is $129. i liter of peanut butter is on sale now for $4.80 this is in Canadian dollars which are running 40 RD to 1 Canadian dollar. Gas is $1.21 a liter so that works out to $4.60 for an american gallon! Then there is car insurance car payment home owners insurance or tenants insurance etc etc. I have a small mortgage on my home I own my Harley and have a new Subaru (financed) so all in it costs me $3,500 Canadian a month to live her or about $140,000 Dominican a month. I live good and I save a lot each month so I can travel to the DR for winter! iI my wife was not so attached to our son (29 yrs old) I would move there permanently. Oh well winters in heaven are better than our hellish winters.

Are you talking about organic chicken? Whole chicken here in upstate NY is 99 cents a pound on sale at the right store and skinless boneless chicken breast is around $2/pound. The only thing that's expensive now are wings because football season is here and they run about $2.75. Most stores also sell whole roasted chicken at about $5 a bird.

Also agree that $225/month for electric is VERY high unless that's what you're using for heat and you don't have insulation.

Milk in the US is about $4.50 gallon, generic soda is 99 cents for 2 liters. Beer is about 75 cents a can for the cheap stuff (PBR) after taxes.

Rice at close to $2/pound? whoa. Pasta is a buck a pound on sale.

I pay $15/month for my basic cell phone which covers the cost of all of my calls, and $100 for cable/internet.

In all, $1200 month is doable for one person, but tight if you don't have car payments. Depends on your rent and location.
Feb 7, 2007
I also highly doubt the living expenses for Canada as described above. I just returned from Europe (Central) and I compared prices and when converted from Euros to Pesos most of the stuff was +/- 15% of the DR prices. Most of the stuff was on PAR with DR prices and only meats were 10-15% higher than in the DR. But maybe not, because I buy meats and veggies on the market in the DR, supermarket prices are considerably higher than the market. E.g. potatoes 18 pesos/pound vs 25 pesos pound, pork leg 65 pesos pound with almost no fat vs 80 pesos pound frozen and thick fat, garlic 100 pesos pound vs 120 pesos pound etc., etc.


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
Hmmm my parents live out West in the US, desert area. In the summer months (which runs about 8 months) the average electric bill for a 2800 sq ft home at the highest was around $200.00 and that is with 2 people home all day and a mother who has to run the washer everyday for some unkown reason. Gas out there right now is about $3.04 - $3.11 a gallon. Compared to what they spend and what we spend here in the DR it is close. Gas here is higher and depending on what food your buying and where it can be more expensive here in DR. $1200 would be a tight budget for one and almost impossible for 2 or more. I believe you can base your budget on what lifestyle you want to live. Some may be into the "survival" lifestyle aka: yap...others in between..for us (my family) we want to be comfortable and have the ability to eat pretty much what we want, go out at times, entertain at times, etc...Our budget can vary month to month depending on what may be going on such as visitors, weekend trips, etc...


New member
Jul 23, 2012
Some gringos definiely find they can do without a car, regardless of wealth. For a trip to the capital a coach is covenient plus bus, tube, taxi,publico etc. to get around. Trips to the country are good by motorcycle or quad.

In many places shops, the beach, restaurants etc. are just a short walk away.

Property taxes vary but can be very small or none at all.

Electric charges depend on investment in solar and in low energy fans, lightbulbs etc. but can be very low as a/c or heating is not required over much of the country.

As anywhere going out for meals blows holes in budgets.

Very willing to accept that a night in a Casino can blow $$$$$.


young seniors

Feb 1, 2012
In Canada where I live, rent for a two bedroom one bathroom apartment is around $800. Canadian a month, on top of that is electrics of about $225 a month on equal billing. Cable and internet and two cell phones run you $250. a month. Food is expensive here. 15 lbs potatoes is $9.00 whole Chicken is on sale right now at $5.25 a pound, boneless skinless breasts are $7.25 a lb on sale. Green Peppers $1.99 a pound and the red and yellow are $4.99 a pound. Rice is $7.50 for 4 pound box, milk is $6.30 a gallon soda pop is $2,50 for 2 liters. 750ml of water is $1.19 plus 10 cents deposit or no name water is $1.10 a gallon. Bread is $4.00 a loaf for good quality and $3.25 for cheap. bananas are 89 cents a lb oranges are small and tough and $8.00 a dozen, grapes are $3.99 a pound beef is $3.99 a pound for regular ground beef (fatty) can of tomato soup $1.19 chicken noodle is $129. i liter of peanut butter is on sale now for $4.80 this is in Canadian dollars which are running 40 RD to 1 Canadian dollar. Gas is $1.21 a liter so that works out to $4.60 for an american gallon! Then there is car insurance car payment home owners insurance or tenants insurance etc etc. I have a small mortgage on my home I own my Harley and have a new Subaru (financed) so all in it costs me $3,500 Canadian a month to live her or about $140,000 Dominican a month. I live good and I save a lot each month so I can travel to the DR for winter! iI my wife was not so attached to our son (29 yrs old) I would move there permanently. Oh well winters in heaven are better than our hellish winters.

Where do you live in Canada?? I don`t pay any of those grocery prices you listed............much cheaper!!

Mrs. YS


Sep 27, 2006
we went to santiago today and i am going through the fit of depression again, 100 dollars? u be kidding me :(
in order to tease a friend of mine who loves all things american i got talked into visiting wendy's. 750 pesos for two people. really? no wonder there are only expensive cars park in front of those american fast food places in DR...
yeah, yeah, i know, i could have had plato del dia but i like the change sometimes because lately when we grab something to eat we do a buffet in one of POP's supermarkets.


New member
Apr 17, 2011
Hmmm my parents live out West in the US, desert area. In the summer months (which runs about 8 months) the average electric bill for a 2800 sq ft home at the highest was around $200.00 and that is with 2 people home all day and a mother who has to run the washer everyday for some unkown reason. Gas out there right now is about $3.04 - $3.11 a gallon. Compared to what they spend and what we spend here in the DR it is close. Gas here is higher and depending on what food your buying and where it can be more expensive here in DR. $1200 would be a tight budget for one and almost impossible for 2 or more. I believe you can base your budget on what lifestyle you want to live. Some may be into the "survival" lifestyle aka: yap...others in between..for us (my family) we want to be comfortable and have the ability to eat pretty much what we want, go out at times, entertain at times, etc...Our budget can vary month to month depending on what may be going on such as visitors, weekend trips, etc...

$200 for electric in the desert??? I lived in Vegas for years, the electric per kilowatt hour was very reasonable but the bill still averaged over $500 every 2 months and that was 10 years ago!


Sep 27, 2006
in the new bravo supermarket, on republica argentina. and there is quiznos too.
wendy's has few combo offers at 130-150 pesos. the rest is about 300 pesos.