Long Time No Talk!


New member
Dec 26, 2002
I am definitely behind any re-assessment of security program.

When investigation gets under way, I hope these contradictions smooth out.

It's hard to believe CL management would be uncooperative. They have nothing to lose in this - but the Security company does.


*** Sin Bin ***
Sep 15, 2002
The arrangement between CL and Protecto was a sweetheart deal set up by you-know-who who's supposedly now gone some time ago from what I was told by guards who worked for the company when I was there. Lots of shady deals there. It's not hard for me to believe though Jan because this was exactly my experience with them too.


New member
Dec 26, 2002
XR - I didn't remember your saying you were robbed, as you inferred in post. I thought it had to do with payment of services, house problems, etc., 2 years ago.

And please, don't keep blasting CL. The person you hate is gone. You don't have a dog in this race any more. And what did you warn GG of?? management? insects? menopause? midnight robbers? what?

GG - do you rent from CL or directly from Tom?


*** Sin Bin ***
Sep 15, 2002
Calm down, Jan, I am not 'blasting' Casa Linda. I am being as objective as I can possibly be. I have related my experiences only and allow anyone who wants to judge for themselves whether or not I have an axe to grind. I honestly do not. But people who are making life decisions about where to live should have the benefit of other people's experiences. That's kind of what DR1 is all about isn't it?

Why should my experiences be discounted because I found exactly these types of probelms and left, and yours should not be discounted because you and others currently own or rent there? If I didn't know you better it'd be pretty easy to say that you have one big conflict of interest in offering such rosy advice just to entice people to rent property at Casa Linda while the owners are away to allow them to make a little extra pocket cash. Right?

I said that management was not at all concerned about correcting problems there which is why I left. All they wanted was my money. I did not imply that I was robbed. I was in effect, though. Anywhere else in the civilized world and I would have had $2,000 in deposit money refunded without question considering the nature and state of the rental property. But it wasn't worth suing them over and so I never even considered that despite the considerable hardship it was for me at the time.

Live and learn. But if I can help someone else avoid my mistakes just by relating my experiences, I intend to continue to do so whether you're upset by the facts or not.

Tom (aka XR)
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New member
Dec 26, 2002
Now, now, XR - calm down. I wasn't blasting you.

And please, i don't have conflict of interest. We don't rent to the public.

But I would defend anywhere that I am happy, whether it be my employer, my neighborhood in Kentucky, my golf course, etc.

But I am glad you clarified that you weren't burglarized. That's all. Whatever else you say about your experiences is your perogative.


New member
Mar 16, 2003
I'm shaking my head in disbelief!

I don't even know where Casa Linda is, but I'm concerned about GirlieGirl and anyone else who lives/rent there. The fact remains

I'm thankful that neither of the sisters were injured. What if either of them awoke during this? Anyone think of that? I'm sure you have but who is ignoring the fact that this could have resulted in something more serious.

And if it that would have happened, then EVERYONE would be in agreement.

I hope GG and everyone else who gives a damn finds some resolution. Everyone else can just close their eyes and sleep away!

Sorry but I DO care about GG and I need to get this off my chest.
If I could help her, I would.

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*** Sin Bin ***
Sep 15, 2002
A Suggestion

GG, Jan as you work to get Casa Linda to change security companies, if in fact it turns out that Protecto watchmen were culpable I had a thought. They probably won't do it but I would certainly demand it if I were in any project where this happened.

Ask them to require a cash bond from any new security company that's hired, or especially from Protecto if they are retained. Make that company put a couple of thousand good old U.S. Dollars down on the table if they want the contract. Then in the future if anything similar happens again and the fault is traced to the security company either through the direct action of it's guards or through their indirect actions such as by incompetence, that money can be used to pay the damages of the victims like an insurance policy. Alternatively the company might be required to pay and maintain an insurance policy holding any resident burglarized while the company is on duty harmless and paying their damages.

Jan, what gets my hackles up is a company that doesn't recognize just exactly who's ultimately paying the bills. I work daily with hundreds of clients who break things, mess up software, etc. and come to me for help. I fix it, I don't tell them it's their fault you handle it. Why? Because I realize every bottle of champagne in the fridge, every diaper on my kid, they paid for with their money to me. If I were in charge their I'd be standing right beside GG yelling, not blaming her. She pays my salary! And if management there still behaves this way even afetr you-know-who left then his release was just to take away the lighning rod and put in another one because the management philosophy of blame the customer is endemic, not the fault of the one guy.


New member
Dec 26, 2002
Maryanne - you can calm down. There has been quite a few emails and PMs going on among all of us in CL.

We are all definitely concerned and glad GG and her sister are ok.


Jan 14, 2002
JanH said:
And please, don't keep blasting CL. The person you hate is gone. You don't have a dog in this race any more. And what did you warn GG of?? management? insects? menopause? midnight robbers? what?

GG - do you rent from CL or directly from Tom?
It really doesn't make much of a difference whom she rents from since the security is the responsibility of the Association who contracts for security.

Jan, when I was discussing my lot in Lomas Mironas you put forth in not so many ways how safe Casa Linda was and how unsafe Lomas Mironas was compared to it. That was when I said I like lots with a bit more room than Casa Linda.

NO one is trying to blast Casa Linda Jan. I think it is just people expressing themselves as to what is wrong with it. If anything you are a bit overprotective because you invested money in buying a home there. My comments that it was too crowded in there for my taste put you off also but it is still too crowded in there for me and it seems as if there are legitimate security problems that need caring for. Don't put this off to Blasting your community.

Sorry anyone has a problem anywhere in the DR because I hold the Country dear and enjoy it. Bad news can happen anywhere and Casa Linda evidently is NO exception from what I have heard here.


Jan 1, 2002
The report on the unresponsiveness of CL managers is not surprising. It is fairly typical of managers who have been on the job too long and who have become accustomed to doing things there way. They don't like to be questioned or challenged in any way. Also, they develop relationships with certain vendors and service providers and have a desire to maintain the status quo because of personal ties and, often, financial benefits for the manager.

The condo complex I live in had such a manager at the time we moved. He is gone now. He was unable to modify his behavior and enough properties changed hands to enable a majority of new owners to terminate his services.

My sense is that the CL managers are probably somewhat similar, especially if they have been accustomed to a high percentage of absentee owners who either rent their property or visit it only occasionally. Tenants seldom are as persistent as GirlieGirl, and it is probable the managers don't encourage complaints from tenants or welcome them when they are made.

I gather from the board that CL has been experiencing a change in ownership with some new owners, some of who are active on this board. I think it is good that at least some of the new owners are taking an active interest in what is going on, and it will certainly not hurt CL for the managers to be reminded that they are working for the owners.

gringo in dr

New member
May 29, 2003
The security company is not the problem, all the security companies are the same. How much do you think each guard is getting paid? Working in a "rich" community is like having a fox guard your chickens.

I had a friend in Costa Rica that had a private armed guard staying at his house. This service was pretty costly. After a few months he decided that it probably wasn't needed. The guard knew he had a limited time left so one night he calls my buddy on his cell phone and starts yelling there are guys coming over the back wall, he fires 6 or 7 shots. Job security, he kept his job. He told me this story while laughing about it. Once he did get fired he took a laptop as his "bonus".

Your security is in your hands. If you want it done right you do it yourself.