Your "stove" should be Propane powered,"GAS" as the Dominicans say.You can get a 4 burner cook top new for less than $100 US.
There is no oven,but some people don't "Bake".The fridge,new,is about twice what you woud pay in the US.Some apts.have a fridge included,but don't count on that.Many households don't hook the "Fridge" up to their inverter,it depends on the power in your area. If it's "OFF" for more than 8 hours,you can plug the fridgr into the inverter circuit.Used "Stuff" is available in all price ranges.You get what you pay for."Pawn Shops" are very popular here,and CAN BE a place to look.As you get closer to moving,and after you get here,DR! can be very helpful,and save you time and money.We "Been Here,Done That"!
Cris Colon