Nacional at Old La Cadena (SDE)


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Nacional will have two stores in SDE, the one currently operating on Charles de Gaulle and this new one on San Vicente esq Bonaire, where La Cadena used to be.

Inauguration is on July 20.
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Feb 16, 2016
Nacional will have two stores in SDE, the one currently operating on Charles de Gaulle and this new one on San Vicente esq Bonaire, where La Cadena used to be.

Inauguration is on July 20.
Welcome to EASTSIDE!!

But you are not telling me anything that I have not posted up in here before.
Santo Domingo este is on the come up.
There is a new building going up less than one minute away with prices starting at 149,999 USDl. That is right people...starting.

Now where are my poll numbers at... 🤪

El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
Santo Domingo este is on the come up.
Sorry. This "Long Island" (as wealthier Dominicans refer to it) is simply a ghetto which houses narcotraffickers, hitmen, petty criminals and other RICO types. From the high private walls of the narcos in Lucerna to the low life criminals of Invivienda to the murderous drug dealers of Los Mina. I'm sorry but the last person trying to prop up that dump was Juancito. That speaks volumes.


Jul 21, 2003
Sto Dgo Este
Sorry. This "Long Island" (as wealthier Dominicans refer to it) is simply a ghetto which houses narcotraffickers, hitmen, petty criminals and other RICO types. From the high private walls of the narcos in Lucerna to the low life criminals of Invivienda to the murderous drug dealers of Los Mina. I'm sorry but the last person trying to prop up that dump was Juancito. That speaks volumes.
Ouch! Why such a wide brush? I live in SDE and I'm not a criminal, drug dealer, murderer, etc. as you describe. I know many who live here too that don't fall into the types of persons you listed. You should not use such sweeping generalizations but that is your choice to do so of course. I have the option to live anywhere but I chose to be right here in SDE with criminals, murderer, narcotraffickers and all else as you say. Regardless of how you see and describe it, I've been living here for over two decades and think I'll be here until my last breath. I know now how it feels to be looked down on. 😭

FYI: Many form the high non murderous, non criminals side of DC, you know 'aque lao', are either selling or renting their property there to move over to SDE. How was it that you put it? The ghetto which houses blah blah blah. Ask any real estate agent that routinely worker the SDE area if this is true, you'll probably be surprised at the answer.

It must be exhilarating being you living your best life in a place where everyone is a candidate for sainthood. Does it feel good to look down at a place and poopoo its people there Mr Hijo de Manolo self anointed SDE expert?


Jul 21, 2003
Sto Dgo Este
Welcome to EASTSIDE!!

But you are not telling me anything that I have not posted up in here before.
Santo Domingo este is on the come up.
There is a new building going up less than one minute away with prices starting at 149,999 USDl. That is right people...starting.

Now where are my poll numbers at... 🤪
Cha-ching $$$... Did you know many people from 'aquel lao'* are moving to SDE? This side has lots of peace & quiet, greenery and growth potential. I have everything I need close by including the airport. :D Things are getting HOT up in here. Eastside 'till my last ride!

*Districto National.

Edited to add: I forgot add that we have a monopoly on all criminals and lowlife in SDE.

El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
Ouch! Why such a wide brush? I live in SDE and I'm not a criminal, drug dealer, murderer, etc. as you describe. I know many who live here too that don't fall into the types of persons you listed. You should not use such sweeping generalizations but that is your choice to do so of course. I have the option to live anywhere but I chose to be right here in SDE with criminals, murderer, narcotraffickers and all else as you say. Regardless of how you see and describe it, I've been living here for over two decades and think I'll be here until my last breath. I know now how it feels to be looked down on. 😭

FYI: Many form the high non murderous, non criminals side of DC, you know 'aque lao', are either selling or renting their property there to move over to SDE. How was it that you put it? The ghetto which houses blah blah blah. Ask any real estate agent that routinely worker the SDE area if this is true, you'll probably be surprised at the answer.

It must be exhilarating being you living your best life in a place where everyone is a candidate for sainthood. Does it feel good to look down at a place and poopoo its people there Mr Hijo de Manolo self anointed SiDE expert?
Hey, just my take. Nothing like taking a stroll down the Charle or, my personal favorite, the autopista San Isidro, where you can offer your date one of 75 choices in the most luxurious of cabañas. There are places in DR where you don't need to pack heat just to go to the colmado. Crime is through the roof. You can't walk in the Faro anymore for fear of mugging or a rape. Boardering upscale barrios such as villa Duarte, los Mina, Invivienda and Carmen Mendoza make for fun neighbors. I used to enjoy the food court at Mega Centro! Such pretty roads for Sunday drive like the Mella, Venezuela or Vegas' stomping grounds, the SVdP. I guess on Saturday nights you can hit the Barrica for a relaxing cocktail and a shootout. Thanks but no thanks


Jul 21, 2003
Sto Dgo Este
Hey, just my take. Nothing like taking a stroll down the Charle or, my personal favorite, the autopista San Isidro, where you can offer your date one of 75 choices in the most luxurious of cabañas. There are places in DR where you don't need to pack heat just to go to the colmado. Crime is through the roof. You can't walk in the Faro anymore for fear of mugging or a rape. Boardering upscale barrios such as villa Duarte, los Mina, Invivienda and Carmen Mendoza make for fun neighbors. I used to enjoy the food court at Mega Centro! Such pretty roads for Sunday drive like the Mella, Venezuela or Vegas' stomping grounds, the SVdP. I guess on Saturday nights you can hit the Barrica for a relaxing cocktail and a shootout. Thanks but no thanks
Good day sir.
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Feb 16, 2016
Hey, just my take. Nothing like taking a stroll down the Charle or, my personal favorite, the autopista San Isidro, where you can offer your date one of 75 choices in the most luxurious of cabañas. There are places in DR where you don't need to pack heat just to go to the colmado. Crime is through the roof. You can't walk in the Faro anymore for fear of mugging or a rape. Boardering upscale barrios such as villa Duarte, los Mina, Invivienda and Carmen Mendoza make for fun neighbors. I used to enjoy the food court at Mega Centro! Such pretty roads for Sunday drive like the Mella, Venezuela or Vegas' stomping grounds, the SVdP. I guess on Saturday nights you can hit the Barrica for a relaxing cocktail and a shootout. Thanks but no thanks
Well I am certain that the management staff of National would be surprised if someone told them that was the location they have chosen for their new store. No, they would not. Because they actually know the area.

You don't know where I hang out HijodM.
You comment is especially rich since you have never met me nor had a personal conversation with me.
And I got 💰 you have not stepped foot in Santo Domingo este in a very long time.
You like Howard never played the sport. 🎾
Especially since you live on the North Coast.
Man of privilege are you?
But since you are just expressing your opinion, I am going to remind everyone what that is:

Opinion: a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
You don't know where I hang out HijodM.
You mentioned you handle personal affairs on SVdP. Did you not? I only know what you put out on this forum. :unsure:. You don't know me, I don't know you. Perfect.

Adding in, and I forgot the best part, is this not an opinion forum? If this is a fact forum, we're in deep doo-doo sir.
Feb 16, 2016
You mentioned you handle personal affairs on SVdP. Did you not?
That means I hang out?
You are reaching...
I drive along Churchill also.
I handle personal business there too.
Is that one of my hangouts?

Actually, I pass by the new location on the National on a regular basis. Google it. Major street. Makes sense a major supermarket chain would place a store on that street. A Bravo is already there. As is the Jumbo in Mega Centro. You got caught with your pants down on this one HijodM. You don't of what you speak. About me or the area.
I only know what you put out on this forum. :unsure:.
And you are free to continue your "creepy" focus on those things my Hijo.
You don't know me, I don't know you. Perfect.
Maintaining this status quo is indeed perfect.
Don't ever change.
I love you just as you are. 🤪
Feb 16, 2016
I've walked San Vincente, San Isidro, and DeGaulle during the day without a problem. I have seen nothing to be concerned about. I probably wouldn't venture into the many side streets, but I'm an old fart and have started to be wary of unfamiliar areas.
Personally, I don't have a problem with the side streets as I often need to use them to avoid traffic on the main streets. It works to your advantage when you actually know the area you are posting about. And in this particular case, I do.

El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
You got caught with your pants down on this one HijodM. You don't of what you speak. About me or the area.
Well, I certainly don't know much about you other than your posts. I do know quite a bit about your Long Island of DR, and that bothers you. Lots of things bother me, but just remember "when something disturbs you, it always comes down to you being the root cause". Happy Sunday!
Feb 16, 2016
Well, I certainly don't know much about you other than your posts.
Well then that puts us on a equal footing.
I do know quite a bit about your Long Island of DR,
Through personal experience or listening to the conversations up North in your expat enclave?
Because from your posts you are expressing your opinions about Santo Domingo este.
But they are just that...opinions.
I gave you and everyone else the definition.
And another view of Santo Domingo este has been presented by @NotLurking
So, you are overly focused on my posts...once again.
It is as you say a bit "creepy"

Over one million people live in Santo Domingo este
It is hardy my place.
and that bothers you.
I think you are projecting here my Hijo...
Lots of things bother me, but just remember "when something disturbs you, it always comes down to you being the root cause".
I'm sorry that happens to you. You can seek help from mental health professionals and talk it out. But my guess is many of your posts are a form of "therapy" for you. But remember in the future you do not have to quote yourself. And if you are quoting someone else, you really should give them credit.
Happy Sunday!
You have shared your opinion and I have shared mine.
That is how we learn from each other.
Everyday outside of the ⚰️ is a good day.
Feliz Domingo a usted me hijo

I did not catch where you live me hijo...
Feb 16, 2016
Lets just agree that big cities have good and bad areas some more questionable than others. But is it not ok to classify the people of an entire municipality as criminals and lowlife. The best cities on the planet have all kinds of people and usually run the gamma. It still doesn't justify Hijo de Manolo's distasteful comments.
You are keeping it 💯 right here brother.
Years of living in Santo Domingo este and I certainly don't have the perception that is being project by me hijo.
There are problems and crime almost everywhere you life in the world.
But painting with a wide brush and knee jerk reactions are easier than intellectual analysis.
And keep in mind that me hijo is spending more time targeting me.
I notice the "creepy" focus he has on my life and activities.
When I am but 1 of over a million people that live in Santo Domingo este.

The subject of the thread is the new National.
In my opinion it is a very good addition to the area.
A Unidos has also broken ground on San Isidro.
A big box hardware chain.

El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
Lets just agree that big cities have good and bad areas some more questionable than others. But is it not ok to classify the people of an entire municipality as criminals and lowlife. The best cities on the planet have all kinds of people and usually run the gamma. It still doesn't justify Hijo de Manolo's distasteful comments.
I feel my opinion posts of the area just as acceptable as "praise" posts. It cannot possibly be that we only accept to praise. Maybe there is a new member that doesn't know much about the DR, he can get "unfiltered" opinions of the areas here. My opinion posts do not violate forum policy, People have used harsher language to describe other areas of the world, incl. the Bronx, for example.

That said, let's all calm down and eat some fruit. We all know no one likes their baby called ugly.
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El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
Through personal experience or listening to the conversations up North in your expat enclave?
For all I know you are a sock and do not live in Eastside. I have asked which sector on two occasions and you have replied with "a residencial suitable..." trust me, I would not go into any such opinion posting if I did have significant experience in the area. You tell me in which sector of Eastside you live. Quid pro quo.
Feb 16, 2016
I feel my opinion posts of the area just as acceptable as "praise" posts. It cannot possibly be that we only accept to praise. Maybe there is a new member that doesn't know much about the DR, he can get "unfiltered" opinions of the areas here. My opinion posts do not violate forum policy, People have used harsher language to describe other areas of the world, incl. the Bronx, for example.

That said, let's all calm down and eat some fruit. We all know no one likes their baby called ugly.
Where do you live in the Dominican Republic?

It is most certainly true that a wide swath of opinions are useful.
I actually would not suggest that anyone new to the Dominican Republic move to Santo Domingo este.
It is not soft like taking baby formula from a bottle and living up in the North Coast expat enclaves.

That being said you have an uncanny way of projecting your negativity about a place onto people.
Reference is made to your posts numbered #7, #10, #14, #18
We are not talking about anyone's baby up in here.

We are talking about a National supermarket chain opening a store on a major street in Santo Domingo este.
Have you ever been in a National store?
This chain tends to put their stores in areas where people are higher on the Socio economic scale.
Something for others to think about (since you have already made up your mind).