Good point. You're probably right.Maybe because you did the vaccination with your cedula. I did it with my passport, number difference. Who knows
Good point. You're probably right.Maybe because you did the vaccination with your cedula. I did it with my passport, number difference. Who knows
So you got this mail?I got the same message, but it showed up in my mailbox in less than ten minutes. I didn't have to upload my vaccine card either.
Correct. Copied the code, went to the certificate page, entered the code, and the certificate popped up. It had different disposition options at the bottom (email, print, pdf, etc) I did all of them just for giggles.So you got this mail?
Sus datos han sido verificados. El código asignado a usted es:
Este es único y confidencial, por favor guárdelo cuidadosamente.
Este código será utilizado para generar su Certificado de Vacunación. Para utilizar su código y generar su Certificado de Vacunación, favor ingrese a este enlace
I would check the mail again just in case. So when you clicked on the link what did you have to do? Nothing? I highly doubt they have entered all vaccination info in some system. So maybe yours where in there, maybe W Websters was not.
that was my experience as well.I received first a mail where I had to upload a selfie and then the cedula. Face recognition. Then 10 minutes later a new mail where I received a code. Clicked on the link and had to upload my vaccine card. Did everything on my phone (Chrome). Easy. Now it says I have to wait 10 days. We will see.
I completed the entire process in half an hour this morning and downloaded my vaccination certificate in both jpg and pdf it's on the phone.....very simple process but did not try to image my cedula vertically but horizontally.......job done hope it helps me to travel easierthat was my experience as well.
You need to open your door for the guy with the camera to get in.............Well got the reply to authenticate the facial data but when I press either the selfie or the documentos button all I get is a grey square with go sign in the middle an nothing goes any further? any idea's. was expecting the camera to come alive and take the selfie or the picture of my cedula depending on the button. surly cant take that long to load?
You need to take two photos (preferably with your cel phone); one of your cedula, and the other a selfie. Then you can continue on to the next page.Well got the reply to authenticate the facial data but when I press either the selfie or the documentos button all I get is a grey square with go sign in the middle an nothing goes any further? any idea's. was expecting the camera to come alive and take the selfie or the picture of my cedula depending on the button. surly cant take that long to load?
Did mine of my laptop. Their program accessed my laptop camera and I took the pictures and they had them.Well got the reply to authenticate the facial data but when I press either the selfie or the documentos button all I get is a grey square with go sign in the middle an nothing goes any further? any idea's. was expecting the camera to come alive and take the selfie or the picture of my cedula depending on the button. surly cant take that long to load?
You need to take two photos (preferably with your cel phone); one of your cedula, and the other a selfie. Then you can continue on to the next page.
Did mine of my laptop. Their program accessed my laptop camera and I took the pictures and they had them.
This seems to be the problem, does not seem to be accessing the camera to take the pictures. This is what I referenced above " was expecting the camera to come alive and take the selfie or the picture of my cedula depending on the button"
Bob this seems to be the trick. used my laptop an received a request to allow the app to access my camera, Never received this when I used the cel phone, so now waiting on the code
thanks guys for the replies.
I had clicked on the option and decided to see if anything ever came up later the system did send a message that "no camera found" not sure what that was all about maybe one of my settings?It took me a while watching the screen until I figured out you have to click on each option in order to take the pictures.
I have a laptop, but my large computer screen sits on top of it and I didn't want to move a lot of stuff to get to it.
You may have to turn on the camera on your computer. But, as far as the cedula photo and maybe the selfie too, may be easier to use your cell phone and transfer to your computer. If you have a good selfie on your computer already, you can upload thatI had clicked on the option and decided to see if anything ever came up later the system did send a message that "no camera found" not sure what that was all about maybe one of my settings?
If you want to have the correct information you must contact the Public Health Office of your Area to update the information. I had to do it, I was missing the first Jab and had a mixed doses and the 3rd from Pfizer was placed as 2nd.Received today via email my certificado de vacunacion; it worked flawless...yes, I was surprised.
Only thing was the 3rd jab; it was Pfizer but on the certificate it says Sinovac.
Anyway it works.