You will probably get the best referrals from the people in her building, or her neighbors. Ask them to ask around among the folks that work for them, for someone that they trust... And be sure to ask what the going rate is and what the practice is... how much time off, what the tasks should be, what she is expected to do, all that, so that you have a clear idea.
My neighbor has three little kids and has a live in.. she stays in the cuarto, works 6 days a week, makes breakfast and lunch for the kids, not dinner, takes the little ones too and from school, and puts them down for a nap... then, basically the parents take over... well, ok, she probably bathes them .. she gets $12,000 a month..
If your aunt is used to living alone, she might not take to having someone actually live with her. So you will have to hone in a bit about what she needs. She probably already has a cleaner? Does she need someone closer to her intellectual ability.. to keep track of doctor's appointments, or maybe someone to go with her to them? Pay the bills? cook?
See.. it is a long list.
You might consider even a college student. It might be good for her not to have someone under foot ALL the time.. and that is a good match for age.
I am an elder myself so I think about this.. some days, I think that my dog is just not going to be enough.