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Feb 7, 2013
Welcome to dr1. You will find specific answers to specific questions on this forum. If you stick around you might find it as amusing and informative as I do. Good luck on your endeavors. Me, I'm just a tourist. I do t have the cojones to leave my salary and the security of tio Sam. Young with will be great for them to experience life outside their home country. A tourist can only stay 30 days. You will find hundreds of threads and thousands of posts regarding residency, which you will surely want to pursue, since you have children.

You should pay particular attention to a poster called Canadian gringo. Maybe cndngringo, something like that. He dots his i's and crosses his t's.

The search function doesn't work well for me. User error no doubt. Google dr1 and your keywords/ search terms.

Enjoy the snark. I do!

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
And don't forget the "Start Up Costs"!
Several thousand US are needed for security deposits, and house wares, furniture,school books, supplies and uniforms, medical insurance, a MUST if you have kids!!!
AND, after 20 years living here, never goes away!!!!



Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
OP: Your budget will depend on a few things, where you want to live, how you want to live and the needs of your children. Those of us who live in Santo Domingo usually pay more for the "pleasure" of living in the Capital (it is expensive). I always tell those moving here to be ready for the 'learning curve". This is where your budget may go up because your learning where to shop, what to buy, getting your household setup, etc... There always seems to be something that comes up in the beginning (really everyday it can seem like). Just be prepared for those unseen and unwanted expenses. Best of luck on your move...


Aug 15, 2007
And yet, CC manages to pay all the bills and hang in there.

CCCC supports a small village of people, so his costs should be higher. OP has only mentioned herself and two small children, so costs should be more reasonable (not including whatever she'll pay for their tuition).


New member
Jul 15, 2015
Thanks again for your comments as they are informative and appreciated, only wish I could figure out how to like the comments lol..?..Has anyone heard of that YouTube DREscapes before or know anything about them and what they offer? I had mentioned I was interested in Cabrera area, has anyone any info on the area or opinions :) ? I am more interested in mountain living rather than beach, I am looking for a bit of privacy and quiet, planning on writing a book and my youngest has autism and prefers quiet spaces as well. Oh also any opinions o'er advice regarding the purchase and costs of care for horses there? Thanks 😇

Sent from my 10DTB12 using Tapatalk


Active member
Jan 2, 2011
Ok, Cabrera. Quiet??? Is there anyplace in the DR that is quiet??? You have to accept that, on the whole, this is a noisy country.If it isn't vehicles on the road, its dogs barking or roosters crowing or music playing or people yelling. After awhile you get to almost tune it out. Cabrera tends to be a quieter area as there is relatively little tourism, but it is still noisy in places. Of course you will rent a place first, and then you will meet people and find areas that you will like. There is a large expat contingent here,- many here for most of the year. Pls PM me when you are coming and I will meet you at Mannies on the malecon. ure

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
the further up/into the hills you go, the cheaper the costs.

many of us have chosen the hills over the beach.

horses? a lot of them here.... don't have specific costs but it will be reasonable, I assume.
Labor is cheap, hill land cheap,

steady cooling breeze in the hills too.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Ok, Cabrera. Quiet??? Is there anyplace in the DR that is quiet??? You have to accept that, on the whole, this is a noisy country.If it isn't vehicles on the road, its dogs barking or roosters crowing or music playing or people yelling. After awhile you get to almost tune it out. Cabrera tends to be a quieter area as there is relatively little tourism, but it is still noisy in places. Of course you will rent a place first, and then you will meet people and find areas that you will like. There is a large expat contingent here,- many here for most of the year. Pls PM me when you are coming and I will meet you at Mannies on the malecon. ure

I was up your road today.... I don't see how it can get very noisy.

Your neighbourhood is on the 'up & coming' track it seems..... quite snappy these days.

Some leaving, some coming..........
All in all, improvement,--- as i see it


Jun 19, 2009
my youngest has autism and prefers quiet spaces

As a mother of a special needs child myself (my eldest), I think you should look hard into how you will able to care for him/her. Schooling? Therapy? I am sure most good therapists will be in Sto Domingo and Santiago. Once you find one, they most likely only speak Spanish, which could be okay for physical therapy for example, but what about speech therapy?

I don't know anything about your child needs, but in my case, there is no care/resources for my son in the DR which will come close to what I have available in North America or Europe. I am so thankful for that.

Best of luck to you !


Jul 27, 2011
had mentioned I was interested in Cabrera area, has anyone any info on the area or opinions :) ? I am more interested in mountain living rather than beach, I am looking for a bit of privacy and quiet, planning on writing a book and my youngest has autism and prefers quiet spaces as well. Oh also any opinions o'er advice regarding the purchase and costs of care for horses there? Thanks ��

Sent from my 10DTB12 using Tapatalk

I think a developed country would be a lot better for a kid with autism or similar issues.
Same thing with people with certain health issues and physical disabilities.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Thanks again for your comments as they are informative and appreciated, only wish I could figure out how to like the comments lol..…..Has anyone heard of that YouTube DREscapes before or know anything about them and what they offer? I had mentioned I was interested in Cabrera area, has anyone any info on the area or opinions :) ? I am more interested in mountain living rather than beach, I am looking for a bit of privacy and quiet, planning on writing a book and my youngest has autism and prefers quiet spaces as well. Oh also any opinions o'er advice regarding the purchase and costs of care for horses there? Thanks ��

Sent from my 10DTB12 using Tapatalk

THIS is going to end well!!!!!!!!!!!

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