New Wave of Coronavirus

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Feb 16, 2016
So, because I disagree with you on many things @jd426
I should never read another one of your posts because nothing you write will ever be useful?
Your words...
Of course that is not the case.
Because if it was you would just put the person on ignore.
And I am still reading your posts.
I think everyone should take it seriously and all of the Dominicans I know do take it seriously
however they also understand and accept the fact life must go on and we must all take individual
responsibility for protecting ourselves.
I've never had problem with people wearing a mask and I have no problem with people who do not wear
a mask. Same as I have no problem with people who practice a proper diet and exercise versus those who choose not too.
I actually agree with the post by this individual.
What I think of him personally...has nothing to do with the fact that he has made a series of valid points in this particular post.


Jun 28, 2003
" Follow the Science " has got to be the most Retarded Sheit a person who is NOT a Scientist themselves can ever say ..

It just lets you know that this person is a complete Moron .. and not to be taken seriously on any topic .
so then what do you think of post #9 above where poster uses the pronoun "I",
suggesting he is a scientist? His stance is out and out a statement, NOT a qualified one by any, any, stretch of one's imagination.

D'Arcy (Apostropheman)

Karma, it's worth waiting for ;)
Apr 10, 2022
Here and there
maybe D'Arcy should stay locked up in your home and wait till all the evil ones have died off ...then it will be safe for you to come out .
Are you one of the science driven people that drive around in a car by yourself wearing a mask ?
Maybe you should push off and stay in your own lane....and other cliches ;) instead of coming at me like this and attacking for no reason. You don't know me or much (the truth) about me, and from this and other posts of yours, I'd like to keep it that way. ;)


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
so then what do you think of post #9 above where poster uses the pronoun "I",
suggesting he is a scientist? His stance is out and out a statement, NOT a qualified one by any, any, stretch of one's imagination.
Speaking of pronouns and science...
I think most scientist would agree it's perfectly acceptable for me to
be called by my preferred pronouns which are HE/ HAW and HUH.
Wouldn't you agree?
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D'Arcy (Apostropheman)

Karma, it's worth waiting for ;)
Apr 10, 2022
Here and there
All that choose to proceed as if they know better than those that actually do, can do so with my blessing. What they won't get is any sympathy when they get covid, even if they should die or get long covid. You can't have it both ways.

Me, I'll be looking after myself, as always, keeping safe and living an awesome life. I run or walk, outside, almost every day. Meet up with friends all the time, go to the cottage "with a million dollar view" or hang out on a patio whenever I feel like it. When the weather is nasty I travel. I'm fit, healthy, happy, and laugh my azz off at all the negativity and superiority on display here from the core group of know-it-alls. I've always been a happy and optimistic guy and I'm more so every day as I prepare for my "retirement". Meanwhile, you guys are either slaving away at jobs you hate, living a miserable existence, unhappy with everything, and apparently nothing better to do than complain about it here. That's no way to live! I may not be "rich" financially yet I'm wealthy in my life, friends and health.

I'm always amazed at the people that are clearly and obviously so angry and miserable yet choose not to change. Especially those fortunate enough to live in know places like the DR, and are still not happy. How pathetic!

I understand how some...stuck with an unhappy foreign spouse they've chosen (poorly, or as they say in Indiana Jones, not wisely) to bring back to some awful place, like in New Jersey LOL, might be miserable. Although I bet the spouse is more miserable! ;)

P.S. I, and my like-minded friends and acquaintances who also read this site, laugh at you whiners... every, damn, day! Seriously. You can't buy such awesome entertainment! LOL :p

P.P.S. if you hate it here so much why are you even here? I was invited! LOL 🤣😇😂:devilish:🍸🙃😋

Checkmate ;)
Feb 16, 2016
My pronouns are we, us and our.

Everyone is allowed to evaluate the science (as a scientist and layman) for ourselves.
When it comes to public policy I prefer someone who is well versed in the subject matter to make the suggestions to the controlling legal authorities that will set policy.

For example, my knowledge of physics has allowed me to come to the conclusion that getting hit with 00 buck is bad for my health. If I was about to enter a room where the possibility of that event occurring was even on a low level. I would choose to vest up. If my partner chose not to...that would be their choice.

The part I have the most difficulty understanding is what is up the near fanatical hatred of individuals who do not agree with you.
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