In the eleventh consecutive week of the “Guarantee of Peace” Operation, led by the Ministry of Interior and Police (MIP), 16 nightclubs were inspected, with one temporarily closed and the rest notified for non-compliance with Decree No. 308-06 and Resolution No. 001-2022.
The operation, involving the Alcoholic Beverage Control Ageny (COBA), the National Police, the Attorney General Office, the National Drug Control Ageny (DNCD), and the Ministry of Defense, took place in the province of San Cristóbal and a section of the Sánchez highway in the National District. During the inspection, slot machines, obstruction of public roads, and noise pollution were found.
Márx López, representing COBA, explained that the government continues its efforts to guarantee public safety and that is why these areas where neighbors had complained have been...
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