open her eyes


New member
Aug 23, 2006
I have a very good friend who I am sure is being sanktified, I think she knows it but she keeps hanging on hoping for a change of heart from her BF that she meet in February.
I have talked to her until I am blue in the face and she really thinks she can change this guy or make him see the errors of his ways, so I am reaching out to anyone that knows Alexandro L.M. from Santo Domingo, he has worked all over the island and from what I have gathered from her she knows of his many GF's but still is on a mission to save him.
She met him in Punta Cana at Bavaro Princess, and if anyone has been scammed by this guy, PM me so I can show her that she cant save him and better to just laugh it off and walk away.
She is driving me crazy and I am very worried about her. She is not acting like herself at all, like she is under a spell, what is wrong with her, and can anyone help me break this trance she is in. Please I am so tired of this BS. Give me something I can use to show her what is going on. She was smart until she hooked up with this one. my name is Rico and I am from NJ


Mar 19, 2006
time..... that's all it takes.

If your friend knows all about his girlsfriends, and his sankie ways, I don't think it will matter what people here send you by pm, or what she reads on this forum. She may just have to learn the hard way. Keep talking to her about it, and let here read the great articles here.

Good luck.


Jun 3, 2006
I have a very good friend who ..... She is driving me crazy and I am very worried about her. She is not acting like herself at all, like she is under a spell, what is wrong with her, and can anyone help me break this trance she is in. Please I am so tired of this BS. Give me something I can use to show her what is going on. She was smart until she hooked up with this one. my name is Rico and I am from NJ

Is she planning to marry him or she is just in love with him? As long as she does not do anything stupid like marrying him and bringing him to the US ... Every love relationship ends at some point, she will laugh at herself afterwards. You can tell her that such people never change, he will cheat on her for the rest of her life and one day he will get AIDS and infect her or something like that. Any normal person wants to live more than be in love with a sankie. If she is in medical field she should be worried about this stuff. She works hard, she should at least make sure that her money does not go to waste because of some guy full of BS.
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May 21, 2006
good luck sounds like shes a lost cause. let her learn the hard way. enjoy the entertainment and throw in some "I told you so"'s at the opportune moments.


New member
Aug 23, 2006
thanks..but she is carzy

I appreciate your answers, help, input, but she reads this stuff all the time and if I can find anyone that knows him personally and can really hit her in the head with some hard facts about what he did to her, and how he f$$ked them over, etc...maybe she will open her eyes than she might listen.
she thinks all this GF stuff is just to get her jelouse and keep her all to his self. they have talked about marriage and he wants to come here to the USA to live with her, cause she owns alot of property and has done very well for herself, made all the right moves up until this hairbrain one. what is it that has happened her.
She was someone that I thought played things her way, all of a sudden she is acting like a school girl. She has a college degree, is a nurse, and is trying to become a Doctor, but he has definatly sidelined her. I cant sit by, I need some real hard core facts. I love her, and cant stand what is happeneing. I know he has been around just from reading this sight that she turned me on to, she has me read all the good things, love happy endings, etc, but I have also read the bad, and s$$t, it seems all about who can get them what they want the fastest and the most often...plan A, B, C, etc until they just hurt and use who ever
I am going to start a blog or hit up all the travel sights, or even get enough to write a book, cause I am sure its out there. Prostitution is what I call all this, doesnt the goverment frown upon this, in the USA they do, but we are not in a third world contry and do not count on it to help keep ythe economy going I guess. Thanks again


On Vacation....
Nov 16, 2003
Sankies aren't normal people

She is driving me crazy and I am very worried about her. She is not acting like herself at all, like she is under a spell, what is wrong with her, and can anyone help me break this trance she is in. Please I am so tired of this BS. Give me something I can use to show her what is going on. She was smart until she hooked up with this one. my name is Rico and I am from NJ
Sankies do have mystical/supernatural powers .... they can convert bs into cold hard cash :surprised.

Perhaps I'm a little cynical, you seem to know way too much .... are you sure you're not writing in the 3rd person? or Ed the sock at work here? :confused: :confused:


New member
Jun 22, 2006
no, I am up front, no hype

no BS here, but have been reading alot for a few month now because of my friend, and have really had some rude awakenings, and surprises as to what is actually out there. Only am trying to help a friend, honestly, and I dont understand this Ed the sock thing, have seen it before, but dont really get it.


Jan 2, 2002
no BS here, but have been reading alot for a few month now because of my friend, and have really had some rude awakenings, and surprises as to what is actually out there. Only am trying to help a friend, honestly, and I dont understand this Ed the sock thing, have seen it before, but dont really get it.

Come on honey, you should know what a sock is by now, this is your third one. :laugh:

Oh the joys. :rolleyes:


New member
Jun 22, 2006
no, no, no, danceaway is friend

what ever you think, I am not busted, danceaway is my friend that needs the help, I used her login as to read her PM. s cause they are very interesting and I use them to point out a few things to her, we share lots.....but I am a guy and trust me she is a woman


I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003
Ay Dios!

If I had a penny everytime someone says: " I am posting this because of my FRIEND......", Bill Gates fortune would look like pocket change to me!.

Man, say what you want but the power of "BINBIN" is the the most powerful power there is!.

It just amazes me how much power such a little thing (in my case) can have.

Plain amazing how 1-12 inches of meat can RULE THE WORLD!, heheh.


Mar 19, 2006

You need to get a life - you're a nurse and studying to be a doctor, you need to ask your university for a refund.

You need to get help!
Do you have any idea how stupid you are?:confused: :knockedou


On Vacation....
Nov 16, 2003
Multiple Personality Disorder ....

what ever you think, I am not busted, danceaway is my friend that needs the help, I used her login as to read her PM. s cause they are very interesting and I use them to point out a few things to her, we share lots.....but I am a guy and trust me she is a woman
Each with a different gender .... I'm not a psychiatrist, but I stayed at an Holiday Inn once.

Btw, do you talk to your other friends? Could I be your manager?, we could do well in Vegas :laugh:


New member
Aug 23, 2006
too bad all of you are....

god what a bunch of judgemental people, and I dont really care what you think. Danceaway already knows whats going on, but has looked the other way, and I really am just trying to help, so too bad......I just was hoping not to disclose her identity as she has already been disted by so many of you, no matter what she says.......
after reading so much out here did it ever occure to any of you that we are having a debate while I am visiting her, and I am just trying to prove a point to her, no multiple personality disorder, no BS and nothing more than trying to shove the truth down her throat the hard way.
after many hrs of debating this whole fricking issue, I just wipe my hands, and give all win, you are no help. Danceaway is already in touch with him and sees him often, I just want her to wake up and stop playing this game...she will never help him, or save him, and as for the rest of you....I cant even get any help....I guess I am just a fool this sight really full of sankies just looking for more innocent victims


Jan 2, 2002
is this the same guy that her friend was in love with? The friend that died in the car accident? Strange very strange.

If no one has sent you any info on Alex by now I have no idea why you are still looking?.

Three socks won't bring you different results


New member
Jul 17, 2006
to wake up for

Just nothing better than sankie news with my coffee ,,, gets my day going;)


New member
Apr 19, 2006
god what a bunch of judgemental people, and I dont really care what you think. Danceaway already knows whats going on, but has looked the other way, and I really am just trying to help, so too bad......I just was hoping not to disclose her identity as she has already been disted by so many of you, no matter what she says.......
after reading so much out here did it ever occure to any of you that we are having a debate while I am visiting her, and I am just trying to prove a point to her, no multiple personality disorder, no BS and nothing more than trying to shove the truth down her throat the hard way.
after many hrs of debating this whole fricking issue, I just wipe my hands, and give all win, you are no help. Danceaway is already in touch with him and sees him often, I just want her to wake up and stop playing this game...she will never help him, or save him, and as for the rest of you....I cant even get any help....I guess I am just a fool this sight really full of sankies just looking for more innocent victims

out of curiosity whos been PM me u or danceway?


New member
May 18, 2004
so Danceaway, what ever happened to that professional man you met on the plane coming home from the DR ??????????????????????????? ah it is Wednesday Anna and these people just want to keep ya hoppin' !! LOL