Those Fiesta de Palos drums creep me out, they do that a lot where we live, and come next door to us often because one of the young women there goes into some sort of trance.
Is all that connected to Papa Liborio??????
It is not really a trance in my opinion. They get really posessed by a demon if you believe in that (I do because of family experiences). Even without the drums it happens , in fact just two weeks ago here in the campo during a funeral a woman got "montada" and even took the voice of her brother in law.
Something similor happened here when celebrating la virgen two years ago. I cooked for about 35 people and noticed the ambiance changing untill a woman got montada. Didn't like and don't like the virgen the altagracia, it's sinister with a lot of drunken people and that praying to an image.
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