Paraiso del Sol, Islabon, Sabeneta....


New member
Oct 2, 2004
...and shopping with "Rocky". Still collecting my thoughts from the trip June 2'nd -9'th. I'll write it up this weekend.


New member
Oct 2, 2004

after 18 months I was back! 2005 was a very bad year and I couldn't get away, 3 deaths in my Dad, Brother-in-law, and my ex-wife,but now I had returned and I was on a mission!

The plane from Toronto (large Airbus A-310) arrived approx. 6:35pm Friday June 2'nd. Baggage and customs was a breeze and found the "Sunquest" bus outside. We were stopping at several resorts to drop people off and made our way to Sosua. The large tour bus drove right past "Rocky's".....I knew I would be going there later in the week so I had my face glued to the window to take a peek inside. I don't know how those huge buses can manouver down all the narrow, congested streets and I give the drivers a lot of credit.

After dropping a couple off at the first hotel the bus broke down. The power steering line broke and there was fluid all over the street. The rep. called her office and said a replacement bus would be along in about 10 minutes ( Yeah...Right!) and to stay on the bus because it wasn't safe to get off.

Well, I practically had to arm wrestle her to get off the damn bus! I wanted a smoke. The bus driver did his best to fix the problem....even using his own money to send someone to buy power steering fluid. I walked across the road and bought a beer at some bar (can't remember the name), came back and sat on the curb enjoying the evening and people watching. The tour rep just glared at me through the front window of the bus.No-one else got off.

Replacement bus arrived 11/2 hours later. No further problems....I was the only person going to Paraiso del Sol and was only person on the bus for the last 20 minutes because it was the last stop.

My "mission" this trip was to see a girl I met last time ( I know, I know..),and spend a few days with her away from the hotel. She works there....but it's 18 months later so who knows? Also, I brought my old laptop computer with wireless internet adapter to give to a young student who was going to study engineering at the university in Santiago. I really wanted to see her too....and "Hillbilly" from DR1 had very generously offered his assistance in trying to locate her in Santago. I needed her full name, that's what I tried to find out the next day by locating her family.

Paraiso del Sol is a tired hotel but functional. 3 pools and a decent resaurant. Service at the main pool bar in the evenings was terrible!!! They had 1 bartender for over a hundred people waiting for drinks. He just stood behind the bar "dancing" by himself and virtually refused to serve anyone. A barmaid on holiday from England went behind the bar and started pouring draught beer for those that wanted it (over his protestations). Apparently, later in the week a large group of people couldn't stand his arrogant behaviour and lack of they went en masse to the hotel lobby to complain. I heard there was a lot of yelling and screaming and security had to get involved. I don't know if the police were called.

The girl I had hoped to spend some time with said her Mother had an operation and she needed to be with her....yadda, yadda, yadda. I gave up then and there and pretty much avoided her for the rest of the week. She was the only reason I chose this hotel....and now I was stuck here.When I said good-bye on the last day she couldn't understand why I was leaving....GEEZ.

A public road bisects the hotel property. There are what I call "hooker bars" located at either end of the short street with a few businesses in between. There's a couple of doctor's offices, licquor store, craft store, Freddy Tours and retail store. Also, 2 internet cafes.

The restaurant where the student and her aunt worked was no longer in business so I took Hillbilly's advice and tried to locate her family. I also had pictures I promised to deliver to some people whose company I had enjoyed on my previous, I loaded my knapsack with bottled water, photographs, camera and a towel from the hotel and set off walking into the barrio of Islabon. It was so friggin hot I felt like I was walking on the surface of the sun. I had to stop every few minutes and use the towel to wipe the sweat from my face and head.

My first stop was at a little tienda on a tiny dirt road near some decaying shacks, closed shops and a small bar. It's a very poor area....but not as bad as what I saw later in the week.

I showed a picture of Iris and her aunt to the store owner and asked if he knew them. He showed it to some people that were hanging around and refused to give the picture back to me! While I was trying to decide what to do, he ran outside and yelled to someone up the road. A fat guy on a motorcycle came chugging up to the store and after looking at the photo said he knew where the "aunt" lived and offered to take me there. I asked how much and he said "nothing". He wasn't a motoconcho. I got on...and off we went to the"aunt's" house. She wasn't home, but a neighbour told him where she worked and off we went again...sort of. I told you he was fat and that left me with about 5 inches of seating space on the back of his moto. It was a little precarious and I slipped off the seat while going over some kind of speed bump thing.I landed on my feet and was able to keep my balance and avoided getting "road rash". I took several moto's after that incident and always checked the size of the driver before getting on! haha!

He drove me out of Islabon and back to my starting point near the hotel. Half a block away we found Iris' aunt working at an internet cafe. I could have found her myself just by walking down the street! Lol. This guy also used his cell phone to call Iris and then passed it to me. I don't speak much Spanish so I gave it to Don ( owner of the cafe) to translate for me. She was in Bavaro, they told me it was an 8 hour drive...on some kind of work term or something.(She's studing architecture at university) and couldn't get back until Friday...the day I was leaving. I made arrangements to leave the computer with Don later in the week and Iris could come and get it. The moto guy refused any kind of payment saying he was happy to help, but it took a couple of hours of his time and I wanted to do something to say thanks. I put 200 pesos in his pocket as he was leaving....and thanked him again for his help.

Two of the 3 pools at Paraiso del sol are shallow and have flat bottoms....I found out the hard way that the third pool doesn't. I wasn't around the hotel much.....but i cooled off in the pool for a while everyday. Sitting on the edge dangling your legs in the water, you just hop in and stand in water about chest high ( maybe 41/2 or 5 feet deep).No need to hold your breath.

One day I went to the 3'rd pool near the beach where my former "almost" girlfriend was working and following the same procedure....just hopped in. I sank like a stone, inhaling water on the way was DEEP!! I spluttered to the surface, gasping and lungs felt like they were on fire! I clung to the side of the pool hoping that some of the pretty, topless German chicks would come to my rescue....but no such luck. I could hardly breathe and felt like crap for a couple of hours. My ears were plugged and I couldn't hear anything for a day.You don't miss things until you don't have them. I ended up going to the Doctor at STAT Medical Clinic...down the street from the hotel. Ear Flush....$40.00 USD. .....but I could hear perfectly...what a GREAT feeling!

The next part of the story(trip report) is a little more serious, two sets of sisters and tragedy... but I'll have to get to that tomorrow.



New member
Nov 7, 2005
Dwight said:
The (Sunquest) rep. called her office and said a replacement bus would be along in about 10 minutes ( Yeah...Right!) and to stay on the bus because it wasn't safe to get off.

Sounds like it may be the same rep from my first trip to the DR. She put in a LOT of effort into telling us how dangerous it was, and how only Sunquest booked tours were safe. I'm certainly glad I realized it was complete BS before I headed down again.

Was she a middle aged Canadian ex-pat? (From Montreal if I remember) Curious to see if it's ALL Sunquest reps, or just one.


New member
Oct 2, 2004

I promised a number of people that I would return with pictures taken during my previous visit....I had no way of knowing it would take almost a year and a half to keep my promise.

I went to the bar where I had first met Tauny,a girl with true model features, playing dominoes on a card table in the street.She was one of the bartenders. I didn't see her when I walked in, so I gave the pictures to the girl behind the bar after ordering a beer. For some reason this girl looked familiar and when she saw the photos and exclaimed "That's My Sister!".....I knew why. Tauny was in Bavaro (same as Iris.....coincidence? What's the attraction there?) and I found out later she would be back on the weekend to see me....but I would be gone by then. I spent a fair amount of time in that bar this trip too.

Next stop was La Bomba....the car wash disco in Sabeneta.I started walking down the highway going towards Sabeneta facing traffic the way we learn to do as children here in Canada. I think the drivers purposely tried to come as close to me as they could without actually hitting knapsack was slung over my right shoulder and got clipped a couple of times by car mirrors and motoconchos. I thought "Screw this!", crossed the road and started walking WITH the traffic flow....I figured if I'm going to be hit I'd rather not see it

Within a minute or two I squeezed myself into a gua-gua (it was packed) and carried on to the main intersection in Sabeneta where I got off and gave the "conductor" or whatever his title is, 30 pesos for what I KNOW is a 10 peso ride. As they pulled away he thanked me for my generosity with a one finger salute......prick.

Since there are some "farmacias" in the town, I went to one to buy some La Pela.....the so called wonder drug that AZB has been shamelessly promoting for a while now. Inside, a drop-dead gorgeous girl asked what I wanted....I was too embarrased to say, and left empty handed walking across the road to La Bomba.

Sunday afternoon at the car wash and it was fairly, dancing...and a small army of "shoeshine boys".If it didn't move too fast these kids would "buff" it.When a dance couple sat down there would be two little guys under the table polishing their shoes or the girl's sandals. It seemed like a social ritual that everyone participated in.

My friend wasn't at the bar so I gave the pics to the young female bartender. She opened the envelope and said (you guessed it) "That's My Sister!" She had a big grin on her face...but then she frowned and took the pics to the other waitresses and the manager and they started pointing at the pictures and then at me and talking a mile a minute about something. It obviously had something to do with the pics...and me, but I had no idea what the hell was happening until she came back over with the manager.
He spoke fluent English....and while he talked, the attractive young bartenders sister stood just inches away from me and stared at my face. It was a very uncomfortable feeling. He said Carolina (the sister) was working in Cabarete...but the other girl had died last year while giving birth.The pics showed two happy, laughing girls...arms around each other and "hamming it up" for the camera. They wanted to know if I came to just show them the pics.....or if they could give them to the dead girls family.They thought the family would appreciate having pictures from a happier time.
Of course they got the pics. I used my towel to wipe away the sweat that was pouring down my face( did I mention that it was HOT),and my eyes were a little watery as well.It was sooo sad! I never made the trip to Cabarete to see Carolina.

I didn't feel like hanging around so I left. I walked back toward the main intersection.On the way in I remembered there used to be a dilapitated,old red Cadillac abandoned by the side of the road near the intersection....I had taken a pic of it last time I was here. Now it was gone....not surprising really.As I walked past the spot and looked over the embankment I saw it. They had just pushed her over the edge.....didn't move very far in the time I was away. haha.

I wanted a motoconco ride back but not right I walked down the road a bit until it started to rain. I found myself in front of a cute little restaurant named "El Gusto" had a flower shop attached to it. I went in to wait for the rain to stop and ordered a small Presidente.

Inside it had the strangest set-up I have ever seen. There was a stone pebble floor, four round tables with chairs and steps opposite the entrance on the back wall leading to an elevated enclosed platform about 4 feet high. In the middle of the platform wall was a large rectangular (vertical) opening with a chair in the centre. This was the "bar" area with coolers and refrigeraters,etc......and the bartender would sit on the chair in the framed opening overlooking the restaurant. To me she looked like a "Queen" on a throne at a State dinner party...I almost felt that I should "bow" before ordering!Haha!!

There were two tables of people in the place...but no-one said Hello, or acknowledged my presence.It had been the same in Islabon and Sabeneta.I was the ONLY tourist in the town....I didn't see anyone other than local residents the entire time I spent wandering around. It was like I was spoke to me unless I asked for something and occasionally(judging by the tone) I heard some less than polite comments. It seemed like the ONLY people that could see me were the motoconcho's! LOL.

The two guys and two girls at the next table were looking at me and probably talking about me but I didn't care...just wanted to have a beer and a smoke and wait for the rain to stop so I could leave. Then a song came on the radio and I started laughing out was the song "Princesa" by Frank Reyes. I have the CD at home. Well, the bartender sitting on the chair could have been a Princess or a Queen sitting on her throne...and combined with the music it just cracked me up!

One of the Dominicanos looked at me, so I explained as best I could why I was laughing.He looked at the bartender and listened to the song....then He started laughing...explained to the others and They began to laugh.We were all giggling when he told the bartender.....she DIDN"T laugh. She put her hands on her hips,tilted her head back and kind of "squinted" at me down her nose....she couldn't keep a straight face though and just broke out into a big wide smile!The guy at the table told me she's also a professional the joke was extra funny for the "princess" hahaha!

It's funny how an attempt to break the ice with a little joke can turn a dismal situation into a memorable situation. I had a good time there...even with the language barrier.

Outside I found a suitably slim moto driver to take me back....50 pesos. No problema.

Next....Rocky's Fashion Consulting.


Hope i'm not boring you with all the detail.....I can shorten it up if you want.


Apr 4, 2002
Dwight said:
Hope i'm not boring you with all the detail.....I can shorten it up if you want.
Please continue...

Dwight said:
Next....Rocky's Fashion Consulting.
Good grief.
I can't wait to hear this.
Me and fashion in the same sentence???
Sounds like a contradiction of terms, to me.


New member
Nov 19, 2005
Please go on like this - its nice to sit here in England and "see" your holiday!

Ps - Did you have the Ribs at Rockys?


New member
May 30, 2005

Hey Dwight , All of your experiences bring back great memories, I am Canadian and living in Gaspar Hernandez but you have basically described my vacation days here before I moved for good. From Islabon to La Bomba, to El Gusto and on an on

Camino del Sol was my stomping grounds and I still have several friends there and Fran and I love the food at El Gusto..... I walked that Islabon Barrio and have a good friend there where I stayed for 3 weeks to experience (as close as I dared )the real Domincan Barrio life.
Di you get down to La Laguna ? Or visit Juans shack on the beach ?
Fran and I have several secluded and special places all around from Rio San Juan to Sosua and we would be happy to show ya around if you ever come back this way !

Joe and Fran

PS Waiting for more about your vacation..............


New member
Oct 2, 2004
Too Tired...

to write about Rocky's Fashion Consulting will take too long.It was a brutal day at work...and I need some sleep. However, I can tell you that I was successful in my quest for "La Pela".

I wasn't going to be intimidated by that girl in the, I got up early Monday morning and got on the first motoconcho I saw as I walked out of the hotel lobby.

Earlier,in my room I had written (in Spanish) on a piece of paper.. "Do you have La Pela?"...and then put the note in my pocket.

When we arrived at the farmacia I told the moto driver to wait because I would only be a "momento". Inside, I passed the note to the clerk behind the counter(a guy this time).....hell, I felt like a bank robber with my "get away" car idling outside! lol. I made my purchase and was on the moto heading for the hotel in under 90 seconds!

Back at the hotel having breakfast, I enjoyed a glass of orange juice, coffee and a made-to-order omellete while feeling pretty smug about having accomplished something so early in the day!

I forgot to mention in the previous post....if anyone goes to the "EL Gusto" sure to say "hello" to the Princess for me!


New member
Nov 7, 2005
Dwight said:
Hope i'm not boring you with all the detail.....I can shorten it up if you want.

Boring? Quite the opposite. It's trip reports like this that make it worth visiting DR1. You'd never find the real life moment by moment stories like this on expedia or whatever. It's like I'm down there when I'm reading your report.
May 31, 2005
Right. I agree. This trip report sure beats the old "food was great, rooms ok, beach was nice" thing people normally write about. I wish I was a better writer and able to write about my trips. Hopefully I will get inspired by reading some more trip reports like this on DR1...


New member
Oct 2, 2004

Thanks for all the nice replies!I'm just trying to relay the things I was seeing and feeling....and writing this report helps me re-live my experiences.

jojo2130......I don't know where La laguna is, so I don't think I was there. Juans that on the river? If so then I was there on my first trip.

Since you've been to El Gusto....can you confirm my description of the place? I don't want people to think I'm making this stuff up!!Hahaha!!!

While there, a couple at the other table was having dinner.The food looked really good.They had a very large bowl of soup and a platter of "something" looked good whatever it was. One of them ate from the platter while the other had half the soup...then they traded and finished the meal. I should try that with a "date" here in Canada....might save a few bucks!!


New member
May 30, 2005
Dwight said:
Thanks for all the nice replies!I'm just trying to relay the things I was seeing and feeling....and writing this report helps me re-live my experiences.

jojo2130......I don't know where La laguna is, so I don't think I was there.
You just walk down the beach in the direction of Sabaneta and the restaurant is alone on the beach at the mouth of the Yasica River. Sorry , I said la Laguna , I should have said La Boca restaurant. They fry fish on open coals there and serve Pina Coladas in Pineapples ! You can also rent a horse and ride there. Be careful swimming where the river meets the ocean though. And changing tide , can be dangerous.

Juans that on the river? If so then I was there on my first trip.
Juan is 1/2 down the beach from Camino to La Boca restaurant. tell him Jose sent you ! He is a good guy

Since you've been to El Gusto....can you confirm my description of the place? I don't want people to think I'm making this stuff up!!Hahaha!!!

Doesn't exist, (Just Kidding)
Absolutely accurate. My wife and I have eaten there a few times. Actually I can't remember which of us but one of us dropped a beer onto the rock floor !
Musta been her , couldn't have been me ..........

While there, a couple at the other table was having dinner.The food looked really good.They had a very large bowl of soup and a platter of "something" looked good whatever it was. One of them ate from the platter while the other had half the soup...then they traded and finished the meal. I should try that with a "date" here in Canada....might save a few bucks!!

This Could have been me and Fran ! hehehehe !


New member
Oct 2, 2004
Rocky's Fashion Consulting

I needed to go to Rocky', on Tuesday I hit the HOT highway leading to Sosua. I had brought with me a "taste of Canada" for Hillbilly and Rocky (maple syrup) made by the local Mennonite farmers in my area. If I had needed to go to Santiago to find Iris at the university, Hillbilly had offered his assistance in finding her.I just wanted to bring a little treat to say thanks. He gave me enough phone numbers to fill a small directory! haha.

Since I didn't have to travel to Santiago, I thought I'd leave it with Rocky. I wanted to go there anyway to visit and do some shopping.

Outside the hotel I negotiated a price for the trip with a motoconcho driver...he wanted 300 pesos but we settled on 150 pesos. I confirmed the price 3 times with him before getting on. It was a very hot ride....the heat coming off the road surface combined with the hot wind made for an uncomfortable trip. The moto guy drove with one hand and cupped his other hand about 5 or 6 inches in front of his face to stop bugs from getting into his eyes and nose. A bit scary.

When we arrived he changed the price back to 300 pesos. Some of these guys pull that scam all the time had happened to me before. Not this time! I told him he would never get repeat business this way and I would never use his services again(and I didn't... although he still asked me everyday). I gave him 150 pesos and walked away.

At Rocky's I met with Marco and handed over the "loot".We were having a nice chat and were joined by one of his hotel guests.He ordered a burger and fries and it looked so good I ordered one too.(...and it was good,I couldn't quite finish the whole thing though). While Rocky went to email Hillbilly the hotel guest told me his objective was to get as drunk as he could today...and to leave the country as soon as he could! I not sure of the reason...but I think he'd achieved about 50% of his first goal! haha!!

I wanted to buy some "Larimar" jewellery for my daughter and asked Rocky if he could recommend a shop with reasonable prices. The other "guest" needed to change some dollars and the store was close to the exchange house so he decided to take us there. He also brought his big dog "Bruno" along for the outing.Bruno is a very handsome and well mannered Rhodesian Ridgeback...although he may not be so well mannered under different maybe trying to break into Rocky's!lol

Well, as dogs will do, Bruno was "marking" his territory on pretty much everything standing upright along the way. The other "guest" didn't think this was appropriate and started to chastise Rocky over his dogs behaviour!

Rocky's response was priceless. "WHAT?! you expect him to wear a diaper on the street? He's a DOG...for GAWDS SAKE!

I was bringing up the rear and just about doubled over from laughing...but had to be careful....because I wasn't wearing a diaper either!! Hahaha!!!

He took me to Patricks Silversmithy...a nice store with a good selection of jewellery.The lady behind the counter knew Rocky and Bruno and they chatted while I looked in the display case.Bruno seemed content to lie on the cool cement floor near Rocky's feet and the lady was leaning over counter complimenting him on how nice he was, how well behaved he was, what a good boy he was, etc.,.....I could swear that dog was smiling!lol

I couldn't make a decision on what to buy so that's when Rocky the "Fashion Accessory Consultant" took over. He pointed out some pieces and we looked at them on the counter.He said he couldn't tell me exactly why he liked them...just that he did. I agreed with his selections...and bought two beautiful Larimar pendants in silver settings. To make it even better, I think I was given the Rocky and Bruno discount as well!

When I gave one of the pendants to my daughter she said it matched the Larimar ring I gave her last time. She also said..."Look at me...I have lots of BLING!!. So...thanks for the "BLING" Rocky! You should have business cards..... Fashion Accessories Consultant. Just teasing....thanks for your help!

Said goodbye on the street after Rocky told me the public cars were much safer to travel in and recommended I take one back to the hotel instead of a moto or gua-gua. He showed me where their stand was and told me the fare should be 40 pesos. I walked around Sosua for a bit...stopped at a real estate office and told them I wanted a job(I'm a realtor here), the lady was German and didn't speak much English and told me to come back after 5pm.haha! I was only joking with her.....hmmmm, at least I think I was!

The guy in the Public Car wanted 300 pesos....GEEZ, not THIS again.I expected to pay more than the 40 pesos Rocky told, we settled on 100 pesos. I confirmed it at least 3 times before getting into the back seat. Once we were underway for a few minutes he changed his mind, saying it was a long way and it would cost me 300 pesos. I just about flipped-out because this same tactic had been used on me so many times.I pulled 20 pesos out of my pocket and threw it into the front seat while telling him to stop the car. He looked surprised...but saw that I was very serious. I told him I would get out and find someone else to drive me and he could keep the 20 pesos for driving me this far(about 1 km.)unless he wanted to continue for the agreed upon amount...and no more B.S. He took me to the hotel for 100 pesos.

I rested at the hotel for a while...the evening would prove to be an eye opener.



Apr 4, 2002

You sure know how to tell a story.
I had forgotten some of the details, until now.
I had pancakes that very night, smothered in Maple Syrup, thanks to you.
Glad your daughter like the pendant.
I think that dude who was with us, the one who needed to change money, was on his way to Santo Domingo, as his flight was leaving from there.
I remember him him being unhappy about something, but can't remember why.
Maybe it was because he had to leave.
Hillbilly had a friend pick up his syrup within a couple of days.

Was great meeting you.
Hope to see you again, and thanks for the great trip report.
Regards, Marco.