People Illegally Staying in my House


New member
Oct 12, 2022
Hi I need some advice , my mother past away nearly a year ago and when she did she had two people helping Ams sleeping in the house . I allowed them to stay and they knew they had to be out after I found a buyer .
I hav let them know since June that we have a buyer . They are now refusing to leave the property . The6 wont give my important documents to my friend in the town , they have refused . These are the titles to the house , we have copies and the process of inheritance started in March , we are near completion .
What avenues can I go down to get them removed from the property and to get m important documents back .
Thank you for any help

They have never had a tenancy and have payed nothing towards the house in the past11 months


New member
Oct 12, 2022
why not reach out to a proper law firm in the Dr .......Guzman Ariza is highly recommended.
You allowed them to squat in the house ...that was a mistake .
I think that’s obvious to me . I have a lawyer but she is on holiday . So I’m asking here for advice


Mar 26, 2019
If you approach this the same way as the drivers in UK handle the "stop the oil" idiots you're in for a long journey...having connections in DR is the way to go in this situation
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Jan 12, 2010
Denham .I wonder if you are near the charming Denham Golf Club in Buckinghamshire . Far cry from the DR. I had the same problem in Zona Colonial for a few months . I paid some construction workers down the street to get them out. they have no recourse in the DR.


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
You'd be amazed at the cooperation you can
get from people with a couple of dogs and a
short leash. I witnessed first hand how effective
it can be (Pascagoula, MS circa 2002) and trust
me.. it works.
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chico bill

Dogs Better than People
May 6, 2016
Hire a huge nasty Big Dominican guy and a loud mouth big Dominican woman (easy to find) to pose as his wife and the new buyers and tell the squatters they have one week to vacate or they will return at throw them out physically .
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New member
Sep 6, 2006
Hire a huge nasty Big Dominican guy and a loud mouth big Dominican woman (easy to find) to pose as his wife and the new buyers and tell the squatters they have one week to vacate or they will return at throw them out physically .
That might work or you may wind up having a huge nasty Big Dominican guy and a loud mouth big Dominican woman living there instead, just saying


Sep 3, 2013
There are several ways to evict them, all of them legal. For example, going to the "juez de los referimientos" (a judge for quick resolutions to an obviously illegal squatter situation). Of course, you'll need a lawyer for this.
this is obvious to her .....she has a lawyer ....but her lawyer is on vacation she went to the next best thing for legal advice ......THE BRAINS OF DR1


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2019
I don't think this idea of sending people round to threaten them is a good one. Even the most stupid Dominicans who can't read or write are fully aware of their rights and if you throw them out it could turn very nasty. So you definitely need a lawyer, and a good lawyer. I would suggest you get your lawyer to pay them a visit and discuss the terms of their departure. You're probably going to have to give them some money to leave, enough to pay the deposit on a new place (ie 3 months rent) is where I would start, but your lawyer should be able to help. How long is she away?
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Oct 22, 2018
Hi I need some advice , my mother past away nearly a year ago and when she did she had two people helping Ams sleeping in the house . I allowed them to stay and they knew they had to be out after I found a buyer .
I hav let them know since June that we have a buyer . They are now refusing to leave the property . The6 wont give my important documents to my friend in the town , they have refused . These are the titles to the house , we have copies and the process of inheritance started in March , we are near completion .
What avenues can I go down to get them removed from the property and to get m important documents back .
Thank you for any help

They have never had a tenancy and have payed nothing towards the house in the past11 months
You have a very big problem.
The law in DR protects the 'renters', in this case the occupants. They have an agreement of that they could live there and if you will get rid of them I think you need to go to court and it can take a long time and cost a lot of money.
Do you have a signed document from them that they move out as soon the property was sold?

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
You have a very big problem.
The law in DR protects the 'renters', in this case the occupants. They have an agreement of that they could live there and if you will get rid of them I think you need to go to court and it can take a long time and cost a lot of money.
Do you have a signed document from them that they move out as soon the property was sold?
You're a little late to the party. That was back in October of last year.