Power Company in Las Terrenas

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Keep your heads down, stay in after the sun sets and if you have solar, don't be the house lit up like a Christmas tree when most others are dark. This too shall pass eventually and normalcy will return. Destruction of their own neighborhood by hoodlums never makes sense but we see it all the time in the US. Ferguson, South Central, New Orleans...

I feel sorry so those who arrive in the middle of all this expecting a nice vacation. Please keep us informed of how things go tonight if you have the power to do so that is.

you forgot to name Vancouver and Montreal....


Dec 14, 2008
4 Dead?

Las Terrenas

There are reports that so far 3 people were killed in the riots, some say a policeman was also killed.
A lot of damage was done to the power installations.
I guess, that still some parts would not have power re-established yet...

We have been staying put for the last 5 days on our finca with 24/7 from our solar panels.




Well-known member
Dec 19, 2005

I have a reservation at the Albachiara December 3rd thru the 10th. If I cancel before November 27th I incur no cancellation fees. If I cancel after that date I pay 50% of the total stay. So I have a decision to make. My question for you is what would you do? This has been going on for over a month so what makes it stop and things go back to normal? BTW, I know you cannot answer question number 2.


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014
This is quite unique for LT and whilst the dispute has been simmering for some time the problems started in reality last Friday. Frankly I cannot believe this will be allowed to continue any longer.

There were plenty of military and police in the town yesterday and what I saw suggested that they were trying to ease tensions and avoid confrontation. Sadly the rioters didn't heed their patience.

There is movement of traffic in and out of town today and I have little doubt there is no a no tolerance attitude to public disorder. I've even heard music today albeit there is still no power resumption to some beach areas yet.

None of the rioting happened near the Albiachiara nor in beach areas.

Give it a few more days. This is a lovely part of a lovely country where the peace has been shattered by a few self interested businessmen with horrible effect.


Dec 14, 2008
Politclowns in Hiding

This is quite unique for LT and whilst the dispute has been simmering for some time the problems started in reality last Friday.

Las week the so called "Frente" dissolved itself after complaining that there is no justice and that all peaceful means of their fight against "Luz y Fuerza" had not been successful.

This was obviously (mis)understood as a call to arms for certain groups willing to resort to violence.
Subsequently the devil was out of the box...

The "autores intelectuales" who had been very active in the past are now not to be seen and not heard of (any more)...



On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014
Perhaps feeble corrupt influenced Politclowns in hiding should be the title? I see the provincial senator is trying to muster some beanie points now - rather late I think.

To be a top quality tourist destination the place needs cleaning up and for that you need dedicated real politicos and a strong police force enforcing laws for locals and expats alike.


Dec 11, 2003
Very odd.. But probably good PR from the ministerio of tourism..

just got off the phone with my friend Charlie,, who has lived in LT for twenty years. He says that there are perhaps 200 or 300 of the armed forces in the town, no electricity.. well, a little electricity here and there, no water.. no food. He has never seen anything like this. He says that he they were putting up electric polls and others were taking them down, complaining out the high price of electricity. Charlie says that he thinks that someone is paying them to do that but he cannot figure out who.

But. Things are FAR from normal. Charlie says that "most of the Europeans have gone". Charlie lives on one of the main streets of town, so things might be better out at Playa Bonita or Coson.. but the issue of the food is a worry..

I am sorry to say this on the Board..because I really do want the town to prosper but if I had reservations for there for Christmas, I would make other plans.

I am going to talk with him tomorrow and will update you then.


Dec 11, 2003

I have a reservation at the Albachiara December 3rd thru the 10th. If I cancel before November 27th I incur no cancellation fees. If I cancel after that date I pay 50% of the total stay. So I have a decision to make. My question for you is what would you do? This has been going on for over a month so what makes it stop and things go back to normal? BTW, I know you cannot answer question number 2.

If you are going to lose 50%, I would go ahead and go. They will definitely keep THAT hotel running. It is PEGADO. You will be safe. And it will be an adventure.


Dec 11, 2003
2 muertos, 5 heridos, 27 zafacones quemados, decenas de postes derribados y siguen protestas - InfosDiario.com - Las Terrenas

Desde la noche del pasado viernes, Las Terrenas viene soportando un clima de incertidumbre por el reposicionamiento del ingeniero Jos? Oscar Orsini Bosch, al frente de la compa??a de luz y fuerza, la cual preside, cuya finalidad es suplir 24 horas de energ?a cada d?a.

Las protestas que actualmente mantienen bloqueado el tr?nsito vehicular casi de manera permanente desde principios del fin de semana, han dejado dos muertos, cinco heridos entre ellos una menor de 11 a?os, decenas de detenidos, al menos 30 contenedores de basura quemados y perdidas in cuantificables en la industria tur?stica.

La tarde de este lunes cientos de usuarios del servicio energ?tico se lanzaron a las calles exigiendo al gobierno tomar medidas sobre el costo que pagan en este municipio costero, solicitando de la Superintendencia de Electricidad una respuesta urgente al respecto.

A seguidas, el martes desde primeras horas de la tarde se reuni? una comisi?n de usuarios con ejecutivos de Luz y Fuerza con la finalidad de obtener respuestas inmediatas a siete exigencias, entre las que figuran: eliminaci?n del cobro de mora (330 pesos a los usuarios que aparezcan en corte), un plazo de 6 meses a los que presenten atrasos producto del conflicto entre los accionistas de la referida compa??a.

"Daremos hasta el 26 de noviembre para que los usuarios pasen a ponerse al d?a por nuestras oficinas, los 330 pesos se los vamos a eliminar a todos los clientes bajo dicha condici?n en este momento y el precio de los contratos lo vamos a estudiar, dijo el ingeniero Jos? Oscar Orsini durante el encuentro realizado en las oficinas administrativas de Luz y Fuerza.

So two dead, five wounded, 27 barrels set aflame.. Orzini back in charge? Demanding exactly what?

The issue was that REALLY poor people.. by that I mean one lightbulb, a fan and a fridge.. were being socked with what they considered to be huge bills like 1000 pesos.. when teachers, for instance, were making 4000 a month. This was already brewing when I left there 6 years ago.

Here is a posting from my friend Jose, who is one of the Dominicans who has been speaking on this issue. [Sondeos del Alma] ?

?Por qu? mudar a Luz y Fuerza a este chinchorro ? Comparado a donde estaba, s?lo los incautos van a echar su dinero en ese barril sin fondo. Fij?monos que en Las Terrenas la gente ha estado m?s que dispuesta a soportar las heces fecales en las calles (provocados por la la descarada empresa Solsanit), la falta de agua en los barrios (provocada por la ineficiencia de INAPA y los problemas tambi?n causados por Solsanit, entre otros), las calles sin entalviar (porque Obras P?blicas sigue esperando a que INAPA termine su trabajo, seg?n dicen) y, adem?s, toleramos basura, ruidos, deficiencias en el hospital y un mill?n de cosas m?s, pero no estamos dispuestos a perder el servicio el?ctrico. Parecer?a que tenemos adicci?n a la corriente.

Entonces no es tan f?cil decir en el caso del servicio el?ctrico de que simplemente no es problema nuestro. La verdad es que es un problema de todos. Adem?s, dada la larga historia de lucha contra una administraci?n considerada injusta y abusiva por muchos de nosotros, la auditor?a ofrece la oportunidad de que se comprueben los alegatos de mala gerencia por parte del Ing. Orsini Bosch, aparte del hecho de que una auditor?a no afecta a nadie siempre y cuando las cosas hayan marchado bien. ?Qu? miedo podr?a tener Orsini de la auditor?a ? El que no tiene hecha no tiene sospecha, dice el refranero popular, por lo que al mismo Orsini le convendr?a la realizaci?n de esa auditor?a para una vez por siempre hacer desaparecer cualquier acusaci?n en su contra.

Un grupo de l?deres comunitarios como El Frente de Organizaciones Sociales Pro-Derechos del Consumidor El?ctrico, la Uni?n de Juntas de Vecinos, la Confraternidad de Pastores Evang?licos de Las Terrenas, la Asociaci?n de Motoconchistas, los clubes de madres, adem?s de taxistas, comerciantes y miles de personas entre el p?blico han dicho que dan su apoyo a la auditor?a por entender que despu?s de a?os de lucha en contra de la empresa sin fruto alguno esta auditor?a es entonces la mejor manera de que el Ing. Orsini se someta a la sentencia firme e irrevocable del poder judicial. El Ing. Orsini ha desacatado al poder judicial.

Sin embargo, el Ing. Orsini ha desacatado al poder judicial y se ha convertido en un juez irregular, determinando que es ?l quien debe juzgar lo que procede, por lo que abandona las oficinas legales que ?l mismo construy? para abrir un chinchorro (figurativamente hablando) y utilizar mensajes, emblemas, servicios y cobros que s?lo le pertenecen a la empresa legalmente constituida y establecida en el barrio Ca?o Seco.

Lo que el Ing. Orsini ha hecho es problema de todos, porque la luz es un servicio indispensable y da l?stima que el que se identifica como la persona que trajo el desarrollo a Las Terrenas trayendo la luz se convierta ahora en la persona que mantiene a tantos en sosobra y a otros dudando de si les debe preocupar o no que haga lo que est? haciendo en contra de su misma empresa.

No nos hagamos de la vista gorda, lo que pase en Luz y Fuerza es asunto de todos y la auditor?a es la mejor garant?a de corregir lo que ha estado mal.

and here
Opiniones Jos? Bourget - Las Terrenas Live ! - El Dilema Luz y Fuerza.


Apr 1, 2009

Since last Friday night, Las Terrenas is supporting a climate of uncertainty for the repositioning of the Jos? Oscar Orsini Bosch engineer, in charge of the company's light and strength, which presides, whose purpose is to fill 24 hours of power each day.

The protests that currently maintain blocked traffic almost on a permanent basis since the beginning of the weekend, have left two dead, five wounded among them a child of 11 years, dozens of detainees, at least 30 burned trash bins and lost in quantifiable in the tourism industry.

This Monday evening hundreds of energy service users took to the streets demanding the Government take action on the cost of pay in this coastal town, requesting an urgent response on the matter of the Superintendency of electricity.

To followed, on Tuesday from the first hours of the afternoon a users Committee met with executives of light and strength in order to obtain immediate answers to seven demands, including: Elimination of the collection of mora (330 pesos to users who appear in court), a term of 6 months to those who present delays product of the conflict between the shareholders of the concerned company.

"Daremos hasta el 26 de noviembre para que los usuarios pasen a ponerse al d?a por nuestras oficinas, los 330 pesos se los vamos a eliminar a todos los clientes bajo dicha condici?n en este momento y el precio de los contratos lo vamos a estudiar, dijo el ingeniero Jos? Oscar Orsini durante el encuentro realizado en las oficinas administrativas de Luz y Fuerza.

So two dead, five wounded, 27 barrels set aflame.. Orzini back in charge? Demanding exactly what?

The issue was that REALLY poor people.. by that I mean one lightbulb, a fan and a fridge.. were being socked with what they considered to be huge bills like 1000 pesos.. when teachers, for instance, were making 4000 a month. This was already brewing when I left there 6 years ago.

Here is a posting from my friend Jose, who is one of the Dominicans who has been speaking on this issue. [Sondeos del Alma] ?

Would move to light and strength to this small boat? Compared to where it was, only the unwary are going to throw your money down that. Look that people had been more than willing to endure the stool on the streets in Las Terrenas (caused by the shameless company Solsanit), the lack of water in slums (caused by the inefficiency of INAPA and problems also caused by Solsanit, among others), streets without entalviar (because public works still waiting for INAPA to finish his work(, say) and, in addition, we tolerate garbage, noise, deficiencies in the hospital and a million other things, but we are not willing to lose electrical service. It would seem that we have current addiction.

Then it is not so easy to say in the case of electric service that is simply not our problem. The truth is that it is a problem of all. In addition, given the long history of struggle against an Administration considered unfair and abusive for many of us, the audit offers the opportunity that will check if the allegations of bad management by Mr. Orsini Bosch, apart from the fact that an audit does not affect anyone if things have gone well. What fear could have Orsini of the audit? He has made has no suspicion, says the popular proverb, so the Orsini should be you the conduct of this audit for once and for always dispel any allegation against.

A group of community leaders as the front of social organizations rights of the consumer electric, the Union of neighborhood, the Fellowship of Evangelical pastors of Las Terrenas, the Motoconchistas Association, the mothers clubs, as well as taxi drivers, merchants and thousands of people among the public have said giving its support to the audit to understand that after years of struggle against the company without any result this audit is then the best way of that Mr. Orsini is subject to the firm and irrevocable judgment of the judiciary. Mr. Orsini has defied the judiciary.

However, Mr. Orsini has defied the judiciary and has become an irregular judge, determining that it is who should judge what comes, for which leaves the law offices that he same built to open a chinchorro (figuratively speaking) and use messages, emblems, services and collections which only belong to the company legally constituted and established in Ca?o Seco neighborhood.

What Mr. Orsini has done is problem of all, because the light is an essential service and pity that is identified as the person who brought the development to Las Terrenas bringing light make now the person that keeps so many in anxiety and other dudand


Sep 16, 2004
Tarheel, Don't cancel that reservation until the last gong. WE drove through Las Terrenas today and although there is a lot of broken glass, burned tires and still a few poles down, the tourist areas are physically unaffected. The beach where Albachiarra is was beautiful today, as was Playa Ballenas. We spent a lovely afternoon at Restaurant Luis on Playa Coson. I heard there
Is a meeting tonight at the ballpark with officials to be present. I am interested to hear what comes out of that. Las Terrenas
Is an amazing place and it is able to restore itself quickly. The town will not lose its tourist season. I am optimistic that
somehow this will be resolved soon. Check back on the forum on the 25th or 26th before you cancel.


Nov 19, 2014
Hello we are concerned. Our family is supposed to come to Coson area Los Nomados on 22nd. Should we not go is the situation I have heard stating there is no food still true? Thanks


Sep 16, 2004
The situation on a whole is a mess for sure and it's very sad that there had to be loss of life over something as stupid as a power struggle... Yes, Las Terrenas is resilient and special and will restore itself quickly as Nina P mentions.

There is a question though, who is paying the employee's of L&F ?, who pays their TSS ?, who's doing the maintenance on the trucks and is paying the guys overtime to re-install power from the recent disturbance, the new poles etc... ?

There are echo's/rumors (?) that Mr Dartout collected nearly pesos during his recent "administrative" roll, (that's a lot of money) is it in the L&F account ?.. Is it going towards the repairs or is it Mr Orsini who's footing the bill ?..

One thing is for sure, the company is a mess.


Dec 11, 2003
Hello we are concerned. Our family is supposed to come to Coson area Los Nomados on 22nd. Should we not go is the situation I have heard stating there is no food still true? Thanks

No, I am sure that it will be calm in Coson.. And there is probably "food".. There will always be fresh fish. And fruit, and local veggies. It is just the center of town which might be hot at night so best perhaps to avoid it. But you will be a long way from there.

my friend is a poor Dominican, so when he says there is "no food" he most likely means that they are losing food from not having had electricity in their homes. Most of people there do not have inverters, as most poor Dominicans do, since there has always been 24/7 electricity. Food goes bad pretty fast with electricity here.

There is always fresh food, there will always be fresh fish and things that you will be able to buy. And they are certainly going to make every effort to get this settled and calm before the Christmas season. Personally, when I go there, I survive on fresh SHRIMP.. so you could do worse.

Evidently things are being kept quiet during the day.

I am sorry that I posted that folks should cancell. That was wrong of me. That will really starve the town. There will still be a lot of places that are open, I am sure.

I will know more tomorrow. We will all know more tomorrow.

But I did want folks to know that this was not just a SMALL thing, This is large thing. This has been brewing for a long time.

Las Terrenas is the jewel of the crown for the tourism in this country. I have travelled most of this country and it is still the most beautiful place.

But the central government has allowed private actors to take advantage of the people there. They have not collected taxes from the majority of foreigners who have businesses there. They do not enforce the labor laws or protect the Dominicans who live there. They work, of course, for the people with the most money.

This issue with the abuses of Luz y Fuerza and their private monopoly of the power, which is unregulated by the government, has been ongoing for many years.


Sep 16, 2004
Hello we are concerned. Our family is supposed to come to Coson area Los Nomados on 22nd. Should we not go is the situation I have heard stating there is no food still true? Thanks

I was on Playa Coson today and it was peaceful and beautiful. There are two large supermarkets which will have plenty of
Food. Do not cancel your vacation. You are probably not going to be spending your time in the problem area but on the


Jun 19, 2009
Tickets are booked for next month , but my rental is on hold. I Believe everything will be back to normal but just in case. If worse comes to worse, DR is a big island, I can always book somewhere else on the island. I can't spend the entire day on the beach and the problem areas are unavoidable (it is after all the center of town which consists of 2 main streets). Also I want be able to go out after dark :)