Question for Fabio Guzman


Almost Silver...
Jan 1, 2002
I keep seeing these Election Bumper stickers with Vote for Fabio Guzman. Is this a different Fabio Guzman that posts legal advice in this forum? If you are running for office what position and party are you running for? and Why?


Jan 5, 2002
you should also ask him?

You should also ask Fabio Guzman, if he is the real candidate, if he is following City Hall regulations as a candidate not to post election posters and paraphernelia in the streets that have been marked for "no political posting", and that he is not posting in trees or distributing material that will cause garbage in the streets.

This proliferation of political propaganda is one of the things that discourages me more as a voter and will turn me off regardless of the position of the candidate. A candidate that does not respect the enviroment cannot be trusted for anything else.

In addition, I would like to ask him if his campaign pressures business people or government employees to contribute to his campaign.
What do you say candidate Guzman?


Fabio J. Guzman

DR1 Expert
Jan 1, 2002
The real name of this gentleman who calls himself Fabio Guzm?n is Estanislao Guzm?n. Fabio is his nickname (!??). He was trying to obtain the nomination for mayor of Sos?a on the PLD ticket but was defeated in the primaries. Although not an attorney, somehow people around thought he was because he dealt with real estate for a local law firm. This caused a lot of confusion to the point that I felt the need to trademark my name. Once somebody filed a complaint against him in Puerto Plata and of course two seconds later everybody thought it was me. Another time a German client asked for an urgent appointment with one of my associates for the sole purpose of letting him know the amazing news: "Do you know that the director of this law firm is not a lawyer?"

Guzm?n is a very common last name in the D.R. I never thought however that Fabio was that common until I checked a credit bureau database and found more than 70 Fabio Guzm?ns on file. That's one of the reasons I always use my middle initial (J.) or my two last names in the Spanish fashion (Guzman Ariza).

In any case, I don't have what it takes to be a politician and have no intention of running for anything!

El Jefe

Jan 1, 2002
Fabio, you have restored half of my if we could just do something about the lawyer part...