real "bad" real estate agent

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New member
Apr 1, 2002
Hello everyone,

I am currently in Juan dolio as home base. My husband and I are looking for a house either in the city, or in Juan Dolio.

On wedensday a real estate agent took us to see three houses two of which were nothing like we wanted to see.

We had an appointment on friday with a local hotel manager who also is a real estate agent. Friday morining our appointment was for ten o'clock. He did not show, he explained that he had a meeting and could not get free. Then he blew me away with this.

"a friend of a friend of a friend, told me that they have shown you fifty houses and that you are not serious buyers". I almost fell over on the floor. I have travled here, left my home and my business in the hand of someone else, brought over five kids with me, and all types of paperwork to prove my solvency, and I am not serious.

I told the second agent who ever told him that was crazy, and showed him the contract that I have signed to sell the farm back home. Then he took me more seriously. He said he would have a friend meet us at 12:30, and again he stood us up.

All we want to do is buy a house, my gosh you would think people would be in line to take my money!!!!

Just doing a little venting. I will check back later to see if there are any questions, advices or suggestions. Thanks so much.


I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003
Lookie here!

Montessorian said:
Hello everyone,

I am currently in Juan dolio as home base. My husband and I are looking for a house either in the city, or in Juan Dolio.

On wedensday a real estate agent took us to see three houses two of which were nothing like we wanted to see.

We had an appointment on friday with a local hotel manager who also is a real estate agent. Friday morining our appointment was for ten o'clock. He did not show, he explained that he had a meeting and could not get free. Then he blew me away with this.

"a friend of a friend of a friend, told me that they have shown you fifty houses and that you are not serious buyers". I almost fell over on the floor. I have travled here, left my home and my business in the hand of someone else, brought over five kids with me, and all types of paperwork to prove my solvency, and I am not serious.

I told the second agent who ever told him that was crazy, and showed him the contract that I have signed to sell the farm back home. Then he took me more seriously. He said he would have a friend meet us at 12:30, and again he stood us up.

All we want to do is buy a house, my gosh you would think people would be in line to take my money!!!!

Just doing a little venting. I will check back later to see if there are any questions, advices or suggestions. Thanks so much.
If you have any more problems, I have a friend that works in a real estate agency. Send me a PM and I will send you all his info. If not, I can even call him from here and have him call you. Whatever is easier for you. He is in SD.


Mar 2, 2003
Can we get a name?

It would be nice to know who these unprofessionals are, what agency they represent etc.

It is not rare to find "professionals" here who suck at their chosen profession, and even less rare to find those who feel, understandably that they can treat foreigners however they want without damaging their local reputation, but naming names on a board like this might help instill some feelings of responsibility.


New member
Mar 19, 2005
Please don't get upset!

Remember that you are coming from a background and position of logic, while the agent is not.

Most business transactions in Latin America are completed only when a strange mix of unrelated circumstances somehow cross paths...then a celebration ensues involving drinks, usually including some sort of rum.

The specific agent in your case is no exception. The fine art of insulting a potential client, while at the same time betraying the confidence of a coworker while doing so, is so genuinely latin it really should make you smile. It takes years to perfect that type of idiocy.

Don't take it personally, and buy your house...for based on your experience've found the perfect place!

Why, you ask?

Remember this: once someone down there finally figures it all out, and the beaurocracy sheds a coat or will be just like back in the USA...nice, efficient, and sterile.

Think of'll have to move far away again to get away from it all!

Embrace the idiots of the's why we all have jobs!


jenifer brown

New member
Mar 26, 2005
Hello !

I am very sorry about the way this?real State? people had
behave, is a shame.
Robert ask me to contact you as I have few houses for sell
that I can show to you.
You can send me an e-mail directly to my e-mail :
and tell me what kind of house you are looking for and can tell you what I have with your specific requirements and if you are interested in have a look
and can show it to you .
I hope that I can offer you what you are looking for.

Best Regards,


Montessorian said:
Hello everyone,

I am currently in Juan dolio as home base. My husband and I are looking for a house either in the city, or in Juan Dolio.

On wedensday a real estate agent took us to see three houses two of which were nothing like we wanted to see.

We had an appointment on friday with a local hotel manager who also is a real estate agent. Friday morining our appointment was for ten o'clock. He did not show, he explained that he had a meeting and could not get free. Then he blew me away with this.

"a friend of a friend of a friend, told me that they have shown you fifty houses and that you are not serious buyers". I almost fell over on the floor. I have travled here, left my home and my business in the hand of someone else, brought over five kids with me, and all types of paperwork to prove my solvency, and I am not serious.

I told the second agent who ever told him that was crazy, and showed him the contract that I have signed to sell the farm back home. Then he took me more seriously. He said he would have a friend meet us at 12:30, and again he stood us up.

All we want to do is buy a house, my gosh you would think people would be in line to take my money!!!!

Just doing a little venting. I will check back later to see if there are any questions, advices or suggestions. Thanks so much.


New member
Apr 1, 2002
So far still only three houses

Well, just for a little update. We still have only seen three houses, and have now been stood up four times. Yet I think that things are looking up, we have extended our trip to make sure we find something.

Still we have not had much luck with real estate agents but the word has spread in this resort that we are looking for a house and every bell boy, maid and cook has offered to sell us one. We now have a line of willing and able agents on the look out for us.

Will keep this updated as the saga continues.


Jan 9, 2004
Deceased Andreas

Hi Avocado:

We used Andreas from Palm Hills in Cabarete 2 years ago, and he was very nice. We almost brought some beach front property from him, but we changed our mind in the last mins.

Can you tell me more about your "and the now deceased Andreas" comment. Is he dead, or ?

Thank you.

Avocado said:
Wow !!!
The worst is PALM HILLS in Cabarete - Ronnie Scaachi / Martin Krikle / and the now deceased Andreas.

We bought a house through them and agreed to pay them $50,000 US to renovate it. They had the money up front did very little and then asked for more on the basis that : quote " this happens all the time most people just pay" We threatened to sue and the aforementioned Andreas took me to a remote location at the back of Cabarete and refused to let me leave until I signed a piece of paper saying they had complied with the contract -- I did not sign . We kicked them and their so called workers off of our property and the Ronnie had us arrested to try and get the last $3,000 that was still with the Lawyer. Now $75,000.00 later our house is just about finished but we did it ourselves and Ronnie still thinks he compliedwith the contract and cannot understand why we are upset with him!!!!!


Mar 2, 2003
Avocado said:
I bet you are glad you didn't . Was this beach front just outside Cabarete on the way to Sosua? If it was, I am told they sold God knows how many lots with building costs up front and then went and bought a 7 series BMW and a Mercedes at about $250,000 US. Yes he is dead. Scaachi told me he was trying to steal from EDEN NJORTE but I do not Know, All I know is they are a bad lot : beware. and beware of their Lawyer PERDOMO who just wants money, Which lawyer doesn't? I am told it bhas been so cold in Canada this Winter, some lawyers have been seen with their hands in their OWN POCKETS for a change.!!!


You actually have a reputation in the North Coast yourself, basically that its not worth it for any business to have dealings with you. Can you name one person you've dealt with in this country that you have had a good experience with?

Are you starting to feel like maybe the problem is you?

We're getting to a point where you must be either the only sane person in the world or else...

I seriously doubt you are the only sane person in the world.

My contacts in the legal field inform me that you are involved in legal battles with almost everyone you have dealt with in this country.

Hint: it's not normal to have to sue everyone you deal with - or for them to sue you. Even here. Especially here.


Apr 11, 2004
I have had many dealings with Ronnie Scaachi of Palms Realty and never had a problem. Perhaps Mr.Mike is right and you are the problem.


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
People, please take your childish comments to another place.
If you have something to say about each other, do it via PM or email.

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