Reason to Invest in The DR vs Somewhere Else in Central America


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Very interesting to hear Gerardo Recinos (Salvadoran) regarding why the Salvadoran company he works for decided to expand to the DR instead of Central America.

He says:

- The DR has an economic growth history unlike other country in Central America.
- The DR has political stability that few countries in Latin America can compare with (he also noticed that few Dominicans are aware of this.)
- The DR has a set of very modern regulations and a legal framework in favor of the development of the Dominican stock market, something that other countries in Central America don't have. (As much as some don't want this to be so, another example of the Dominican government creating the basic conditions for the development of a sector, in this case the Dominican stock market. Central American governments is a perfect example where the government isn't sticking in nose to favor the growth of a sector, hence they didn't invest there.)
- His company already had relations with several Dominican companies prior to deciding investing in the DR.


Btw, the Dominican stock market and the new ways of financing companies and new projects since the government put in place the necessary regulations and legal framework to favor its growth, it has been growing at a faster rate than just about anywhere else in Latin America.


Mar 13, 2017
Very interesting to hear Gerardo Recinos (Salvadoran) regarding why the Salvadoran company he works for decided to expand to the DR instead of Central America.

He says:

- The DR has an economic growth history unlike other country in Central America.
- The DR has political stability that few countries in Latin America can compare with (he also noticed that few Dominicans are aware of this.)
- The DR has a set of very modern regulations and a legal framework in favor of the development of the Dominican stock market, something that other countries in Central America don't have. (As much as some don't want this to be so, another example of the Dominican government creating the basic conditions for the development of a sector, in this case the Dominican stock market. Central American governments is a perfect example where the government isn't sticking in nose to favor the growth of a sector, hence they didn't invest there.)
- His company already had relations with several Dominican companies prior to deciding investing in the DR.


Btw, the Dominican stock market and the new ways of financing companies and new projects since the government put in place the necessary regulations and legal framework to favor its growth, it has been growing at a faster rate than just about anywhere else in Latin America.
one thing I can rest assured that is not changing at a fast rate is education and respect for others and morals