Rocky's Bar.....Sruck By Lightning !


Jan 25, 2008
Rocky you are the best and i miss you!!
now if you can come to Calgary and help me set up my wireless to my wii's only minus 30 here!! not that cold i'll make sure i have a parka and muklucks!! and i'll even let the car warm up(minimum 2 hrs and half a tank of gas) but you are worth it!!

I'm kinda on a jamaica kick right now, but DR is not far from my mind!! thinking maybe a week in October when charters start up again...

just wanted to say hi, and i miss ya!!


Jan 2, 2002
I bet the computer techs in sosua area hate rocky. if I were him, i would walk on the streets with a bodyguard. The dominican techs in north coast sucked so badly that i was forced to learn about pc repairs all by myself. I started out from scratch and now I believe I know more than many techs in this country (excluding rocky of course). Like marc, I also love to fix pcs and make them better. Unlike rocky's (marc) situation, mine went out of control. My friends and then their friends began to bring in their equipment with all sorts of problems (virus etc). At first I did try to accommodate all of them, then it became ridiculous. i would organize their pc, make it faster and put in nice programs plus movies and music. But as the pc would land in their hands, they would let everyone play with it, install all sorts of junk on it, download music from limewire and install a few viruses in the first day. Install memory usb sticks of anyone full of viruses and then to top it all off, leave all sorts of junk in the hard drive that didn't need to be there in the first place. They simply knew, AZB (the sucker) will spend 3 days on it and then give it back to them in fresh state. They would be in a bar or laying on their bed and call me "is it fix yet?" while I am working like a sucker for free. I put a stop to it a long time ago. Now I am a bad guy for not helping people.
But I must give kudos to rocky for having such high level of patience and the unconditional love for helping his friends.