Salami Anyone??

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I just wanted to share a little secret to you all on this cloudy day. It has been a long time since i have eaten Salami...

Aaaand there is a very good reason for it. Now- i do understand someone among us here on this board loves the dominican culture so much that they are going to eat salami no matter what- but those out there with mental capacity ask your self a little question: Why is it so we see so much salami on "oferta", especial after this tasty video was shot with a secret camera?! Hmmm?

Enough talking: Let the fun begin.

Salami con mierda.mp4 - YouTube


New member
Apr 10, 2012
I love salami frita. But how come i never find hair in it? I guess i will stick to tocineta for awhile. I did buy the wrong salami one time and it was definitely not as good as the other. I still have no idea which one is the good one and which one is the bad one. Interesting and sick post ratt.


Feb 7, 2013
All industrial meats are processed similarly. All are subject to contamination. Personally, I love the nasty bits of an animal scraped together with some herbs and spices and jammed into an intestine. That nasty pink slime isn't salami. I ate spam as a kid and loved it. Underwood deviled ham and potted meat on a cracker with my grandpa...take me back for one snack with him. Andrew Zimmerman from the travel channel wouldn't touch that nasty stuff. I can gnaw on a bone and delight in crispy fish skin. I can't look at the stuff. I don't know whats worse, the fried end piece with the disgusting fat nodule at the end still sporting the crinckle from that packaging that looks like a particular part of anatomy. We've all got em, and opinions too. But the worse thing is to see them all piled up in the store, warm. just nasty and gross.

so what did I have for dinner? a mixed dozen raw oysters! Blue Point and Wellfleet. Nobody has ever looked at an oyster and found it unappetizing. snark, snark


Sep 27, 2006
i come from a communist country. the biggest hit of my childhood was stewed chicken hearts and stomachs. i have seen the process of sausage making starting from the slaughter of a pig to smoking the meats in a special house in the garden. i have seen how morcilla is made and i still love it. not having much made me appreciate all the stuff miesposo frowns upon: chicken feet, mondongo, chicharon. as a kid i went to the local factory of paprykarz (basically minced fish with tomato sauce and rice, in a can) and i saw it made. heck, we all participated in the production process by spitting inside vats with the mixture (12 year olds are dumb like that). i still like the stuff.

dominican salami, however, tastes like s**t. i am not so concerned about what's in it, i just do not like it much unless fried to a crisp. occasionally, however, i indulge in a piece of "ham" we buy as a treat for our animals. at 50 pesos a pound it's cheaper than salami but it has some normal taste of cheap, processed meat product.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
The "$HIT" in Dominican Salami is added separetly!
THAT is not a FOOD processing video.
Could be how start making some dried feed for animals.
That's how "Mad Cow Disease" spread around Europe.
Where is THAT MACHINE???
I'd love to let my wife get a closer look!
MUCH Closer.
An INSIDE VIEW, if you will!!!!
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