Lesley D said:
The only reason why the poll received so many hits is because of the comments that ensued not because the poll was of any value.
Now instead of brushing it off explain what the purpose of the poll is?
Normally polls serve to inform and then provide a solution based on the results. Not to insult.
Those who see this poll as amusing is it safe to say the male version is to follow?
I fully agree with MQ's last two posts.
1. This post certainly met it's goal, which was to get people to share their opinions based on a confidential vote.
2. The purpose of the poll is to give people a chance to vote on this subject and see where they stand in comparison to other DR1ers.
3. Normally polls are based to inform and provide a solution. Sometimes, polls are made to see where a person is in regards to his/her opinions vs those of his/her peers or in this case DR1 members. And some other times, polls are done just for fun.
NEVER are polls done to insult. As for why some people got insulted, I can only speculate it has to do with the way they equate the screenname NALs, which creates some sort of feeling or expectation in the mind of the person prior to them reading what I had to say. Such thing helps a person take such poll and get insulted and/or regard it as unfavorable based on the speculative expectation if they have a negative expectation or feeling prior to reading what I have posted vs what has actually been said by me on the poll itself.
Under such circumstances, people will see this post in the manner it was not meant to be seen and in the end, I end up being the "evil" one, if you will. Many people on this forum have a tendency to respond to me rather than to what I have said, I'm used to this by now but it would be nice if people would simply respond to what I say and not to who they think I am and/or what they think my motives are. 9 out of 10 times, the average DR1er is completely wrong in their assumptions.
4. I was going to create a male version, but if people are this sensitive to anything I have to say (or sensitive to me) than I will stay clear from such thing, unless of course anyone wants me to do such thing. If so, PM me with that or any other suggestion for a poll.
Lesley D said:
Again women are the target of ridicule in this forum and it's shame that people fail to realize it.
This was not an attempt to ridicule all women, but it says alot about how people react to this particular subject, depending on who says it.
Other members on this board have said much worst things, perhaps even intentionally, and I seldom have witness them go through such "treatment".