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On Vacation!
Jun 12, 2004
With that notion....

Mirador said:
Interesting, however it is worth pointing out that the clinical studies on STROMECTOL were for the treatment of strongyloidiasis (an intestinal parasitic infection) and onchocerciasis (a filarial parasitic disease which leads to a condition known as river blindness), not scabies. Also, I understand the usual therapy involves the ingestion of only one single dosis, or at most two single dosis, of 100 to 200 mg. The OP mentions that he is on the third consecutive day of treatment with the drug, for a condition which the drug was not designed to treat...


All I can write is that I agree. This drug is not intended to be taken in three consecutive doses.

Again, if it isn't it should be printed out clearly on how to take these drugs right on the side of the bottle.


New member
May 19, 2005
I just don't get some people

Mirador said:
Dr. Kevorkian? How about a second opinion...


While I'm sure we can all appreciate your words of "wisdom" ,but the negative connotation is not necessary nor appreciated. We are all adults here and I would like to think that we all have the common sense of researching and seeking a medical opinion before ingesting anything into our bodies.-Give people some credit Mirador!


New member
Jul 21, 2006
My child got some worm infections 2 weeks back and I had to take her to a doc. He consulted ehr well and prescribed STROMECTOL aand I came home wondering if the medication is appropriate. As strangely I had enever heard about it I came on the net and started doing some ggood research and there are so many good reviews on I bought it from an online pharmacy where the price of drugs are affordable ( as you can see when you click on STROMECTOL above). Now my lil baby is doin fine and hope you all are doing great too..the medication worked miraculously!! ;)


Jan 2, 2002
Back to old topic, Scabies.
if you get these mites on your skin in Dom rep, the do the following:
wash all bed sheets and towels and clothes. Then take a steam iron and iron the pillows and mattress to kill off any bugs and their eggs. Iron the sofa and cushions. Iron your girlfriend too if she is with you. hahaha me make joke.
Now go to your near by pharmacy and buy whats called, DUAL SHAMPOO, a small medicated lotion/shampoo. Rub it all over your skin and face, head except eyes. Do the same to your partner and let it dry and then go to sleep. After 8 hours, simply shower with soap. Your scabies are gone.


On Permanent Vacation!
Apr 15, 2004
AZB said:
Back to old topic, Scabies.
if you get these mites on your skin in Dom rep, the do the following:
wash all bed sheets and towels and clothes. Then take a steam iron and iron the pillows and mattress to kill off any bugs and their eggs. Iron the sofa and cushions. Iron your girlfriend too if she is with you. hahaha me make joke.
Now go to your near by pharmacy and buy whats called, DUAL SHAMPOO, a small medicated lotion/shampoo. Rub it all over your skin and face, head except eyes. Do the same to your partner and let it dry and then go to sleep. After 8 hours, simply shower with soap. Your scabies are gone.

I would not recommend DUAL SHAMPOO, it includes an organochlorate pesticide (Lindane), which like DDT is extremely toxic.


Sep 17, 2004
The medication of choice in 2006 is Permethrin cream 5%. Lindane products are still used, and are no doubt cheaper. Same procedure as described by AZB. Obviously, to kill the mites, it has to be toxic, but this is a much safer product.

The laundering of bedclothes and treating of matresses and pillows are essential AFTER the treatment, not before. You can do before as well, but it really isn't necessary. If you don't do it after, any mites that jump off before they get a toxic dose can hang out in the sheets and jump right back on after you've showered off the chemical.


Jan 22, 2004
I have had two experiences with scabies. The first time I did not treat for a few months and eventually went to see my doctor who suggested I use a product here in Canada called Nix. It worked well after a second treatment.

Last winter I again was infested and, as I recognised the symptoms I immediatly used a product called Elimite (5% Permethrin). Worked very well and quickly.


May 3, 2002
This little monster has found its way into our home. I and my daughter are infected. My wife had it a little but then it disappeared. This little bastard is nasty. He has tortured me. I have tried Permethrin twice, Lindane once, and have taking one dose of Ivermectrin. I still feel that these critters are on my skin. I still see new red bumps that were not there before. I am especially concerned about my daughter. Although I have self medicated I will send her to doctor right away having just now discovered that she is infected.

Any advice on treating a 4 year old would be appreciated. Not that I don't have absolute confidence in the doctors...wink wink.

I have read so much about this thing and often the information is conflicting. One says, hot water not necessary and another says very hot water.

One says they die within hours when not on body and another says they can live for 48 hours. So, I'm thinking we go to hotel for two nights and then return.

One says can get from animals and another says no. So which is it. I don't want to be constantly gettiing this from our dog.


Sep 27, 2006
gotta say, man, i feel my skin itches now! ech, the power of autosuggestion....


May 3, 2002
I think the soap thing sounds logical....applied for 7 or 8 days. Idea being to prevent them from jumping back on you long enough to break their reproductive cycle. Cleaning the home and vehicle is fine but you never know for sure that you have killed them all. Yet if everyone in your home is using the soap for that length of time the mites would not want to jump back on you. They then die for lack of having a host. Sure hope it works that way. Hope it isn't something about this house or my help or my dog.


May 3, 2002

Someone on here said the dose is 200mg. This pharmacist gave me an ivermectrin pill..........Calox. But it is only 6mg. He said to take 2.5 the first 15mgs. Then take same again in 2 weeks. So I did. But now thinking he didn't know what he was talking about.

I had a funny experience. Went in one farmacia. And they proceed to pull out about 8 different items that are used to treat this. So I say to them...okay okay...what should I use. I want a solution. The girl hands me 4 different items.......2 were lotions, one was an antibiotic, and another was a shampoo. Total cost was around 3000RD. I had to laugh and walked out.

So how much of this Stromectol should I take. And for this kind of thing I'm not going to go sit in a doctors waiting area while he is off to his 3 hour I'm self medicating...which I have been doing for the most part for the last 5 years while living here. Just tell me how much of this Stromectol I should take. Please don't overdose me....I'm not that bad of a person.

Herb Al

New member
Aug 4, 2006
I was in the DR in September. Started itching end of October. Still itching. It was over a month before the doctor finally diagnosed me as having scabies.

I have taken 3 doses of stromectol in the past two weeks, all as prescribed by a dermatologist. The first dose was 6 of 3mg 18mg. 200mg is an insane amount.

The third dose was 8 of these pills, so 24mg. That night and much of the next day I had swollen lymph glands, a known side effect of stromectol.

I'm still itching, but now that I read how long the itching can last after it's gone, I'm a little more confident that the mites are dead and I will be ok soon. It's just frustrating not really being able to tell if the itching is because it's not gone, or is the common itching after it's gone.

Anyway, hope that dosing info helps...

p.s. - I'm not a doctor, of course. just telling you what I was prescribed.

I'm going to do some epsom salt and diluted vinegar baths over the next couple days just to make sure. Steam ironing the pillows and mattress, too - that's a great idea I hadn't thought of. I did wash (with bleach) my sheets, mattress pad, and pillowcases..and turned over the mattress.


Dec 1, 2006
Everytime I go to the RD I come back with bite marks that itch like crazy!!! They never go away but they really don't spread either. They look like mosquito bites.



Nov 26, 2014
I hate scabies...... Most doctors will have you use the treatment (Permethrin cream) once a week for 2 or 3 weeks depending on how long he thinks you've been exposed. I also took an oral treatment as well (Ivermectin) because I had been exposed for quite (5 mths) or so. Make sure the Dr. confirm that he saw mites or their eggs. With scabies you have to be real careful. I was breaking out on my stomach in a rash and it would go away a day or so later as well as on my arms. My Dr. pinched my skin and sent it off to the Pathology lab and it came back that I had eczema. I was applying the ointment daily for what I thought was "eczema" however I would still itch like crazy throughout the day and chronically at night. My Dr. insisted that scabies would not cause me to break out in rash/bumps my stomach and goes away. I went back to the Dermatologist and this time both Drs. came in to treat me. Scraped some skin and found eggs. I was highly ****ed off because all along I was telling my Dr it was scabies, I read up on so much on the internet. They gave me both treatments I mentioned above and I haven't had a problem since. I used the Permethrin once a week for 3 weeks and took the oral treatment twice. I washed everything (EVERYTHING) once a week for 3 weeks as well. Cover couches, computer chairs, any house shoes and soak hair brushes and combs in hot water for atleast 20 mins. I also still recommend you put things in the dryer again before wearing them. Some ppl may think this is overboard, but to successfully killed those things you have to do that. I don't ever want to go through that chronic itch again, waking me up every other night, itching in public any and everywhere. Spending over hundreds of dollars on Eczema lotion and all that. I used to always wonder why I can't control the itch.
If you are having those types of problems, itching around your wrist, pulse bumps in between your fingers, itching on your neck, thighs, behind ankles and knees and tip of your elbows and especially the lower buttock area (oh my god) Get to a Dr. somewhere and stop trying these home remedies because they do not work!!


Jun 11, 2010
In addition to the above treatment, it is advisable to also shower using sulfer soap...leaving yourself covered with the soap for a few minutes and then rinsing off thoroughly. You can get sulfer soap at La Serina supermarket and some pharmacies.


Nov 21, 2004
I didn't wade through the whole set of posts from 2006, but there certainly was a lot of nonsense (as is not uncommon on DR1) posited. 'Eggs in the liver?' Someone is thinking about Leishmaniasis perhaps.

A usual authoritative source on infectious disease is CDC.

CDC - Scabies



Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Lots of good info, lots of not-so-good info, and now I feel itchy after reading it.

I will say that Parry is right about washing and drying EVERYTHING - when I worked at a school we gave those instructions to parents when their kids had scabies or lice. And we recommended buying the OTC spray to spray things that couldn't be washed and dried [bed frames, etc.]

Very old thread.

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