Scuba diving certification...


Nov 17, 2014
i do not want to start a separate thread about it since you guys are talking about the usage and maintenance of snorkeling/diving/swimming equipment...

i have a quick question. i am swimming using cheap snorkeling mask (i use contact lenses and don't want to lose them or get eye infection). after maybe 15 minutes of swimming the mask gets a bit foggy. is there anything to keep the mask clean all the time? should i invest in a better one? if yes, what would you recommend, seeing that i will likely only use it in pools, shallow water?

diving course is one of my dreams but unfortunately i cannot swim all that well and would probably pee my pants from fear in the open ocean too... on the other hand i did one diving trip in sosua and it was fun, i did not pee and i was even worse swimmer back then. so maybe i have a chance :)

New masks have residue from manufacture on them. 1st thing is to clean it off using toothpaste. A little toothpaste on the inside of each lens, use your finger to rub it it round for a while, then rinse off well (toothpaste stings in your eyes).
Then each time you use it, so it into each lens and a quick, very light rinse in the sea water, like just dunk it. The starch in your spit stops it fogging. Alternatively, if you don't like spitting, then you can buy mask anti fog.


Sep 27, 2010
A drop of baby shampoo on the inside of the mask before use.Smear it around then a rinse should do the trick.

If that doesn't work there are special products but washing-up liquid is as good as any but can sting if you don't rinse well,


Sep 27, 2006
thanks guys. just to clarify that i swim in the pool so dipping in sea water is not doable in this case. but my SIL (whose pool i use) has offspring so baby shampoo is available :) spitting does not gross me out, i will try that as well and let you know what brought best results.


Nov 17, 2014
thanks guys. just to clarify that i swim in the pool so dipping in sea water is not doable in this case. but my SIL (whose pool i use) has offspring so baby shampoo is available :) spitting does not gross me out, i will try that as well and let you know what brought best results.

Doesn't have to be seawater, whatever you are in is fine. Just a case of a quick rinse.

The important bit with any mask is the initial cleaning with toothpaste.
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Jul 4, 2016
We had great time with Vietnam Active - Adventure Company and Dive Center. All Equipments are clean and well-functioning. I also could not comfortably put my head under the water. But thanks to our instructor who help him and I decided it was also time to kick this fear of water once and
for all.


Brain Donor!
Jan 12, 2016
We had great time with Vietnam Active - Adventure Company and Dive Center. All Equipments are clean and well-functioning. I also could not comfortably put my head under the water. But thanks to our instructor who help him and I decided it was also time to kick this fear of water once and
for all.

Vietnam Active. Are they on the North Coast?


New member
Jul 25, 2024
Dominican Republic
  1. Saliva Trick: Before you put on your mask, spit into it and rub the saliva around the inside of the lens. This creates a thin film that can help prevent fogging. Rinse the mask with water before putting it on.
    1. How it Works: Spit Clearing Your Mask -
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    2. The science of spitting in your mask - British Sub-Aqua Club
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  2. Baby Shampoo: Put a drop of baby shampoo into each lens, rub it around, then rinse it out thoroughly with water. The shampoo leaves a similar film to saliva.
    1. How to Stop Your Mask Fogging | Dive HQ New Zealand
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  3. Anti-fog Spray or Gel: These products are designed to prevent fogging. Apply them according to the manufacturer's instructions. They can be found at most dive shops or online retailers.
    1. The Importance of Anti-Fog Spray and Masks - Z Clear
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  4. Proper Fit: Make sure your mask fits snugly and isn't too tight. A loose mask can let warm air escape, causing the lens to fog.
    1. 6 Tips for Preventing Foggy Glasses While Wearing a Mask - Healthline
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  5. Avoid Touching the Lens: Touching the inside of the lens can leave oils from your skin that contribute to fogging.
    1. How to Clean and Take Care of Swimming Goggle Lenses – FORM - FORM Swim Goggles
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If you continue to have issues with fogging, you may want to consider investing in a better mask. Look for one with a double-paned lens, which helps to insulate the air inside the mask and prevent fogging. Even for shallow water and pool use, a mask with good anti-fog features can make a big difference in your comfort and enjoyment.
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